Sofía Palomino

Sofía Palomino

프로필 사진

Sofía Palomino

참여 작품

Heartbroken, Maite arrives at a coastal town where the few residents live out their lonely lives. The peace soon disappears, when they come across an unconscious sailor on the beach one day, prompting Maite to decide whether to move forward and create a new life or remain stranded on those shores.
An Odd Turn
Buenos Aires, 2019. Lucrecia, who jobs as a museum security guard, foresees a sharp rise in the dollar’s value with her pendulum and falls in love with a currency exchange house employee.
Ana Livia Plurabelle (30) has different sexual encounters that will make her realize something she hasn't thought about before: the possibility of making money with her body.
마지막 레이싱
사고로 죽은 사촌 헤수스의 추모 자동차대회에서 헤수스의 차를 몰게 된 아벨이 헤수스와 동화되고, 마침내는 그를 떠나보내게 되는 과정을 그린 영화
Following a bust-up with her girlfriend, Emilia returns from the city to her mother's village, somewhere in Patagonia. Her mother isn't overjoyed about Emilia's return, as this disrupts her peaceful existence. Emilia tries to decide how she wants to carry on with her life, but is confronted with people and feelings from her past. Bored and frustrated, or just looking for intimacy, she seduces a number of men, including her childhood sweetheart, but also falls in love with a girl at the school where she teaches gym – an obsession that distracts her from her broken heart and musings about the future. In his first feature, director César Sodero contrasts Emilia's inner restlessness with the immutability of Patagonia. He does this using images of impressive landscapes, natural dialogue and telling non-verbal communication. Surrounded by the peace and beauty of nature, inner chaos gradually gives way to acceptance and self-awareness.
La Negra and Vicenta are two homeless women. After losing their place and belongings, they meet Pola, a younger woman who is starting out in a previously unknown reality. The three women accompany each other revealing the complexities of being a woman, being older and living on the street.
Murder Me, Monster
A rural police officer investigates the bizarre case of a headless woman's body. The prime suspect blames the crime on the appearance of a legendary monster.
One Sister
In a small Argentinian backwater town, a young woman sets out on a solitary search for her sister who has disappeared without a trace. When the family’s car appears in flames on the bank of a nearby river, Alba falls deeper into a world of bureaucratic frustrations, bringing her to the edge of despair. Her journey drags her back to the river, where a silent witness seems to provide the only calm that’s left.
Cuñatai Güirá (Chica Halcón)
Movie adaptation of Leonardo Oyola's novel, which tells the story of the legendary DC comics superhero, Superman, if he, instead of falling in Smallville from Krypton, would have landed in the heart of Isidro Casanova, in La Matanza, deep in the west side of Buenos Aires.
Los del suelo
Toda la noche
An argentinian couple in a party at the countryside find that their friends are being killed. However, it's hard to find the killer, because they are completely stoned and don't know what is real or not.
7 year old Matías returns home from a friend’s birthday party to find his mother, Laura, unconscious on the floor. When she recovers her senses they decide to leave home and rush to a shelter for abused women where they spend 48 hours before Laura decides to rebuild her life somewhere else. Through the eyes of Matías we will discover their escape in a city where everything Matías once knew feels dangerous and foreign until Laura finds a secure place to raise her son.