Judy Courtney

참여 작품

율리스 골드
손녀딸들과 벌을 치며 외롭게 살던 월남전 퇴역군인 율리시즈 잭슨(피터 폰다)이 위험을 극복하고 가족애를 찾아가는 내용. 율리는 아내가 죽은 후 마음의 문을 닫는다. 아들 지미(탐 우드)가 감옥에 가고 며느리는 가출하면서 가정은 엉망이 된다. 하지만 아들의 부탁으로 가출한 며느리를 찾아오고 함께 약물중독을 치료하며 가족에게 닥친 위험을 극복해 나간다. (최은영)
Without Evidence
It is based on the true story of Michael Francke, who was the Head of Corrections for the state of Oregon before being murdered. Just before his murder, Francke visits his brother and informs him of a drug ring involving his prison colleagues. When Michael is killed, his brother begins his own investigation into the murder, leading him to more lies and deceit.
루비 인 파라다이스
Reeling from her mother's recent death, Ruby Lee Gissing relocates to Florida to start anew. After finding a job at a souvenir store, Ruby becomes friends with the shop's owner, Mildred Chambers, and slowly acclimates to her new surroundings. Before long, she's juggling the affections of Mildred's Lothario son, Ricky, and the good-natured Mike. As she wavers between Ricky and Mike, Ruby also tries to come to terms with her past.
블랙 레인보우
마르다는 어릴 때부터 신통력을 가진 타고난 영매. 아버지와 함께 지방 교회를 돌며 미래를 예언해주고 돈을 벌어 살아간다. 어느 날 마르다가 예언한 살인이 실제로 일어나자 기자와 경찰, 그리고 누군가에게 고용된 해결사 킬러가 마르다를 추적한다. 피살자는 화학공장의 근로자로 당국의 안전감사 직전에 피살되어 신문기자 개리는 점점 의혹을 갖는다. 그러나 와인버그 경감은 악덕기업주 사일러스에게 매수되어 수사는 하지 않고 도리어 정보를 제공해주다 나중에야 수사에 나선다. 마르다는 또다시 있을 화학공장의 사고와 죽음을 예언하고, 그 또한 적중하자 그때까지 마르다의 신통력을 믿지 않던 개리도 킬러의 이름을 알려달라고 애원한다.
Milly is annoyed whenever her mom tells her to behave more appropriate for a girl. She's just not interested in fancy dresses or prom dances. Some day her best friend's little brother offers her a potion which can make her deepest wish come true during a solar eclipse. She goes through with it and ends up with male genitals, additionally. So she has to decide if she wants to life as boy or girl. Her father, who always wanted a son, supports her in checking out life as a boy. Hence Milly changes school and starts out as Willy.
How to Be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days
A kid strives to be perfect, and in the end realizes that individuality is more fun.
Broken Promise
A juvenile court services director strives to fight the odds following his promise to a resourceful 11-year-old to keep her and her four younger brothers and sisters together as a family after their parents abandoned them, despite a bureaucrat's insistence that it is impossible to locate a single foster home for all five.
The Jilting of Granny Weatherall
Granny Weatherall (Geraldine Fitzgerald) is a spunky old lady of eighty who bosses around her doctor and her children. She seems so strong and in control, and yet she has never had the upper hand in her destiny. One morning, a flood of long-forgotten memories bring her to the realization that of all her accomplishments, she cannot console herself for the shame-filled day she was left standing at the alter. Still, her indomitable will to live and act independently infuses the last day of her life. Adapted from the short story by acclaimed writer Katherine Anne Porter ("Ship of Fools"), The Jilting of Granny Weatherall reminds us of the plight of many women who wait for life to claim them, rather than seek life out for themselves.