Vickery Turner

출생 : 1940-04-03, Sunbury, Surrey, England, UK

사망 : 2006-04-04

프로필 사진

Vickery Turner
Vickery Turner

참여 작품

병사의 귀향
세 여인이 한 남자를 사랑한다. 교양있고 아름다운 그의 부인 키티(Kitty Baldry: 줄리 크리스티 분), 사촌지간인 제니(Jenny Baldry: 앤-마가렛 분), 그리고 젊은 날 사랑했던 마가렛(Margaret Grey: 글렌다 잭슨 분). 크리스 대위(Chris Baldry: 알란 베이츠 분)는 끔찍한 전쟁터에서 멀쩡히 살아 돌아오지만 지난 15년간의 모든 기억은 제로인 상태가 된다. 병원에 있다는 소식을 받고는 키티와 제니가 달려가지만 그는 부인을 전혀 알아보지 못하고 그의 사촌인 제니만을 알아본다. 제니가 그에게 그의 부인 키티를 상기시키려 하지만 오히려 그는 젊은 날의 애인 마가렛만을 찾는다. 이에 키티는 크게 상심하지만 그의 기억을 되찾게 해주려고 노력을 한다. 그러나 그러한 그녀의 노력에는 아랑곳없이 그의 사촌 제니에게 마가렛을 만나게 해달라고 부탁을 한다. 한편 제니도 마음속 깊이 그를 사랑하는 마음을 간직한 채 연민의 정으로 바라본다. 그리고 크리스가 마가렛을 만나도록 도와 준다. 크리스는 이제는 초라한 중녀의 여인이 되어 남의 아내가 되었지만 그녀에게 사랑을 느낀다. 또한 마가렛도 크리스에 대해 연민의 정을 느끼고 그의 기억을 되살려 주려고 노력한다. 비록 15년간의 기억은 상실되었지만 그 어느때보다도 행복한 모습으로 그의 생을 즐기는데... 제1차 세계대전을 겪으면서 지난 20여년간의 기억을 상실한 남자와 그를 둘러싼 세 여인(부인 사촌 여동생 젊은 날의 애인) 간의 미묘한 사랑의 심리를 다룬 영화. 잔잔한 영상 속에서 전개되는 심리 묘사와 섬세하게 그려지는 사랑의 여러 유형이 볼 만하고 출연 배우들의 연기가 뛰어나다.
The Good Soldier
Florence Dowell
A romantic tragedy about two turn-of-the-century couples - one American, one British - who regularly vacation together at a spa in Germany.
버뮤다 삼각지
The passengers and crew of a boat on a summer cruise in the Caribbean stray into the famed Bermuda Triangle and mysterious things start happening.
Ruby and Oswald
Wanda Killiem
A dramatic re-creation of the four-day span preceding and following the assassination of John F. Kennedy in November, 1963, drawn from authenticated events and eyewitness accounts.
Trotsky is Dead
'It's as if the revolution was here again. They are storming the Winter Palace on my own doorstep.' In Palmerston Road, Reading, there is a crisis ...
A private eye is hired to follow a mobster's former mistress.
The Mind of Mr. Soames
A 30-year-old man, who has been in a coma since birth, is finally restored to consciousness by a breakthrough brain operation. Although physically an adult, the man is "reborn" in the eye of an infant; the doctors caring for him must teach him to walk, talk and prepare for life in the outside world. Tension builds as he escapes from the hospital, wanders among people who do not realize his identity, and is hunted by the police.
Crooks and Coronets
Two crooks are hired to rob an eccentric old lady's estate, but once they get to know her, they can't bring themselves to do it.
The Year of the Sex Olympics
Influenced by concerns about overpopulation, the counterculture of the 1960s and the societal effects of television, the play depicts a world of the future where a small elite control the media, keeping the lower classes docile by serving them an endless diet of lowest common denominator programmes and pornography. The play concentrates on an idea the programme controllers have for a new programme which will follow the trials and tribulations of a group of people left to fend for themselves on a remote island. In this respect, the play is often cited as having anticipated the craze for reality television.
Prudence and the Pill
Prudence Hardcastle is on the pill. So is her sister-in-law, but someone has been swapping aspirin for their pills. Is it the teenage niece, the maid, the chauffeur, a lover, Prudence's husband Gerald, or all of the above?
In Two Minds
Woman at Rehearsal Room
Kate, a young girl under psychiatric examination, suffers from a lack of confidence, self-esteem and self-control – telling of the “bad Kate” who commits immoral acts. Could the hypocrisy, selfishness and weakness of those around her have led to this state of mind or can Kate simply be diagnosed and dismissed as a schizophrenic?
Stand Up, Nigel Barton
Jill Blakeney
Semi-autobiographical TV play by Dennis Potter, from the BBC's 'Wednesday Play' series. It deals with the experiences of Nigel Barton, a young man from a poor mining community who wins a scholarship to Oxford University. The villagers accuse him of snobbery, while the rich University students treat him like a peasant. Uncertain of which sphere he should be moving in, Nigel tries to reconcile himself with his proud but stubborn father, and also succeed at University, despite its pretentions which apall him.
Up the Junction
The lives and loves of three young working class women, set in the pubs, terraced houses and factories of Battersea, South London.