Ma Yin-yin

Ma Yin-yin

출생 : 1988-08-25, Kunming, Yunnan, China


Ma Yin Yin is a Chinese actress and singer.

프로필 사진

Ma Yin-yin

참여 작품

Record Without Words
In the early 1990s, "Public Order Defence Squads" in China — usually made up of discharged military personnel, unemployed young adults and local hooligans — were supposed to maintain public order in villages and towns. Most of the time, however, they ended up dealing with all sorts of mundane matters in their towns. The story begins with a mysterious case of serial dog killings. LI Lizhong, leader of the local defence squad, starts an investigation into the case, following a set of strange clues and studying them using piecemeal knowledge of primitive criminology and ichnology. After a string of hijinks, the squad catches the dog killer. However, the evidence also shows that the case is closely related to the accidental death of Lizhong’s father.
Who is Sleeping in Silver Grey
Cheng Die
Cheng Die is a young music teacher living in a small town. Following an affair with a married man, she loses her job and has to leave town. She finds herself on an isolated island whose inhabitants cannot speak and where nothing is what it seems. She gets immersed in a dreamy experience.
무명지배 : 대환장 특수임무
Zhao Hongxia
시내에 있는 휴대폰 가게에서 총기 강탈 사건이 벌어지고 그 범인들은 가기라는 여자의 집에 침입하여 몸을 숨긴다. 평소 죽고 싶던 가기는 죽이고 나가라며 범인들을 협박한다. 예전 경찰을 도우며 살아가다 한 번의 사고로 몰락한 마선용은 경찰의 도움이 되고자 백방으로 노력하지만 하는 일마다 꼬인다. 불꽃놀이가 벌어지는 서산 대교에서 조직폭력배와 학생들 간에 패싸움이 일어나고, 총기를 찾으러 갔다가 구급차에 실리게 되고 그곳에서 총기 강도 사건의 범인들을 마주한다.