Andy MacDonald

참여 작품

투 트러블
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
어린 시절부터 만나온 네 명의 친구 더굿(Thurgood/Sir Smoke-a-lot: 데이비드 차펠 분), 스카 페이스(Scarface: 구일러모 디아즈 분), 브라이언(Brian: 짐 브로어 분), 케니(Kenny: 하랜드 윌리암스 분)는 성인이 되어서도 한 집에 살며 마리화나를 즐긴다. 어느 날, 마리화나에 취한 채 저녁 식사 준비를 위해 가게에 들렀던 케니는 길가에 서 있는 비쩍 마른 말을 보고, 음식을 나눠준다. 그런데 허겁지겁 받아먹던 말이 갑자기 쓰러진다. 심한 당뇨병에 시달리던 말이 갑작스런 당분 섭취로 급사한 것이다. 이 말은 경찰마였고 케니는 경찰 살해 혐의로 현장에서 체포된다. 감수성 예민한 유치원 교사였던 케니는 이제 꼼짝없이 감옥에서 인생을 보내야 할 처지다. 케니를 구할 수 있는 방법은 보석금 10만 불을 마련하는 것 뿐이다. 10만 달러를 만들 궁리를 하던 나머지 세 명의 친구들은 더굿이 청소부로 일하는 약품 연구소에 상당한 양의 마리화나가 있는 것을 알게 된다. 연구소 내 마리화나를 훔치기로 한 세 친구들은 가벼운 속임수로 약간의 마리화나를 수중에 넣게 된다. 그리고 더굿과 친구들은 돈을 벌기 위해, 마리화나 배달 판매를 시작한다.
Maternal Instincts
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A pregnant doctor's life is made hell by the deranged patient to whom she gave a hysterectomy, without the patient's consent.
Dead Ahead
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A family's camping trip turns into a nightmare when a gang of bank robbers forces the son to guide them through the wilderness to a secret airstrip. Armed only with a hunting bow, the boy's mother, who is a skilled archer and survivalist, tracks the men, determined to do anything to rescue her son.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Jealous Jokester
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Attorney Bill McKenzie takes the case when his niece is framed for the murder of a popular and demanding sitcom star.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Grimacing Governor
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The alleged suicide of a gubernatorial candidate triggers a series of mysterious deaths leading to the governor's mansion, and "Wild" Bill McKenzie, a friend of Perry Mason, is on the case.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Lethal Lifestyle
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A former associate of Perry Mason returns to handle the defense of a world-class chess player accused of murdering a prominent TV personality.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Wicked Wives
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Anthony Caruso, an old friend of Perry Mason, comes to Denver on the request of Dee Morrison. She's married to famed photographer David Morrison, who wants to shoot a photo featuring his former models. The tricky thing is that all of his former models are also his former wives. But Dee knows Anthony can convince them to do it which he does. And David shoots them. Later Dee catches David it what appears to be in an inappropriate situation with his assistant. They have an argument and she leaves. Later David is found dead and she's arrested and Anthony defends her. And he suspects it could have been one of the wives
Perry Mason: The Case of the Killer Kiss
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
On the set of a popular daytime soap opera 'Mile High', actress Kris Buckner is being forced off by co-star Mark Stratton. When she says that she'll 'kill him before she leaves the show', she makes herself the prime suspect when Stratton is murdered by someone poisoning him. As an old friend, Perry Mason comes to the help of Kris and agrees to defend her. Meanwhile Ken goes in search of information with the help of fan of the show.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Telltale Talk Show Host
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Dr Sheila Carlin is good friends with Della who calls Perry in when she is being pestered by someone. On the theory that it could be somebody that she works with at a radio stations she arranges Perry to be interviewed by Winslow Keene who is also the station's owner. Winslow enrages the rest of the talk show hosts on the station by informing them of changes that he is making to their time slots. That night, Winslow is shot by a hit man hired by someone at the station and Sheila is set up for the murder. She calls in Perry and as usual Perry, Della and Ken swing into action to find out who really did it.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Skin-Deep Scandal
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The owner of a cosmetics company is unveiling a new cream which she claims she's been using. She's been keeping her age a secret and now reveals that she's 60 and owes her appearance to the cream. She's later killed and the formula missing. Her husband is arrested and Perry defends him.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Heartbroken Bride
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Perry Mason is invited to the marriage of the daughter of an old friend of his. But after the ceremony the uncle of the bride is dead. Certainly this is a case for Perry Mason.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Reckless Romeo
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sleazy talk show host Ted Mayne writes a tell-all book, which enrages and embarrasses several very prominent women. One of them, actress Roxanne Shield, loses her composure during an interview and winds up making a televised death threat. Of course, when Ted is murdered, she is arrested. Witnesses claim they saw Roxanne outside his apartment that night and police later find the murder weapon in her car. Renowned defence attorney Perry Mason accepts the challenge of defending her in court.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Desperate Deception
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Perry Mason ventures to Paris to defend a U.S. Marine Corps Captain accused of murdering a man suspected of being a Nazi SS Officer.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Poisoned Pen
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The chief suspects in the murder of an author are the numerous colleagues whom he continuously plagiarized.
Perry Mason: The Case of the All-Star Assassin
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A hockey player of friend of Ken Malansky's is accused of murdering a team owner. Perry takes the case.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
LA의 고지식하고 교과서 타입의 형사 조 프라이데이는 동료들 사이에서 별로 인기가 없어 모두들 파트너 되길 꺼린다. 페이건이라는 사이비 종교집단이 LA 도처에서 강도짓을 벌리자, 개넌 반장은 조에게 수사을 맡기고 새 파트너 팹 스트리벡을 정해준다. 마약 단속반에서 온 스트리벡은 재치있고 민첩해, 고지식한 조 와는 대조적이지만 묘하게도 잘 어우러져 페이건 사건을 추적한다. 이 단체에 몰래 숨어 들어간 이들 두형사은 희생당할 뻔한 코니를 구출 그녀로부터 페이건 집단의 괴수가 바로 매스컴이 영웅처럼 떠받드는 월리목사란 사실을 알고 그를 체포한다. 하지만 월리는 워낙 영향력 있는 인사이기에 오히려 조가 해고를 당한다. 조를 격려하는 스트리벡, 드디어 결정적인 순간을 포착하는 데...
해리와 바바라
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
공군 조종사 출신이자 성공한 사업가인 해리 미첼은 아내인 바바라 몰래 시니라는 젊은 여자를 만나고 있다. 어느날 해리는 아내에 대한 죄책감으로 괴로워하다가 결국 시니와 헤어질 결심을 한다.
마지막 과학 숙제
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Michael and Ellie break into a military junkyard to find a science project for Michael's class, and discover a strange glowing orb which absorbs electricity. When the orb begins to blend past, present, and future, its up to Michael and Ellie to stop the orb and save mankind.
The Hunter
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
During his long career, bounty hunter Ralph "Papa" Thorson has caught over 5,000 criminals. Now, while he is working on apprehending fugitives in Illinois, Texas and Nebraska, he himself is being hunted by a psychotic killer.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
태평양 한복판의 절경의 화산도 갈라래우에서 물려받은 유산으로 유지급에 해당하는 스팽글러(제임스 프란시스 분)는, 섬의 개발을 목적으로 세계적인 호텔왕 셸비(윌리암 홀든 분)의 양녀와 정략 결혼을 한다. 이어서 갈라래우, 길모어 호텔을 세우고, 동업자 행크(폴 뉴먼 분)와 함께 석유 채굴을 하게 된다. 유전에서는 드디어 원유가 치솟아 호텔 개업식을 앞둔 갈라래우는 축제 분위기에 휩싸인다. 그러나 행크는 화산 폭발 위험 때문에 유전을 포기할 것을 설득하지만 스팽글러는 막무가내였다. 와중에 옛 애인 케이(재클린 비셋 분)와 바닷가에서 즐거운 한 때를 갖는 행크. 드디어 화산은 거대한 폭발을 시작하고, 일대는 아수라장이 된다. 헬기에 의해 대피하여 탈출에 성공한 사람들은, 스팽글러의 말에 넘어가, 무너지는 호텔과 운명을 함께하는 이들의 마지막 모습을 지켜보고 있었다.