Logan Lelièvre

참여 작품

Unit Manager
When she arrived at the Elysée Palace, Bernadette Chirac expected to finally get the place she deserved, she who had always worked in the shadow of her husband to make him president. Put aside because she was considered too old-fashioned, Bernadette decided to take her revenge by becoming a major media figure.
Unit Manager
In contemporary Paris, German filmmaker Tomas embraces his sexuality through a torrid love affair with a young woman named Agathe, an impulse that blurs the lines which define his relationship with his husband, Martin. When Martin begins an extramarital affair of his own, he successfully gains back his husband’s attention while simultaneously unearthing Tomas’ jealousy. Grappling with contradicting emotions, Tomas must either embrace the confines of his marriage or come to terms with the relationship having run its course.
Unit Manager
A few months after May '68, Robert, a graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure and a far-left activist, decides to get a job at Citroën as a line worker. Like other comrades, he wants to infiltrate the factory to rekindle the revolutionary fire, but the majority of workers no longer want to hear about politics. When Citroën decides to pay back the Grenelle Agreements by requiring workers to work 3 hours overtime per week for free, Robert and some others see the possibility of a social movement.
Les femmes du square
Unit Manager
Angèle, a thirty-something from Ivory Coast, always cope thanks to the gift of gab and audacity. To escape from a bunch of dangerous criminals, she becomes a nanny in the uptown Paris, hired by Hélène, the single mom of eight years old Arthur. Discovering the work conditions of her colleagues, she decides to stand up for their rights, thanks to a young lawyer who will quickly fall for her.
Location Manager
암흑조직에게 부모를 잃고 홀로 살아남은 9살 소녀 ‘카탈리아’. 그 날 이후, 그녀는 킬러인 삼촌 밑에서 완벽한 복수를 준비해 간다. 치명적인 매력과 스마트한 두뇌, 그리고 프로페셔널한 실력을 갖춘 여전사로 성장한 ‘카탈리아’는 부모의 죽음과 관계된 인물들을 하나씩 처단하고 암흑조직과 FBI, 모두의 표적이 된다.