David Mendez

참여 작품

스나이퍼: 특수작전부대
Makeup Artist
중동에 파견 중인 빅터 상사의 팀은 작전을 수행하던 중 테러 조직의 공격을 받아 팀을 엄호하던 스나이퍼 ‘제이크’가 전초기지로 돌아오지 못하고 낙오하게 된다. 빅터 상사는 교전 지역으로 돌아가 그를 구출하려 하지만 대령의 명령으로 중요한 군수품이 있는 수송물자를 찾아오는 작전에 먼저 투입되게 된다. 그곳에서 탈레반 리더의 며느리를 구조하고 빅터 상사는 이를 이용해 불가능에 가까운 위험한 작전을 세우는데…
Key Makeup Artist
A woman experiences spells of astral projection that transport her to the terrifying presence of the demonic entity known as Lilitu.
Winter Light
Makeup Artist
When an aging college professor confronts two hunters trespassing on his property, he begins an escalating battle of wills that will test his faith in everything he holds dear.
Makeup & Hair
Open(adj) Willing to do anything for someone's affection. The Gaze of Cleopatra is an ancient Egyptian relic that has been stolen from the city museum. Said to have mystical powers, it is worth millions. Karma, a gorgeous thief helps Horus, an unemployed man out of a financial dilemma then seduces him in to assisting her retrieve the Gaze of Cleopatra in a lucrative heist that exposes him to a very dangerous underworld. Does Horus have what it takes to survive or is he so 'open' that he may just be a pawn to be used by Karma.
Special Effects Makeup Artist
손자가 납치됐다! 대니 트레조는 혼자서 악당의 무리와 싸워나가는데.. 과연 손자는 찾을 수 있을 것인가!? 멕시코에서 벌어지는 시원한 액션!
Key Makeup Artist
손자가 납치됐다! 대니 트레조는 혼자서 악당의 무리와 싸워나가는데.. 과연 손자는 찾을 수 있을 것인가!? 멕시코에서 벌어지는 시원한 액션!
Gone Missing
Makeup Artist
When two best friends go missing during Spring Break, their mothers do everything they can to find them, while realizing that their different parenting styles may have led to the disappearances.
에이리언 스페이스
Makeup Department Head
우주탐험대 대원들은 우주선을 빌려 '센터리'라는 휴양지 행성으로 떠난다. 잔뜩 들뜬 마음에 그들은 우주선의 속력을 더욱 높이는데 갑자기 높아진 속력으로 우주선은 경로를 이탈하게 되고 무작위로 쏟아지는 운석들에 부딪히는 일까지 겹치면서 우주선의 시스템에 오류가 발생하게 된다. 결국 그들은 근처 소행성에 착륙하게 되고 도움을 청하기 위해 우주선 밖으로 나가 행성을 배회하는데, 갑작스런 외계 생명체의 공격을 받게 되는데...
Holiday Engagement
Makeup Artist
Thirty-something Hillary Burns has spent her life trying to get the approval of her parents, most specifically her judgmental mother, Meredith Burns, thus far without success. Part of that approval for Hillary is to marry the right man. That's why Hillary is so happy that she is engaged to successful lawyer Jason King, who she will bring home to meet the family for the first time at their Thanksgiving get-together weekend in a week's time. However, Hillary's life starts to fall apart when simultaneously she loses her part-time newspaper writing job when the newspaper itself folds, and Jason dumps her as he tries to focus on his career which is seemingly more important to him than Hillary. On the advice of her best friend Sophie, Hillary - who feels she can't go home without Jason, especially as her two sisters' lives seem to meet their mother's approval - decides...