Nora Waldstätten

Nora Waldstätten

출생 : 1981-12-01, Vienna, Austria


Nora began acting in television and film while she was a student at the Berlin Arts University, where she graduated in 2007. She won the Bunte Magazine "New Faces" award for best young German actress in 2009, and received the Max Ophüls Prize for "Most Promising Actress" in January 2010. Nora is a descendant of the famous Martha Elizabeth, Baroness Von Waldstätten, who was Mozart's patroness and protector. The Baroness facilitated Mozart's wedding to his beloved Constanza over his father Leopold's objections, and later became a character in the Austrian musical "Mozart" by Michael Kunze. - IMDb Mini Biography By: Aaron Williams

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Nora Waldstätten
Nora Waldstätten
Nora Waldstätten
Nora Waldstätten
Nora Waldstätten
Nora Waldstätten

참여 작품

Elisabeth Mayerhofer
Trouble is brewing in idyllic small-town Bavaria. Not so much because the village’s well-known webcam girl was murdered, a case Franz Eberhofer investigates in his usual laid-back manner, but more because now, of all times, his pushy yet always helpful partner Rudi is stuck in a wheelchair after an accident for which, of course, he blames Franz. The tension rises when Rudi settles in on the farm, expecting round-the-clock care from Franz.
프리 컨트리:살육의 땅
Katharina Kraft
1992년, 경찰인 마르쿠스 바흐와 패트릭 스테인이 막 통일된 독일의 동독 지역, 외딴 마을에서 10대 자매 실종 사건을 조사한다. 자매는 다른 젊은이들처럼 서독의 베를린으로 향한 것으로 추정되는 가운데, 마을 사람들은 실종자 찾기에는 관심이 없고 모두 무언가를 숨기고 있다. 마을 사람들의 거짓말과 음모를 헤치고 범인을 찾는 일은 점점 힘들어진다.
Elisabeth Mayerhofer
When a hilariously dull policeman moves in with his best buddy in Munich, he has to deal with scandals, a corpse — and potential marriage.
Elisabeth Mayerhofer
In the morning after a wild marriage between two police officers Franz Eberhofer finds himself woken from heavy-armed special forces, who arrest him because of suspected murder. His boss, inspector Barschl, was found dead, killed by Franz' knife in his back - furthermore he and Franz were known in the whole village as archrivals. Franz is lucky that his father can testify an alibi for him, so that he is released again. Together with his friend and colleague Rudi Birkenberger they try to prove his innocence and to find the true murderer. However, there are more Problems to be solved: like Paul, his grandma's young love, or his girlfriend Susi, who pushes for marriage.
Mata Hari – Tanz mit dem Tod
Elisabeth Schragmüller
In 1916, the officer of the German secret service Elsbeth Schragmüller trains the end-of-career exotic dancer Mata Hari as secret agent. Schragmüller has finally an ear directly in the influential circles of Paris, while Mata Hari can uphold her mundane life despite lack of engagements. Both have great hope for this intelligence mission.
Allmen and the Pink Diamond
Die Firma dankt
Just now, Adam Krustenstern was the recognized head of the development department of his company, but it was taken over by a global player. A wave of dismissal swept away most of his colleagues. But Adam was invited to the company's guesthouse for a weekend. It seems to be about his professional future. But target agreements or requirement profiles are not mentioned. For relaxation and holidays. But also from Challenge and High Engagement. Adam is under pressure to prove what he can do. But whom? And how? Nothing of what he has represented so far seems to mean something.
와일드 마우스
Kings should be treated courteously! At least, that's what famous music critic Georg thinks. But he finds himself counting pennies when his chief editor suddenly fires him from the Viennese newspaper for which he has been writing for decades. While keeping his dismissal a secret from his psychotherapist wife Johanna, whose mind is occupied solely by getting pregnant, Georg begins to plot his revenge.
퍼스널 쇼퍼
Kyra Gellman
프랑스 파리에서 퍼스널 쇼퍼로 일하는 미국 여자 모린. 영혼들과 대화할 수 있는 능력을 가진 그녀는 최근 쌍둥이 오빠의 죽음으로 힘겨운 시간을 보낸다. 그러던 어느 날, 정체를 알 수 없는 존재로부터 의문의 메시지가 들어오는데… “난 널 알아, 너도 날 알고, 내 정체가 안 궁금한가?”
The Dark Side of the Moon
A psychedelic mushroom trip turns a successful lawyer into a wanted man.
Life Eternal
Dr. Irrsiegler
Brenner returns to Graz, the city where he grew up. When confronted with his old friends, his former girlfriend and the major sin he committed when he was young, murders and a fateful gunshot to the head result. After Brenner comes out of a coma, he begins to search for the person who tried to kill him - however, everybody claims that he himself is responsible. In the beginning Brenner was at the end of his rope, but he could face a new beginning in the end.
The Lies You Sleep With
Rita was always the richest, prettiest and most spoiled of the five friends. She always had everything under control. Even back then, at the time of the "incident." Now, years later, she's in charge once again. Her plan is to surprise her friends with a weekend in her family's remote and secluded hunting lodge. A spoiled and bitter young woman, she knows the power she wields. If she wants them to laugh, they laugh; if she wants them to forget the incident that is their dark and private secret, they must remain silent. With plentiful schnapps, uninvited guests and pent-up recriminations on the verge of explosion, the emotional turmoil inside the lodge is more violent than the storm brewing outdoors… Charlotte, the doubter, is no longer willing to ignore the past, and seeks atonement. Then Rita is found murdered. They know that one of them did it – and that they all had good reasons to do so.
클라우즈 오브 실스마리아
Actress in Sci-Fi movie
연상의 상사인 ‘헬레나’를 유혹해 자살로 몰고 가는 젊고 매력적인 캐릭터 ‘시그리드’ 역으로 단숨에 세계적인 스타가 된 마리아 엔더스(줄리엣 비노쉬). 그로부터 20년 후 마리아는 자신을 톱 배우로 만들어 준 연극의 리메이크에 출연 제안을 받지만, 그녀에게 주어진 역할은 주인공이 아닌 나이 든 상사 ‘헬레나’다. 리허설을 위해 알프스의 외딴 지역인 실스마리아를 찾은 마리아는 관객들의 기억 속에 영원히 ‘시그리드’로 남고 싶다는 욕망에 사로잡히고, 잔인하고 이기적인 ‘시그리드’보다 솔직하고 인간적인 ‘헬레나’가 더 매력적이라 주장하는 매니저 발렌틴(크리스틴 스튜어트)과 끊임없이 충돌하는데... 급기야 ‘시그리드’ 역을 맡게 된 할리우드의 스캔들 메이커 조앤(클로이 모레츠)의 젊음을 동반한 아름다움마저 질투하기 시작한 마리아. 과연 그녀의 무대는 무사히 막을 올릴 수 있을까?
Die Spiegel-Affäre
Elke Maria Carlsson
Under the slogan of the arms race of the superpowers, which escalates in the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 and brings the world to the brink of nuclear war, two exemplary post-war male figures challenge an almost archaic feud: Defense Minister Franz Josef Strauss and journalist Rudolf Augstein.
The Lies You Sleep With
Rita was always the richest, prettiest and most spoiled of the five friends. She always had everything under control. Even back then, at the time of the "incident." Now, years later, she's in charge once again. Her plan is to surprise her friends with a weekend in her family's remote and secluded hunting lodge. A spoiled and bitter young woman, she knows the power she wields. If she wants them to laugh, they laugh; if she wants them to forget the incident that is their dark and private secret, they must remain silent. With plentiful schnapps, uninvited guests and pent-up recriminations on the verge of explosion, the emotional turmoil inside the lodge is more violent than the storm brewing outdoors… Charlotte, the doubter, is no longer willing to ignore the past, and seeks atonement. Then Rita is found murdered. They know that one of them did it – and that they all had good reasons to do so…
옥토버 노벰버
는 도시와 농촌의 삶 사이에 놓인 긴장을 테마로 한 이야기이다. 확연하게 대비되는 환경에 놓인 두 자매가 영화의 주인공이다. 도시와 농촌, 부와 가난, 자유와 구속의 대비. 베를린에서 영화와 TV 배우로 남들이 부러워하는 인생을 사는 소냐는 일상에 공허함을 느끼고 늙은 아버지의 병간호를 하면서 시골에서 사는 언니 베레나를 찾는다. 한때 번성했으나 지금은 퇴락한 호텔 식당을 운영하는 베레나는 지적인 시골의사 안드레아와 불륜 관계이다. 소냐가 당도하면서 적막한 시골집에 작은 변화들이 생기기 시작하고, 자매들 사이의 긴장이 증폭된다. 소냐와 베레나는 외견상 상반된 인생을 살고 있지만, 그들 각자의 비밀을 가지고 있다는 점에서 한 통속인 인물들이다. 오스트리아를 대표하는 거장 괴츠 스필만은 헤어져 살아온 가족들의 단란한 재회 뒤에 놓인 서릿발 같은 대립을 파헤친다. 장애와 비밀을 내장한 구성원들 사이의 관계를 다룬 여느 가족드라마들처럼 는 가족들 간의 상처와 애증, 화해를 이야기한다. (2014년 15회 전주국제영화제/ 장병원)
해적왕의 황금나침반
바닷가의 작고 평화로운 마을에서 휴가를 보내기로 한 조지, 줄리안, 딕, 앤과 똑똑한 애견 티미. 호기심으로 섬 탐험에 나간 아이들은 바다 깊은 곳에 잠들어 있던 해적선을 발견하게 되고, 보물이 있는 위치를 알려주는 해적왕 외팔이 테드의 나침반을 찾게 된다. 한편 900년간 아름다운 자연을 간직했던 이 마을은 초호화 리조트의 주인 헤인즈의 계략으로 사라질 위기에 처하고, 아이들은 새로 사귄 친구 조와 함께 신비의 섬 노테카로 보물을 찾아 떠나는데… 그들은 과연 위기에 빠진 섬을 구할 수 있을까? 신비로운 섬에서의 새로운 모험은 지금 시작된다!
The Tragedy of a Simple Man
Woyzeck takes psychotropic drugs and punishes himself physically. He has no choice. It's his living. With what he earns selling his body and by working in a restaurant and in subway tunnels, he just about makes ends meet. Coming home to his wife Marie and his infant child, he’s an impotent wreck -- and definitely unable to afford the earrings he sees Marie wearing one day. She’s frustrated and the jewelry is a gift from the local pimp. Woyzeck wasn't supposed to find out. But he has. Plagued by voices, he loses his already weak grip on reality. He retreats into the tunnels with Marie and the baby. There Woyzeck is the master of life and death.
Magdalena Kopp
1970년대 냉전시절 대형암살과 테러사건으로 유명한 희대의 테러리스트 카를로스 더 재칼에 대한 일대기 영화. 그는 1994년 수단에서 체포돼 프랑스에서 종신형을 살고 있는 현존 인물. 영화는 끝이 없는 투쟁의 소용돌이에 휩싸이게 된 한 인간의 삶을 조명한다.
Nadine Joris
The story of a seemingly settled bank employee who breaks the shackles of his everyday life and becomes a wanderer between worlds. Frederik is an up-and-coming young bank employee who lives an ordinary life. When a bank customer, whom Frederik has denied a loan in the face of the bank crisis, shoots himself in front of Frederik, he snaps. Together with ex-con Vince,he begins to live out a new, dark side of himself. He robs his rich bank customers' homes and gives the money to the needy. The initial rush of crossing social boundaries soon develops into an addiction to ever greater thrills.
Kate von Kraj
16세기 루마니아, 아름다운 외모와 막강한 부로 권력의 중심에 있었던 백작부인 엘리자베스 바토리(줄리 델피). 다른 귀족들의 질투로 고립된 삶을 살던 어느 날, 그녀는 파티에서 만난 젊고 매력적인 귀족 청년 이스트반(다니엘 브륄)과 운명 같은 사랑에 빠지게 된다. 그러나 그와의 사랑이 깊어질수록 그녀는 점점 늙고 추해지는 자신이 불안하기만 한데… 한편, 바토리의 숙적인 튜르조 백작(윌리엄 허트)의 계략으로 이스트반은 그녀를 떠나게 되고 그 사실을 모르는 채 그가 떠난 이유가 자신이 더 이상 아름답지 않기 때문이라 생각한 그녀는 깊은 절망에 빠진다. 우연히 하녀의 피로 자신의 얼굴이 더욱 젊어진 것을 느낀 바토리는 처녀의 피만이 자신의 젊음과 아름다움을 유지할 수 있는 유일한 방법으로 여기게 되고 본격적인 처녀 사냥을 시작하는데….
Amira, an aspiring young dancer, is cast out of her uncle's home in Tangiers when she refuses to either get married or become a housemaid. She finds refuge in the apartment of some girlfriends who earn their living as prostitutes. Pia and Tom, a young German couple, have come to Morocco seeking musical inspiration. When they meet her in a nightclub, Amira's sensual dancing inspires the thought of a potential love triangle that might help stimulate Pia's stagnant relationship with Tom. Amira, with ulterior motives, embraces the idea of an affair with Tom, hoping this might provide an opportunity to change her fate.
Meine fremde Tochter
Sophie Bergkamp
My foreign subsidiary: TV-drama about a retired civil servants (Götz George) who wins a new relationship with his unloved son by the sudden death of his daughter.
I Am Guilty
Katja Fichtner
Armin Steeb is adrift: just finished with school, living with his middle-class parents, clueless about finding work. He tries connecting with a girl, he engages in risky sex with strangers in public toilets, he goes to job interviews. He also sends an anonymous letter to a local Munich newspaper, claiming responsibility for a fatal road accident. He fitfully pursues notoriety as he goes through life nearly without affect. What will it take to get Armin to smile?
Jargo is a German teen brought up in Saudi Arabia. Moving to Berlin, Jargo maintains his Arabian clothing until he encounters a similar aged German Turk Kamil and here begins his introduction into the world of juvenile cool (read delinquency). He then has to decide which girls he likes while being pressured by his father to get laid.