Matti Carlson

참여 작품

State Zero
In the near future, the capital of Sweden has turned into a post-apocalyptic wasteland. we join four soldiers on a routine mission in 'zone 3', with the assignment to investigate an old surveillance tower that just went offline.
Something Must Break
Foley Artist
When Sebastian meets Andreas for the first time, he knows they belong together. While Sebastian defies gender norms — flouting convention in his androgynous fluidity — straight-identifying Andreas becomes unable to accept his attraction to another man, as their relationship progresses. Struggling with his identity, Sebastian becomes increasingly determined to become “Ellie,” even if it means walking away from Andreas.
첩보원: 독일군 잠입작전
Foley Artist
독일 나치군에 맞서 국경 경비를 지키던 스웨덴의 83부대는 예기치 못한 사고로 적군을 도발하게 된다. 일촉즉발 위기 상황! 최악의 사태를 막기 위해 스웨덴 최정예 스파이들이 은밀한 잠입 작전을 시작한다.
Incident by a Bank
Boom Operator
Incident by a bank is a detailed account of a failed bank robbery: A single take where over 90 people perform a meticulous choreography for the camera. The film recreates an actual event that took place in Stockholm in June 2006.