A documentary series that focuses throughout 164 episodes on the mystery of existence and on the existence of mystery.
Sound Editor
An educational journey through the history of zombie movies ... and a great survival guide!
An educational journey through the history of zombie movies ... and a great survival guide!
The film opens on a water-skiing accident - a girl (Délie) drives a speedboat and pulls a young man (Stan). They are both challenging their own limits when a crash occurs... Stan wakes up from a coma after this serious accident, to find out that genealogists are looking for an individual whose identity corresponds to his. Instead of asking himself questions about this testamentary filiation, he subscribes for Professor Starkov's legacy, and embarks for the country of Las Estrellas... Purging odyssey where intuition and telepathy accelerates the journey in time. Dharma Guns revisits the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice fighting with the tyranny of Time-God...
A couple lives at the margins of empires. A montage of water, medicine, fire, ice. Sky's Black Out!
Fragments of a lost 1920s from a member of the soviet avant-garde.
Trees, the sea, megaliths, an iron bridge, a feminine figure filmed at the dying of the day.