Janklovics Péter

Janklovics Péter

프로필 사진

Janklovics Péter

참여 작품

Zöld Stand-Up – Est a fenntarthatóságról
Bűnös Város
Kaszáló ember 1.
The Land of Glory
Principal Takáts
In the midst of chaos caused by the visit of the Prime Minister to an ordinary school in Hungary, one of the schoolgirls, Márti, hesitantly prepares her little rebellion
주피터스 문
뒷돈을 받으며 수용소에서 난민을 빼내주던 부패한 의사 '스턴'. 어느 날, 부상을 당한 시리안 소년 '아리안'에게 중력을 거스르는 특별한 힘이 있다는 것을 알게 된다. '스턴'은 국경에서 헤어진 아버지를 찾아주겠다고 돕는 척 하며 '아리안'의 신비한 능력을 자신의 돈벌이에 이용하는데… 과연 소년은 인생에 희망을 가져다 줄 천사일까? 아니면 그를 추락시킬 악마일까?
Haunted Holiday
The title of this Hungarian comedy is a German pun on "room for rent" (Zimmer Feri). Near-broke and desperate, Hungarian entrepreneur Feri decides to put a sleazy spin on tourism. After leasing a Lake Balaton boarding house, he moves in his gang -- wife, nephew, daughter, and the daughter's boyfriend -- and then sets out to scam unsuspecting German tourists. Written and directed by Peter Timor (Dollybirds). This film is also known as Feri's Gang. ~ Bhob Stewart, Rovi
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