Francine Locke

Francine Locke

프로필 사진

Francine Locke

참여 작품

Calm Before
A Husband and Wife on the brink of divorce are trapped at a Lake House on their anniversary and are forced to confront their demons, both real and imaginary.
Keys to the City
Grace Redding
A widower from Bankhead, Russell Savage, is diligently running to become the youngest Mayor in the history of Atlanta. His opponent is August King, the man who has raised Russell and his brother as his own since they were kids. But when the beautiful Avery Long joins the campaign, Russell finds himself fighting to sustain everything he's worked for including his campaign for Mayor, and his life.
Modern Prodigal
Dr. Elizbeth Chaffin
A hot tip on the deadly drug Fentanyl that's burning through the streets of Atlanta, catapults burned-out reporter Brian Sanderson into the dim, dank underbelly of Atlanta. Estranged from his family, and in the midst of his investigation, Brian learns of his son's murder. As he searches for answers and the son he never knew, questions tear at the fabric of his life, revealing a story of soul-shaking proportions. From the elite power personalities, to the forgotten street people, Brian is led deeper and deeper into a story that will shake the city to its core. Ultimately, Brian makes a decision with eternal consequences as he comes face to face with two men he never knew: himself, and the man who was his child.
다크 케이브
악마의 공간이라 불리는 애팔래치아 광산. 메탄가스 유출로 늘 걱정과 공포에 시달리지만 광부들은 오늘도 기도와 함께 갱도로 들어간다. 본격적인 석탄 채굴과 함께 이상 징후가 발생하고 대피할 시간도 없이 폭발과 함께 무너져버린다. 게다가 침수까지 발생하고 산소는 단 1시간 밖에 없는데… 사상 최악의 광산 폭발 재난, 살아남기 위한 그들의 사투가 시작된다!
Grace and Gravity
An American Christian on a work assignment in the UK must come to terms with his own faith when he encounters a suicidal minister who has lost his faith and is about to leap from a bridge.
An assassin is sent by his psychotic employer, to kill his ex-wife. In his quest to accomplish his task, he becomes familiar with his target, making his mission difficult. Now, he must face the consequences of his actions.
Trew Calling
My name is Trew; this is the story of how I got a visit from the almighty and he asks me to write down everything he says. Its simple He spoke, I freaked, the unbelievable happened.
Christmas Ranch
Mary Evans
A rebellious girl is sent to stay on her grandmother's horse ranch for Christmas. She falls into friendship with her grandmother's pony and becomes determined to help save the ranch from foreclosure.
In Gramps' Shoes
Amy Douglas
After 20 years of praying for his daughter to let him back into her life, a 65-year-old Ty gets his wish when the prodigal requests his help in dealing with a financial bind and her rebellious teenage son. Ty's first encounter with his grandson, whom the grandfather has never met, leads to a challenge for a two mile race that alters the course of life of the young man as well as the grandfather.
Stand Your Ground
Jackie Carpenter
When Jackie Carpenter’s son, Jason, is accused of murder she fights against the odds to free him but when the prosecution seeks a life sentence, both Jackie's and Jason’s world spins into turmoil sending them on parallel journeys of wavering faith and tentative hope. STAND YOUR GROUND is the true story of a cry for justice and of tragedy, trust and triumph.
위험한 청춘
Shower Girl
시카고, 고등학교에 다니고 17세 소년 조엘 굿슨은 원하는 어느 대학에 들어가도 될만한 머리를 가지고 있는 젊은이로, 윤택한 중류계급의 양친에게 있어서는 귀여운 자식이다. 어느날 여행을 떠난 부모가 갑자기 돌아왔고 대소동이 일어난다. 집에는 라나라고 하는 아름다운 창부가 있고 정학을 먹은 친구도 있다. 수습을 할 수 없는 죠엘은 경제적 필요를 쫓아서 갑부가 되어 이방면의 기업가로 변신하는데...
The Sacred Eternal: 1st Movement Overture
The Sacred Eternal is a mini-series about the establishment of a future utopia on Earth.