John Wells

출생 : 1936-11-17, Ashford, Kent, UK

사망 : 1998-01-11

참여 작품

프린세스 카라부
Reverend Hunt
Bristol, England, early 19th century. A beautiful young stranger who speaks a weird language is tried for the crime of begging. But when a man claims that he can translate her dialect, it is understood that the woman is a princess from a far away land. She is then welcomed by a family of haughty aristocrats that only wants to heighten their prestige. However, the local reporter is not at all convinced she is what she claims to be and investigates. Is Caraboo really a princess?
프린세스 카라부
Bristol, England, early 19th century. A beautiful young stranger who speaks a weird language is tried for the crime of begging. But when a man claims that he can translate her dialect, it is understood that the woman is a princess from a far away land. She is then welcomed by a family of haughty aristocrats that only wants to heighten their prestige. However, the local reporter is not at all convinced she is what she claims to be and investigates. Is Caraboo really a princess?
Consuming Passions
Adapted from a play written by two Monty Python vets, this toothy satire launches with a tragic accident at Chumley's chocolate factory when hapless manager Ian Littleton (Tyler Butterworth) accidentally knocks several employees into a huge chocolate vat. The tragic mishap at the chocolate factory results in candy lovers getting an unexpected 'extra' in their sweets.
New York trapper Tom Dobb becomes an unwilling participant in the American Revolution after his son Ned is drafted into the Army by the villainous Sergeant Major Peasy. Tom attempts to find his son, and eventually becomes convinced that he must take a stand and fight for the freedom of the Colonies, alongside the aristocratic rebel Daisy McConnahay. As Tom undergoes his change of heart, the events of the war unfold in large-scale grandeur.
Love's Labour's Lost
When the King of Navarre and three of his cronies swear to spend all their days in study and not to look at any girls, they've forgotten that the daughter of the King of France is coming on a diplomatic visit. And the lady herself and her attendants play merry havoc with their intentions.
Sir Evelyn Blount
19세기경 스코틀랜드의 코레이든경 부부가 아프리카로 가던 중 풍랑에 배가 난파된다. 이들은 구사일생으로 살아나 밀림에서 생활을 했지만 사내 아이를 낳다 어머니가 죽고, 아버지도 고릴라 습격으로 죽는다. 사내 아이는 고릴라에게 키워지고 성장해서는 밀림의 왕자(John Clayton/Tarzan, Lord of the Apes: 크리스토퍼 램버트 분)로 군림한다. 어느 날, 이 밀림 세계에 박물관 탐험대가 도착한다. 그들은 바그미 부족에게 습격을 받아 죽어간다. 그 중 크로노라는 사람이 젊은이에게 구출되는데 크로노는 그 청년이 코레이든 경의 아들 존임을 확인하고 말을 가르친다. 결국 존은 문명 사회로 나가게 되는데...
007 유어 아이스 온리
Denis Thatcher, esposo de la Primera Ministra
그리스의 이오니아해에서 ATAC(날아오는 미사일을 지시, 유도할 수있는 초저주파발신기)를 실은 영국의 정보 수집선이 침몰한다. ATAC가 동구측에 들어가기 전에 회수하기 위해 영국은 퇴역 장교로 하여금 인양 작업을 추진시키지만, 그는 딸 멜리나가 보는 앞에서 사살당하고 멜리나는 복수를 다짐한다. 007은 암살자 곤잘레스의 소재를 파악하고 접근하지만 곤잘레스는 멜리나의 복수의 크로스보우에 당하고 만다. 007은 곤잘레스에게 돈을 주던 사내를 추적하여 크리스타토스라는 그리스의 부호가 ATAC를 소련에 팔아 넘기려는 사실을 알아내는데...
The Light Princess
Bee (voice)
Based on a short story by George MacDonald, a princess experiences constant weightlessness.
From BBC2 Playhouse's The Mind Beyond series. Professor Reeve wonders about strange events that seem to be connected to Stonehenge (Source: BBC).
Let's Sleep On it
A BAFTA award nominated feature telling the story of the making of a sales film about beds.
The Cobblers of Umbridge
A parody of the long running radio show "The Archers", an everyday story of country-folk based in the fictional village of Umbridge.
Additional Dialogue
Armitage runs a chemical company that is on the verge of producing a gas that causes temporary disability. Clearly the military want it but it is also sought by a group of Japanese. Both Armitage and Madam Greenfly hire different people in the same detective agency to guard the gas and steal it respectively... confusion, double crosses and hilarity ensue...
Armitage runs a chemical company that is on the verge of producing a gas that causes temporary disability. Clearly the military want it but it is also sought by a group of Japanese. Both Armitage and Madam Greenfly hire different people in the same detective agency to guard the gas and steal it respectively... confusion, double crosses and hilarity ensue...
Every Home Should Have One
Teddy works for a large advertising company. Given the seemingly impossible task of selling frozen porridge, he decides to produce commercials that make the product seem sexy. This leads him to confrontation with the "Keep Television Clean" movement, of which his wife is a senior member.
30 Is a Dangerous Age, Cynthia!
A 29-year old aspiring composer—still single and without any romantic prospects—vows to both marry and write a hit musical before he turns 30. Director Joseph McGrath's 1968 British comedy stars Dudley Moore, Suzy Kendall, Eddie Foy Jr. and Patricia Routledge.
30 Is a Dangerous Age, Cynthia!
Honorable Gavin Hopton
A 29-year old aspiring composer—still single and without any romantic prospects—vows to both marry and write a hit musical before he turns 30. Director Joseph McGrath's 1968 British comedy stars Dudley Moore, Suzy Kendall, Eddie Foy Jr. and Patricia Routledge.
007 카지노 로얄
'Q's' Assistant
원래 007 시리즈 5편이지만, 영화 007에는 포함하지 않는게 일반적이다. 작가 이안 플레밍은 자신의 데뷔작 '카지노 로얄'을 너무 아껴서 007의 영화화 판권을 넘길 때 이것만은 제외시켰다. 그러나 그가 죽은 후 유족들로부터 미국의 다른 제작자에게 권리가 넘겨졌고, 완전히 다른 엉뚱한 코미디 영화로 만들어졌다. 연출도 존 휴스턴을 비롯해서 5명에 이르고, 출연진도 우디앨런, 데이빗 니븐, 데보라 카, 오손웰즈, 윌리엄 홀덴, 장 폴 벨몽도 등 각국의 유명 배우들이 나온다. 내용은 엄청난 제작비에도 불구하고 전체적으로 말이 안된다. 경쾌한 멜로디의 테마곡 'Casino Royale'과 'The Look of Love'는 대중들의 인기를 얻었다.
The Bobo
Pompadour Major Domo
Unsuccessful singing bullfighter Juan arrives in Barcelona to try his luck in a big town. He finally persuades a devious local impresario to book him, but only on the condition that Juan first manages to spend an evening with Olimpia, a "shrewd merciless beauty" who seems effortlessly to collect apartments and Maserati sports cars while leaving a trail of broken hearts behind her. Juan approaches the challenge by pretending to her he is an emissary for a rich count. Written by Jeremy Perkins
The Flying Alberts
The Alberts (Bruce Lacey, Tony Gray and his brother Dougie Gray) attempt to take off. There are two edits of this film, both with their own distinct ending.