행복한 가정의 외동딸로 태어난 디나는 어릴적 자신의 실수로 사랑하는 엄마를 잃게 된다. 그 순간 디나의 모든 것이 사라져 버렸다. 어린 소녀 디나는 분노에 찬 아빠의 학대와 무관심 속에 세상과 단절 된 채 아름다운 야생의 처녀로 성장하게 된다. 첼로의 아름다운 선율과 과외선생 록만이 그녀의 유일한 친구일 뿐. 록이 떠나자 아빠의 친구 제이콥(제라르 드빠르디유)은 디나의 독특한 매력에 매료되어 그녀와의 결혼을 감행한다. 그러나 행복은 그녀에게서 멀어져만 간다. 그렇게 끊임없이 이어지는 불행한 운명의 굴레는 시작되는데.
Fru Eckdal
Leo is one of those not succeeding with anything, but has a life full of unrealistic dreams. His friend Snorre is down to earth. at least until they decide to sell bikinis out of season to shopping eager women.
Hindu god Indra has a daughter Agnes, who visits Earth to find out if people have legitimate complaints. She marries a lawyer from Bergen and has children, but is disillusioned by marriage and embarks on a journey among men.
Ann Maris mor
A love story during the Second World War in Scandinavia. Ann Mari, a Norwegian, works as a nurse in the Winter War of 1939/40 between Finland and the Soviet Union where she falls in love with the Finish soldier Markus. The war stops temporarily, and they settle down in northern Norway. Soon Norway gets occupied by Germany and Markus leaves Ann Mari, as Finland goes to war again to win back the lost territory.
Irene (pasient)
The alcoholic Oslo journalist Erik Mogensen goes to Copenhagen to make a story about youth and drugs. Inevitably this goes wrong for Erik.
Rut Petersen
Gathered at a funeral for a successful business man, the testament is to be read. They will all inherit, with a big IF; if the family company is to be joint run by all the heirs.
A group of migratory rail road workers arrive in a small town in Norway, and cause social conflict. One of the men, Sjugur, stands apart as a strong, independent man. The girls like him, but he has set his sights on the daughter of a wealthy landowner.
Vera Bang
Mona Hofland is a nastily manipulative woman who enjoys playing one lover against the other.
Berges første venninne
Rebekka (Jacobsen) is in a loveless marriage, and leaves her husband for the author Sigurd Winge (Mjøen). Also this relationship runs into problems, however, because of Winge's uncontrollable jealousy.