Linda Brännström

참여 작품

첩보원: 독일군 잠입작전
Foley Artist
독일 나치군에 맞서 국경 경비를 지키던 스웨덴의 83부대는 예기치 못한 사고로 적군을 도발하게 된다. 일촉즉발 위기 상황! 최악의 사태를 막기 위해 스웨덴 최정예 스파이들이 은밀한 잠입 작전을 시작한다.
Lapland Odyssey
Sound Editor
Lapland Odyssey is a comedy about Janne, a man from Lapland in northern Finland, a man who has made a career out of living on welfare. Inari, his girlfriend, is tired of Janne's incapability of getting a grip on life, Janne wasn't even able to buy a digital TV box that Inari had given money for. Inari gives an ultimatum: a digital box needs to arrive by dawn or she leaves. Janne sets out into the night with his two friends to find a box. On their way to the city of Rovaniemi, Janne and his friends face many challenges, obstacles and temptations. They learn that they need to be daring. There's no room to give into bitterness. The most important thing isn't success, but rather the journey in itself.
Sound Editor
Travelling across vast swathes of the Scandinavian hinterland, the life of the herdswoman is under threat from the ruthless global appetite for resource.