A 2020 English-French language comedy film directed by Marco Carmel, starring Angel Bonanni, Moris Cohen and Nelly Tagar.
A young woman attends an art opening, desperately trying to fit in. She puts on audio-guide headphones and observes the exhibit. Suddenly, the narrator starts giving her wild instructions until she does the unspeakable.
Liran and Tali, a couple in their thirties who dream of having a child together, are one day told that they will have to undergo fertility treatments. What seems simple at first turns out to be very complex.
Nana Milch-Kotler
Two Israeli sisters delve into the dark mystery of their father’s former life in Poland during World War II.
저질체력+예민, 우울보스 성격 때문에 사랑하는 여자친구 '노아'에게 차인 '대니'. 그녀를 잊지 못하고 상심에 빠져 자실 시도를 하던 ‘대니’는 숨겨진 파워와 함께 자신이 로봇임을 알게 된다. 이윽고, 연락 두절된 '노아'가 납치됐단 사실을 알게 된 ‘대니’. ‘노아’를 구하러 가던 그는 의문의 닌자 로봇들로부터 습격을 당하는데… 전쟁 로봇 '대니'의 여친을 구하기 위한 예측불허 여정이 시작된다!
After a rare diagnosis, Lily's attempts to flee from war torn Israel are thwarted when the airport shuts down and her zany cousin forces her to party.
여자들도 군복무를 해야 하는 나라, 이스라엘. 군대 전역 날만을 기다리는 베스트 프렌드 ‘다피’와 ‘조하’는 오늘도 사무실에서 지뢰찾기 게임을 하며 의미 없는 나날을 보내고 있다. 이 힘들고 지루한 군대 생활을 견디기 위해‘다피’는 사막 부대를 벗어나 도시의 본부로 옮기기 위한 계획을 짜고 ‘조하’는 부대에서 생애 첫 남자친구를 만들기로 한다. 과연 이들의 소원은 이루어질까?
The film tells the story of a sensitive and complex relationship between a mother and her ailing son. Like in Hans Christian Anderson's fairy tale "The Loveliest Rose in the World" where a prince must search for a rose to save his mother, who is dying in bed, "Tied Hands" sees a reversal of roles as a desperate mother goes out to find marijuana, to ease her son's pain. In her, turbulent journey in the streets of Tel-Aviv, old truths from her past come back to life and threaten to break down a wall of denials behind which, she's been hiding all her life.
Sarai Golden
Sarai Golden sets out on a mission to change her fate. She will do whatever it takes to land a job she is considerably under qualified for. Even if it means she does it in a not so conventional manner.