A blind teacher who lives alone must fight for her life when a volunteer guide helping her complete tasks using a mobile app, spots something or someone in the live camera feed.
After gym enthusiast Julia accidentally brings home a deadly spider hidden in a bunch of Bananas, little does she know her relaxing evening plans are just about to be ruined. As the deadly spider pursues Julia through the house and into the bath - Julia is paralyzed by the deadly bite of the spider and can only sit motionless as the spider looks for the perfect dark area to hatch its eggs. - her mouth.
Fifty years of marriage. Fifty years of love and happiness. Fifty years of lies. When Walter steps on a live land mine in a remote field in England, he finds himself at the mercy of his wife Diane, who has recently unearthed a deadly secret buried in their past. As the tension mounts and truths are unraveled, Walter and Diane's relationship speeds towards an explosive climax.
Supervising Art Director
It's washing day for Abigail. With no one around she can finally get round to doing her dirty laundry. That is until she hears a whistle, and when you hear a whistle you better get out the basement...
Script Supervisor
It's washing day for Abigail. With no one around she can finally get round to doing her dirty laundry. That is until she hears a whistle, and when you hear a whistle you better get out the basement...
Sound Designer
It's washing day for Abigail. With no one around she can finally get round to doing her dirty laundry. That is until she hears a whistle, and when you hear a whistle you better get out the basement...
Lighting Supervisor
It's washing day for Abigail. With no one around she can finally get round to doing her dirty laundry. That is until she hears a whistle, and when you hear a whistle you better get out the basement...
It's washing day for Abigail. With no one around she can finally get round to doing her dirty laundry. That is until she hears a whistle, and when you hear a whistle you better get out the basement...
It's washing day for Abigail. With no one around she can finally get round to doing her dirty laundry. That is until she hears a whistle, and when you hear a whistle you better get out the basement...
It's washing day for Abigail. With no one around she can finally get round to doing her dirty laundry. That is until she hears a whistle, and when you hear a whistle you better get out the basement...
It's washing day for Abigail. With no one around she can finally get round to doing her dirty laundry. That is until she hears a whistle, and when you hear a whistle you better get out the basement...
It's washing day for Abigail. With no one around she can finally get round to doing her dirty laundry. That is until she hears a whistle, and when you hear a whistle you better get out the basement...
Parkour Zombie
멀지 않은 미래, 인간의 스트레스를 원천적으로 없애줄 차세대 행동 촉진제 ‘RAK-295’의 개발에 성공한 거대 제약회사 ‘엔젠(N-GEN)’社의 대표 ‘피터 화이트’는 3만명에 달하는 사람들을 대상으로 임상실험을 진행 중이라는 사실을 신약발표회에서 발표하고 본격적인 생산 준비에 들어간다. 그러나 제약회사의 발표와는 달리 임상실험에 참여한 대부분의 사람에게서 심각한 부작용이 발생하게 되고, 비정상적인 세포조직의 변화까지 관찰되기 시작한다. 이러한 상황에 대한 비난 여론이 확산되자 ‘엔젠’社는 임상실험 결과 부작용이 발생하지 않은 유일한 인물인 ‘안젤라’라는 여성을 찾아 사태를 수습하기 위해 보안팀장 ‘콜’을 급파하여 그녀의 위치를 파악하고자 한다. 도시 곳곳에서 임상실험에 참여했던 사람들이 비정상적인 모습으로 변해 사람들을 공격하기 시작하자 ‘콜’은 이제 ‘안젤라’를 찾아 그녀의 혈청을 얻는 것만이 인류를 구할 수 있는 유일한 길임을 깨닫게 되는데...