Ariel Salati

참여 작품

Elsa Barberis
Director of Photography
Ticino is not the epicentre of fashion, but between the 1930s and the 1960s, it had a fashion designer who achieved national and international success. The Luganese Elsa Barberis dressed the modern woman taking shape in those years, anticipating and inspiring the fashion of the decades to follow. But all this was not enough. Elsa has been completely forgotten by our memory. How is it possible that a talented figure like hers fell into oblivion so quickly?
Director of Photography
Pino Gambassi is a child suffering from haemophilia and is animated by an unbridled desire for freedom and boundless courage: he decides to start his adventure in the world and to show everyone that he can live his life like a normal kid.
Hugo in Argentina
A promising Italian cartoonist lands in Buenos Aires in 1950, with the dream of reaching the United States, to discover that, for him, America will be Argentina. The country immediately overwhelms him with its massive economic boom and a cultural scene among the most vibrant in the world. We are at the dawn of Argentina's most delirious decade, and the young immigrant feels that the vast promise of this country is within his grasp. His name will indeed make itself known: Hugo Pratt.
일 프리모 나탈레
Camera Operator
A thief and a priest end up magically transported in the year 0's Palestine, where they'll have to make sure that the Nativity will follow its course.
Moka Noir: No More Coffee in Omegna
Director of Photography
왓 유 돈 노 어바웃 미
Director of Photography
A freshly married, harmonious couple - Patricia is Swiss, Ikendu is from Mali - is forced, as a result of the Ikendu's unexpected arrest, to deal with each other's dark sides, which is painful, but ultimately makes the relationship more mature.
데드 스쿼드: 죽은 자들의 사원
정글로 래프팅을 떠난 7명의 친구는 잠깐 사이에 보트를 잃어버리고 만다. 그렇게 정글 속에서 길을 잃고 헤매던 이들은 우연히 고대 사원을 발견하고, 그 안에 생체 실험실이 있었다는 사실을 발견하게 된다. 뒤늦게 이곳에 자신들만 있는 것이 아니라는 것을 깨달은 친구들은 사원에서 탈출하려고 하지만 좀비보다 더 불길한 존재들이 그들을 기다리고 있는데…
Mario Botta. The Space Beyond
A rare, in-depth artistic journey into the work of internationally acclaimed Swiss architect Mario Botta. The film explores Botta's ever growing curiosity and reflections on the contractions of society through his sacred spaces, a subject very dear to him. Why does globalized society feel the urge to build such spaces? The directors traveled to China, South Korea, Israel, Italy, and Switzerland to discover a passionate and tireless artist, his buildings, and part of his creative process. Botta is one of the few architects who has built places of prayer for three main monotheistic religions. After building many churches, chapels, and synagogue, he is now working on a mosque in China. Through his thoughts and his interaction with artists, colleagues, clients, and family members, the viewers have a glimpse of the man behind the Architect.
Stella ciao
Director of Photography
Steadicam Operator
마이클을 비롯한 4명의 친구가 갱단의 도박현장을 급습하여 돈을 강탈한후 리투아니아로 도피하지만 갱단의 추적을 피할수는 없는데......
사라진 기억
Steadicam Operator
뇌신경을 연구하는 과학자 루카스는 타인의 무의식에 접속해 기억의 정보를 빼내는 위험한 실험에 참여하게 된다. 그의 실험 대상은 코마 상태에 빠진 아름다운 여인, 오로라. 그녀의 무의식 속으로 들어간 루카스는 신비로운 그녀에게 거부할 수 없는 이끌림을 느끼고 현실에서와는 다른 강렬한 사랑의 체험을 하게 된다. 실험 외에는 접촉을 피하라는 관리자의 경고에도 불구하고 은밀하게 오로라를 찾기 시작하는 루카스, 실험이 계속될수록 그는 그녀에 대한 걷잡을 수 없는 욕망으로 혼란을 느끼고 급기야 그녀를 깨우기 위해 목숨을 건 위험한 선택을 하게 되는데…
Hugo in Africa
When Hugo Pratt passed away in 1995, he was holding an Ethiopian cross in his left hand. In order to understand his enduring love of the black continent, Hugo Pratt’s companion, Jean Claude Guilbert, together with a group of like-minded people, searches for traces of him in the Horn of Africa. Thanks to their efforts and invaluable audiovisual archive material, a new picture of this remarkable artist and his attitude towards Africa begins to emerge.