Anna Prus

Anna Prus

출생 : 1981-05-21, Zielona Góra, Polska

프로필 사진

Anna Prus

참여 작품

Miłość ma cztery łapy
Being Unlucky Is Not a Sin
303 전투비행단
Jagoda Kochan
2차대전 도중 영국 공군은 초토화되고 희생양으로 외인 파일럿을 받아들인다. 그러나 예상과 달리 그들은 독일 전투기를 족족 격추시키고 드디어 사상 최대의 공중전인 ‘브리튼 전투’가 시작되는데… 역사상 가장 위대한 공중전을 목격하라!
배틀그라운드: 브릿지 전투
다리를 방어하는 임무를 맡은 백전백승의 독수리포대는 다리 근처의 수도원에 숨어 있는 장애아동들을 발견한다. 탱크를 앞세운 독일군의 총공격이 시작되고 다리를 방어하고 장애아동들을 구하기 위한 생존 제로의 불가능한 전투가 벌어지는데… 무공훈장에 빛에는 위대한 승리를 목격하라!
Dzień dobry, kocham cię!
Recepcionist Agata
Szymon Kosowski, a handsome and athletic doctor of one of the private clinics in Warsaw, who is the object of sighs among patients and female staff, especially nurses Pati, notices a beautiful and witty corporate employee and roller lover - Basia, which flows into one of the city's fountains. Soon they both fall in love with each other at first sight. Unfortunately, a series of unlucky coincidences causes them to lose contact. From then on, they do everything to find each other. Meanwhile, Basia catches the eye of playboy, the son of wealthy parents, a friend from primary school - Leon Glec, who received an ultimatum from his parents: he will either get married quickly or be disinherited.
7 Minutes
Seven minutes - sweet moment that can change lives forever. History of several autumn, although extremely hot days in the life of Piotr Winkler (Przemyslaw Sadowski), who in an unexpected way loses control over his stable and secure life. 37-year-old designer, happy husband of Marta (Agnieszka Warchulska) and Agnieszka's father, goes to conference as a substitute for a colleague. There he meets an attractive brunette (Anna Prus), which will soon topple the peaceful, happy world upside down.
Snow White and Russian Red
An aggressive thug has problems with his girlfriend. Over the course of several chaotic days he walks around the hood, takes drugs and confronts himself with other women.
Zofia Nałkowska
Lives of three strangers, each holding a dark secret, spiral out of control. When paths collide, it will either lead to their ultimate downfall or unexpected salvation.