Krzysztof Pakulski

참여 작품

Himilsbach. Prawdy, bujdy, czarne dziury
Director of Photography
Musisz żyć
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
For Example, 9 Grzybowska Street
Director of Photography
Documentary about three inhabitants of Grzybowska street in Warsaw. Their statements, photographs and film footage reveal the characters' relationship to their place of residence, describing the "here and now" of the Poles.
The Happy Life of Benedykt Jerzy Dorys
Director of Photography
Made just before the protagonist's death, Maria Kwiatkowska's film is a documentary portrait of one of the most outstanding Polish fashion and portrait photographers, Benedykt Jerzy Dorys. The co-founder of the Union of Polish Art Photographers talks about his artistic path and his personal life.
십계 4편 : 부모를 공경하라
대학생 앙카는 아버지 미할이 숨겨두었던 돌아가신 어머니의 편지를 발견한다. 이 편지를 읽은 앙카는 미할이 자신의 친아버지가 아니란 사실을 뒤늦게 알게 된다. 앙카는 이 문제를 두고 미할과 길고 진지한 대화를 나눈다.
I Love Cinema
Director of Photography
The manager of a small provincial cinema finds her lost son, and he tries to save the movie theater.
Teenager pretends to be mentally ill to get away from a reformatory.
맹목적인 기회
Director of Photography
우연한 사건의 한 인간의 삶에 엄청난 영향을 끼칠 수 있다는 이 영화의 철학적 암시는 암시의 명확성만큼이나 보편적이다. 하지만 이 영화는 영화를 특별하게 만드는 중심 인물에 대한 키에슬로브스키 감독의 진지한 접근방식을 보여준다. 1980년대와 90년대 폴란드의 상징적인 배우인 보그스와브 린다가 연기하는 주인공은 세 가지 다른 양상의 인생 속으로 내동댕이쳐진다. 하지만 주어진 상황과 무관하게 주인공은 항상 정직하고 선한 태도를 보인다. 키에슬로브스키 감독은 도덕의 상대주의를 피하고, 처한 상황에 따라 인간의 행동이 좌우되기보다는 그 인간이 가진 원래의 본성이 인간의 행동을 좌우하는 가장 중요한 요인이라는 점을 강조한다.
Przez dotyk
Two women meet in the hospital.
I Like Bats
Izabella, a beautiful young woman, works at her aunt’s shop in a small town in Poland. She uses her hands to create unique small objects for the shop, but in the night she has the strange habit to feed bats.
This Youth of Ours...
Director of Photography
"Piwnica pod Baranami" - this legendary literary cabaret group celebrated its 30th anniversary in 1986. The jubilee ball, thanks to the host Piotr Skrzynecki and the invited artists, turned into a night of magic.
How An Opener Works
Director of Photography
A portrait of a working man - Stefan Piętowski, a craftsman who, at the age of 85, sums up his professional life. In order to do so, he organizes "The History of One Working Life" exhibition.
The Weather Forecast
The setting is an old age home run by an aging director with an authoritarian hand. In the evening many of the residents huddle in a living room, penetrated by the October cold, to listen to the news. The announcement is giving the number of expected deaths due too the coming harsh winter. In the middle of the night a truckload of coffins arrives to be stored. Dicovering the coffins the elderly assume they are marked for liquidation and they flee en masse. The next day their exodus is dicovered and the director calls the authorities. It turned out that the coffins were the overproduction from a coffin factory and were brought only for temporary storage. The panic search for the pensioners begins, including helicopters. In the meantime the group gets transported to another part of the country by a truck. They take over by a near-empty restaurant, where after mistreatment by a waiter, they tie him up and move on. A lone fisherman invites them into his house where, after initial ...
Director of Photography
Who are you?
Director of Photography
The film doesn’t have any commentary. It presents pictures illustrating the history of Poland in chronological order: portraits of rulers and magnates, historical events, such as uprisings, but also balls, hunting, concerts, from the Middle Ages to the present day. In just twenty and a few minutes, the exhibition's message was captured - the heritage of the centuries and the image of the historically changing Polish identity.
어느 짧은 근무일
Director of Photography
어떤 큰 지방 도시에서 가격 급등이 파업을 촉발한다. 시위 노동자들은 지역 공산당 당사 밖에 집결하고 그 지역의 공산당 서기는 이 상황을 모면할 방법을 찾아야 한다. 이런 응급 상황을 수도인 바르샤바에 보고하지만 상부는 묵묵부답이다. 그 사이 시위는 점점 더 과격해진다. 시위 노동자들이 공산당 당사에 불을 지르기 시작하고, 공산당 서기는 현장에서 몸을 피한다.