Liv Bernhoft Osa

Liv Bernhoft Osa

출생 : 1957-03-03,

프로필 사진

Liv Bernhoft Osa

참여 작품

HIM consists of three separate stories in one film. Harald (11) is a boy who constantly falls outside the group. He is not recognized either by friends, school or parents. Emil (30) is unemployed, he is angry and looks down on everyone else. Petter (60) is a Norwegian renowned scriptwriter who wants to make a film about the national hero Fridtjof Nansen. Two men and one boy, one day in Oslo, whom all experiences a social and emotional fall. The film discusses the male role in the contemporary Norway.
애쉬 래드: 트롤의 숲
Narrator (voice)
하는 일마다 사고만 일으키며 '쓸모없는 놈'이라 불리는 '에스펜'은 정략결혼으로부터 도망친 공주 '크리스틴'이 숲 속 고대 전설의 괴물 '트롤'에게 붙잡혔다는 소문을 듣게 되고, 형들과 함께 '트롤'이 살고 있는 산속 깊은 곳으로 그녀를 구하기 위한 위대한 여정을 떠난다. 과연 '에스펜' 일행은 숲의 제왕 '트롤'을 무찌르고, 무사히 공주를 구출해 낼 수 있을까? 전설이 깨어나고, 모험은 시작된다!
파이로매니악: 연쇄 방화사건
노르웨이 핀슬랜드의 한 농장에 살고 있는 19살 '대그'는 지역 소방서장인 아버지를 도와 지역의 크고 작은 화재사건을 처리한다. 그의 주변 사람들은 제대로 된 자신의 직업을 찾지 않는 '대그'를 무시한다. 그럴수록 그는 자신의 분노를 방화로 해소하려 한다. 조용하던 마을은 연쇄 방화사건으로 혼란에 빠진다.
Detective Downs
Rita Stjernen
Detective Robert has his own office, a trench coat, a Bogart hat and Downs syndrome. The only thing he is missing is a case. Then a lady comes to his rescue.
Best friends David and Morten work as gym instructors at Jarle's gym. Jarle is a sadistic small-time criminal whom, together with his son Lars, purchase and distribute anabolic steroids.
Second Sight
Maren, a young girl, is the sole survivor of the Black Death in her Norwegian village. Using instincts, folklore, luck, and the clairvoyant powers granted her by being born with a "Victory Cap," Maren survives on her own, waiting for other people to discover her plight.
Snart 17
Marianne is going on 17, she feels too fat, and struggles with the ideals girls have to live up to to get accepted. When she meets her penpal Svein for the first time things look up, but she soon has to face new and unexpected problems when she discovers she is pregnant. Not being able to get support even from her own family, she has to make her life's most difficult decision on her own.
Hvilken vei skal du?
The Woman
A man, a woman, see each other, flirt, have sex, stay together, be together, have trouble, slip apart again.
Hockeyfeber tells not only the story of collisions on the ice , but also about life as it really fortoner in the tough environment amateur sport unfolding in . The film depicts the sporting community for better or worse , and shows how tough and cynical demands of athletes being when the sponsors' affection, the most important.