Director of Photography
호금전과 함께 70년대 홍콩영화의 커다란 획을 그었던 장철 감독을 추모하기 위해 오우삼, 우마, 서극, 정소동, 강대위, 이수현등 액션영화에 일가견이 있는 쟁쟁한 감독과 배우들이 모여 만든 작품으로 암흑가에 보스가 물러나고 그 뒤를 이을 후계자를 구하기 위해 조직간의 인물들이 서로 벌이게 되는 암투와 음모를 다루고 있다.
Director of Photography
Peter Ho (Jacky Cheung) is a low-level employee at a prestigious firm in Central, but he hides a secret from his stodgy bosses. Peter's family is exceptionally poor, and his father (Bill Tung Piu) is actually an infamous street performer who sings off-color songs for donations on the street. Peter manages to progress in his job, and even begins to date his boss' daughter. But when the truth of his background is discovered, Peter is summarily fired. Bitter and angry, Peter joins the triads along with his pal (Sean Lau Ching Wan), and finds new romance with the luminous Maggie Cheung. When given the chance, Peter even uses his new underworld position to threaten his previous boss! But Peter sinks too far into the triad underworld, and soon not even his family can be spared from violence. A harrowing drama that progresses from social critique to triad indictment, My Dear Son runs the full gamut of emotions to deliver a tough and truthful message about the choices we make in life.
Director of Photography
Siu-Fung (Lydia Sum), an owner of a pizzeria, unexpectedly succumbs to a heart attack. However, her spirit was unable to cross over to the other side, thus, she resurrects into the body of a young woman (Maggie Cheung). Afterward, she reunites with her family and tries to convince them that she is alive. Yet, the plot thickens when a woman, unrelated to the family and is physically identical to Siu-Fung, appears, and Siu-Fung's husband (Bill Tung) thinks that that woman is his wife.
The Hong Kong detectives, Chau and Beethoven, are back once more. This time, their mission is to protect a young girl from a gang boss' henchmen, who are trying to eliminate her so she couldn't testify in court against their boss. Meanwhile, the plot thickens when a police medical report revealed that Chau apparently has cancer; therefore, Beethoven will see to it that his partner will have a well-deserved vacation in his remaining months.
Director of Photography
Male chauvinist Ah Wai often boasts of his wife's submission to him. He even persuades her to pretend to be obedient in the presence of his friends who are impressed. This leads to a separation when his wife's older spinster sister comes to know of it. Despondent, he moves to an old house only to find that it is haunted. The ghost and he become friends after much hassle, but when the ghost falls in love with Ah Wai's wife, believing her to be the spinster sister, a battle of life and death follows.
Focus Puller
양찬은 어릴 적부터 무공에 관심이 많아 여러 사부에게 무공을 배워 싸웠다하면 져본 적이 없는 이른 바 '대통결'이라 불리었다. 어느 날, 양찬은 우연히 낙풍년의 단원인 양이제와 무술을 겨루게 되고 자신의 무공이 한 없이 초라하단 사실을 알게 된다. 그 이후 양찬은 양이제를 쫓아다니며 제자로 받아줄 것을 간청한다. 청나라의 왕야의 아들인 가비는 전국을 돌아다니며 자신과 친선 결투를 할 무림 고수를 찾아다니던 중 양이제를 발견하고 친선 결투를 신청한다. 하지만 가비의 수행 부하들은 행여나 가비가 질 것을 대비해 양이제를 죽이려다가 낙풍년의 단원들을 죽이고 방화를 저지른다. 천신만고 끝에 살아난 양찬과 양이제는 양이제의 사형인 황화보를 찾아가는데 그곳에서 양찬은 우여곡절 끝에 두 사부에게서 영춘권을 배우기 시작하는데...