Seeto Marjaani tells the story of a young woman named Seeto who was married to an elderly man and how her dreams and goals were shattered in a flash. The story illustrates how men still have prejudices against women expressing their opinions and views in public, and how they are suppressed by a male-dominated society.
This is story of father & son set in the early 90's when militant movement in Punjab was on its peak. Amar Singh force his only son Satinder to leave the country since his life was under threat from a corrupt police man from Punjab police but Satinder is not willing to leave his family and his lady love.
주인공 갈립은 트럭운전사인데, 트럭을 운전하면서 대부분의 시간을 보낸다. 카메라가 시각적으로 가장 강조하는 것은 갈릭이 운전석에 앉아서 운전에 열중하는 상반신 클로즈업이다. 트럭운전사라는 직업이 의미하듯이 그는 ‘길 위의 인간’이고, 집이 필요 없으며, 집에 대한 애정도 별로 없다. 그가 어느 날 갑자기 느끼는 등의 통증은 낡은 타이어가 장착된 오래된 트럭 바퀴가 비포장 도로에서 힘겹게 굴러가는 롱테이크로 시각화, 그리고 청각화된다. 그는 트럭을 타고 어디든 다니면서 어디서든지 머물 수 있지만, 다른 한편으로는 트럭의 좁은 운전석에 갇혀서 살 수 밖에 없다.
In 1606, after Shri Guru Arjun Dev's sacrifice, Guru Hargobind adorned the two swords of Miri-Piri and started the crusades against the tyranny of Mughals. This was the time when Saint Soldiers pledged their lives for the protection of all the subjugated communities around them. Dastan-e-Miri Piri is a retelling of this glorious era of the Sixth Sikh Guru Shri Guru Hargobind with the unwavering and loyal assistance of Baba Bidhichand, and takes us back to the time when the concept of Miri-Piri first came into being. The 17th century also marked the construction of the Sikh fort "Akaal Tukht" in Amritsar, the first war fought and won by Sikhs, and many other proud accomplishments.
A film based on the 1921 Nankana Sahib massacre and the events that led up to it.
A woman seeks revenge on those who murdered her family and raped her sister during the riots of 1984.
The movie Leather Life is the story of punjab in 1984-1990. Movie shows that during this era no one was able to speak in front of the politicians and police.
A family living in a Punjab village deals with social and labor inequities until a fight breaks out during a lunar eclipse.
Deze zomer worden de rangers blij verrast met de terugkeer van Alwin. Hij blijkt echter met een reden teruggekomen te zijn, want hij heeft hulp nodig. In India is een kudde olifanten verdwenen en de dorpelingen zijn radeloos. Onmiddelijk besluiten de rangers naar India te vertekken om te kudde terug te vinden. Aangekomen in India blijkt dat de olifanten niet zomaar zijn verdwenen, maar dat ze zijn ontvoerd door ivoorsmokkelaars. De rangers splitsen zich op in twee groepen. De ene groep gaat de jungle in, op zoek naar de olifanten, terwijl de andere groep afreist naar Mombai om het spoor van de smokkelaarste vinden. In hun poging de olifanten te redden moeten de rangers niet alleen de gevaren trotseren, maar belanden ze ook nog in een echte Bollywoodfilm.
The story of Shaheed Baba Deep Singh Ji