Kitana Baker

Kitana Baker

출생 : 1977-07-15, Anaheim, California, USA


Miss Baker was born on July 15, 1977, in Anaheim, California, and raised in Riverside, California, the younger of two children. Her older brother has been her biggest influence in life, teaching her snowboarding and soccer at a young age, sports she continues to enjoy to this day. She also liked more girly pursuits as well, such as ballet and tap dancing. A good student, she graduated from high school a year early as an A student, then pursued an Associates in Science from a local junior college. Wanting to get into show business, and with a love for performing in front of an audience, Kitana began working as a showgirl in local clubs, eventually winning Local Showgirl of the Year 1998 and National Showgirl of the Year 1999 awards along the way. She also began modeling, posing for various magazines and web sites, and caught the attention of Playboy magazine in February 2001. Playboy hired Miss Baker to work on a TV show for their network called 'Strip Search' and featured her in 'Playboy's College Girls', 'Playboy's Wet & Wild' and 'Playboy's Book of Lingerie' special edition books, as well as their 'Playboy's College Girls' calendar, where she was Miss December. The producers of the show 'Night Calls 411' took an interest in her, and given that she already worked for Playboy - the channel that airs the 'Night Calls' show - signed her on immediately, and she's been on every episode since. She also continued working on other projects for Playboy, including videos and regularly appearing on other shows on the network. In the summer of 2002, it was announced that Brooke Burke would be giving up her hostessing duties on the E! show 'Wild On'. Feeling that she would be a perfect fit for the travelogue/bikini-oriented show, Miss Baker tried out for the job and ended up as one of the twelve finalists in the 'Wild On! Wild Off' contest. Though the hostessing role ultimately went to Cindy Taylor, E! was impressed enough with Miss Baker to feature her in segment of the show taped in San Diego, for the episode titled 'Wild on Wants You: The West Coast,' and returned again to take part in 'Wild On! H20.' Wanting to make her way into a more mainstream acting career, Kitana began taking acting lessons at the South Coast Repertory in Costa Mesa, California, and has landed several roles in both independent feature films and a few major ones. She can be seen in the opening trailer for Auto Focus (2002) a film starring Willem Dafoe and Greg Kinnear, and has a small role in the Universal film _Intolerable (2003)_. Also, Miss Baker has been seen in television shows such as 'Fast Lane', 'Big Shot', 'The Test' and 'The Man Show', where she appeared in two skits ('Bosom Springs' and 'Women in Sports'). She can still be seen live each month on 'Night Calls 411' every second and fourth Wednesday. Other projects she's been involved with include performing in music videos by artists such as Tommy Lee, Sugar Ray, Offspring, Moby, Brian McKnight, Shaggy, Mack 10 and DragPipe. Kitana also plans to continue modeling for the time being.

프로필 사진

Kitana Baker

참여 작품

Private Places
(archive footage)
With neighbors like these, who needs the internet? Neighbors get naughty at this apartment complex that’s packed with Peeping Toms. And in this veritable Valhalla of voyeurs, they’re getting it all on video. Jeanie (Mia Zattoli) is an amateur videographer who prefers to capture her subjects in their raw and natural state, but will her curiosity get the better of her and land her hot new friend (Regina Russell) in the hot seat? Meanwhile, all around them, the tempting tenants of the tawdry tower exercise their exhibitionist endeavors while exorcising their erotic energies, immediately exporting their intimate images to the internet. But, will fame and fortune find these fornicating filmmakers before it’s too late?
White on Rice
Lingerie Saleswoman
40-year-old Jimmy is growing up, or at least he's getting older. While mooching the upper bunk of his ten-year-old nephew's bed, he enjoys the never-ending generosity of his sister Aiko, and dodges the wrath of his impatient brother-in-law Tak. He thinks that if only he could get married all his problems would be solved. But when he falls head over heels for Tak's niece things only go from bad to worse.
The lives of a nightclub owner, a crime boss, a stripper, a bartender, two hitmen, a prostitute and a psychic take a turn for the worse when they are trapped in an escaped mental patient's sinister path of madness and destruction.
My Best Friend's Wife
College buddies Dirk and Carl share more than just memories in this sexy tale of erotic desire! When Dirk returns from Las Vegas with a new wife that he's only known for twelve hours, Carl is amazed at his friend's stupidity - and turned on by his hot choice, Sammy. Determined to help his friend out of a sticky situation Carl pushes the two to annul the marriage and at the same time lays the groundwork for Sammy to go with the one real man for her...
Incident at Loch Ness
When renowned director Werner Herzog and fellow filmmaker Zak Penn set off to explore the legend of Scotland's Loch Ness monster, they uncover much more than they bargained for. Unexplained sightings of the creature and chaos among the crew create an uneasy feeling that things aren't what they seem.
Windy City Heat
A man caught up in the glamor of being a Hollywood celebrity has no idea that the production he's in is a fake.
참을 수 없는 사랑
Santa Fe Tart
모든 것을 갖춘 로스앤젤레스의 이혼 전문변호사 마일즈 매씨(조지 클루니 분)는 감탄할만한 고객 리스트와 화려한 승소 경력, 존경 받는 지위, 그리고 누구도 막을 수 없는 성공에도 불구하고 인생의 갈림길에 서게 된다. 계속되는 성공에 넌더리가 나고 삶이 지루해질 무렵, 그는 새롭게 도전할 만한 거리를 찾게 된다. 마일즈는 매력적인 마릴린 렉스로스(캐서린 제타-존스 분)를 만나면서 일대 변화를 겪게 된다. 그녀는 부유하고 멍청한 남자들만 만나 결혼하여 이혼한 뒤 위자료를 챙기는 매력적인 여자로, 부유한 부동산 개발자이자 상습적인 바람둥이인 렉스 렉스로스(에드워드 허만 분)와 이혼 소송 중에 있다. 그녀의 남편은 마일즈를 변호사로 선임하게 된다. 그녀는 사립탐정 거스 펫치(세드릭 더 엔터테이너 분)의 도움으로 렉스의 부정을 낱낱이 캐내어 두둑한 위자료로 경제적인 독립을 이룰 생각을 하고 있었지만, 마일즈의 놀라운 능력 덕분에 그녀의 계획은 완전히 망가진다. 마릴린은 완패를 면하기 위해 계획적으로 서둘러서 석유 부호 하워드 도일 (빌리 밥 쏜튼)과 결혼한다. 마일즈와 그의 침착한 동료인 리글리(폴 아델스타인 분)는 자신들도 알지 못한 채 깊은 수렁으로 빠져들면서 마침내 마릴린과 대접전을 벌이기에 이른다. 그러던 중 마릴린과 마일즈는 남녀 간에 생길 수 있는 성 대결이 시작되고, 서로 공격하면서 그에 따르는 갖가지 비밀 공작과 속임수가 총동원되면서 전면전으로 치닫게 되는데.
Playboy: Sizzling Sex Stars
The hottest sex stars are gathered together for a wild and spectacular Playboy celebrity photo session. We've got behind the scenes footage, intimate interviews and a look at their lives in their homes, off the set, and more
WWE Wrestlemania XIX
Kitana Baker (Catfight Girl)
WrestleMania XIX was the nineteenth annual WrestleMania. It was presented by Snickers Cruncher and took place on March 30, 2003 at Safeco Field in Seattle, Washington. A record-breaking 54,097 fans from all around the world resulted in a gate attendance grossing US$2.76 million. The tagline for WrestleMania XIX was "Dare To Dream". The official theme song for the event was "Crack Addict" by Limp Bizkit. Limp Bizkit performed the theme song live, as well as "Rollin' (Air Raid Vehicle)" during The Undertaker's entrance. The main match on the SmackDown! brand was Kurt Angle versus Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship. The main match on the Raw brand was the third Wrestlemania meeting between The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin. The predominant match on the Raw brand was for the World Heavyweight Championship between Triple H and Booker T. Other matches on the undercard included Shawn Michaels versus Chris Jericho and Hulk Hogan versus Vince McMahon in a Street Fight.
Hip-Hop Honeys: Tasty Flavors
Game Girl
Screens sizzle and speakers blast as the most beautiful women of the hip-hop generation party--uncovered and uncensored. Exotic models of all shades groove to blazing beats from the best producers in hip-hop. Join rap superstars Nelly, Snoop Dogg, Nore, Fat Joe, Juvenile, Trick Daddy, Master P and more as they celebrate funky beats and sexy thrills with 16 of the most gorgeous Game Girls in the universe!
오토 포커스
Schmile Girl
헐리우드의 유명한 라디오 토크쇼의 호스트였던 밥크레인. 출연하기로 되어 있던 호건의 영웅들이 취소된 후 로는 그는 존카펜터와 어울리며 섹스에 탐닉하게된다. 그들은 여자들과 관계할 때 홈비디오 카메라 앞에 서게 만들었고 그렇게 섹스에 빠져들수록 연기와는 점차 멀어지게 된다...
The Model Solution
Jack's modeling agency has been losing its ground lately. His ex is running a competitive business and they both want the hot Rebecca to sign with them. He must also deal with his demanding tycoon dad and a secretary who wants him.
스콜피온 킹
Barbarian Woman (uncredited)
5000년 전, 악한 통치자 멤논은 소수 민족을 말살하고 새로운 제국을 건설하려 한다. 자신에게 주어진 운명이 소수 민족들을 정복하여 새로운 제국을 건설하는 것이라 믿는 멤논은 그의 강력한 군대와 마법사의 예지를 이용해 모든 사막과 평원을 차례차례 정복해 나간다. 그에게 굴복하는 종족은 노예가 되었으며, 반항하는 종족은 무참히 몰살을 당했다. 생존을 위해 각 유목민 부족들은 하나로 뭉치게 되고, 멤논에게 대항하고자 한다. 멤논 군대의 마법사가 신통력으로 미래를 볼 수 있으며, 그 환상에 따라 공격을 하여 결코 패하지 않는다는 것을 알게 된 부족 대표들은 그들의 유일한 희망이자 구원의 전사인 마테유스를 악명높은 도시 고모라로 보낸다. 마테유스의 임무는 이 악의 힘을 지탱하는 마법사를 제거하는 것이다. 고모라로 잠입한 마테유스는 곧 이 마술사가 아름다운 여성 카산드라임을 발견한다. 카산드라에게 반한 마테유스는 그녀를 죽이는 대신 납치하여 사막의 불모지, '죽음의 계곡'으로 데려간다. 이에 분노한 멤논은 토벌군을 보내고, 드디어 죽음의 계곡에서 목숨을 건 전쟁이 시작된다. 한편, 카산드라는 그녀의 신통력으로 마테유스가 멤논과의 전투에서 전사하는 환상을 보고 마테유스를 만류하지만, 마테유스는 자신의 운명을 개척하고 지배하는 자만이 진정한 전사라는 말을 남기고 죽음의 계곡으로 향하는데.
Playboy: Roommates
Find out what really happens when gal pals take passionate play to a new level of enticing fun. Stunning and seductive, tempting and wild, you've never seen roommates like these. There's so much action the camera overheats. Nothing is too daring for these naughty nymphs as they bring your hottest fantasies to life.