Helen Harwell

참여 작품

5th of July
Production Design
All he wanted to do was spread his father's ashes in the national park - mayhem ensues.
더 팩트 2
Production Design
애보트는 만화와 살인현장 청소를 하며 돈을 벌어 생계를 유지해 나가는 여자이다. 그녀는 어느날인가부터 악몽을 꾸고 환영을 보기 시작한다. 애보트의 지인들이 살인사건에 휘말리기 시작하고 FBI는 이를 과거의 살인사건과 연결된 사건이라 보고 조사를 하기 시작한다. 하지만 애보트는 살인사건들이 종교적인 힘과 관계가 있다는 것을 알게 된다.
Production Design
Tommy has just joined the cast of the top-rated kids' show, "Captain Mike's Mystery Monsters," and is anxious to find out just how the special effects crew gets the monsters to work. Imagine his surprise when he discovers they're not special effects at all! Adding to the situation, the monsters' original owner, evil Queen Mara, has returned to Earth to reclaim her property and take revenge on Captain Mike for stealing them.
The Courier
Art Direction
A shady FBI agent recruits a courier to deliver a mysterious package to a vengeful master criminal who has recently resurfaced with a diabolical plan.
스테이 쿨
Art Direction
The film centers on a successful author who is forced to confront an unrequited high school crush when he returns home to deliver a commencement address to graduating seniors. Shasta O'Neil, a sexy high school senior flirts with the visiting author and invites him to the prom.
유토피아의 7일
Art Direction
프로에 진출한 젊고 재능있는 골프선수 루크 치좀(루카스 블랙)의 이야기.
미친 녀석들
Art Direction
복음주의 교회 목사 댄 데이(피어스 브로스넌)는 반 종교학자 폴 블레이록 교수(에드 해리스)와 새 책에 대해 논의하던 중 우발적으로 교수의 머리에 총을 쏜다. 댄 목사는 사실이 새어나가면 자기 평판에 해가 될까 두려워 자살인 것처럼 꾸미려 한다. 하지만 과거 데드헤드였지만 교회 신자로 거듭난 칼(그렉 키니어)이 사건 현장에 같이 있다가 사고를 목격한다. 그 후 칼은 데이의 꼬임에 넘어간 교회 신자들의 공격에서 살아남아야 할 위기에 처하고, 그의 가족도 칼의 목격담에 의구심을 갖는다. 그러던 중 어느 멕시코 범죄 조직 우두머리가 칼과 댄을 협박하려 납치하면서 상황은 새로운 국면을 맞는데....
The Chosen One
Art Direction
Paul is an ordinary man who is at the end of his rope. He hates his job, his beautiful wife has left him, and his mother and gay, Buddhist-monk brother constantly remind him of his shortcomings. Although Paul doesn't know it yet, his life is about to change in a big way.
필립 모리스
Art Direction
천재 사기꾼의 황당한 코믹 탈옥기! 전미를 발칵~뒤집은 초대형 리얼 사기극! 자상한 남편이자, 좋은 아빠, 성실한 경찰이었던 스티븐 러셀(짐 캐리). 갑작스런 교통사고로 죽다 살아난 그는 갖고 싶은거, 하고 싶은거, 먹고 싶은거 다 하며 살기로 결심한다. 하지만 럭셔리 삶을 위해 가장 필요한 건 바로 돈! 결국 스티븐은 천재적인 두뇌로 보험사기, 카드사기, 식품사기 등 기상천외한 방법으로 사기행각을 벌이고 결국 감옥에 들어간다. 거기서 운명적인 사랑(?) 필립 모리스(이완 맥그리거)를 만나게 되고, 이번엔 그와 함께 하기 위해 7전8기 탈옥사기에 도전하는데… 6월 24일, 세상을 뒤흔들 충격적인 사기전말이 공개된다!
소녀괴담 : 17살 여고생의 악몽
Art Direction
보스턴에서 헌팅턴의 유명 사립학교로 전학 온 모범생 몰리 하틀리는 아빠와 함께 새로운 도시에서 새로운 삶을 시작한다. 사실 몰리에겐 어두운 과거가 있다. 친엄마가 몰리를 칼로 찌르고 죽이려 했던 것. 그 후 엄마는 클레이튼 정신병원에 갇히고 몰리는 학교에서 새 친구들과 사귀며 서서히 일상을 되찾아 간다. 하지만 몰리가 18살 생일을 맞기 전날 엄마가 정신병원에서 탈출하고 집으로 찾아와 충격적인 이야기를 털어놓는다. 몰리는 갓난아기 때 태어나다 죽었으며 다시 살아나는 대가로 악마에게 영혼을 팔았다는 것. 18살 생일은 악마에게 잡혀가는 날이라는 것을 알게 된 몰리는 살아남기 위해 발버둥 치기 시작하는데...
섹시한 미녀는 괴로워
Art Direction
네이트 쿠퍼(조엘 데이비드 무어)는 감수성이 예민한 6살이란 나이에 전학생으로 온 크리스타벨 애벗(패리스 힐튼)을 보고 첫눈에 반한다. 하지만 그녀에게 사랑을 고백하고 발렌타인 데이 카드를 전해줄 틈도 없이 가족 모두가 멀리 이사를 가게 된다. 네이트는 성인으로 자라나면서 많은 여자친구들을 거치지만 크리스타벨에 견줄만한 상대를 만나지 못하자 자신의 짝은 크리스타벨 뿐이라는 결론을 내리고 어릴 때 살았던 LA로 돌아가 크리스타벨을 찾기 시작한다. 다행히 크리스타벨은 아직까지 싱글이며 미모도 여전했다. 하지만 싱글로 남아있는 이유가 있었다. 크리스타벨과 초등학교 때부터 단짝이었고 어릴 때부터 피부병과 검게 변색된 치아 때문에 저주 받은 외모의 준(크리스틴 라킨)과 같은 집에 살며 요가도 같이 하고 심지어 데이트도 같이 했다. 또한 크리스타벨은 준을 홀로 남겨둔 채 혼자만 데이트 나가는 일은 절대 하지 않을 거라고 공언한 상태였다. 네이트는 크리스타벨과 사귀고 말겠다고 결심하고 두 사람을 떼어 놓기위해 준의 데이트 상대를 물색하기 시작한다. 하지만 돈을 주고 고용한 남자조차도 준을 일단 보면 줄행랑을 쳐버린다. 네이트는 준의 외모를 바꾸지 않곤 이 계획이 성공할 수 없음을 깨닫고 준을 변신시키는 조력자가 되려는 사이 치과의사에, 몸짱에, 하버드 출신에, 모든 조건을 갖춘 완벽한 남자 요한이 나타나게되면서 네 사람 사이에 상상 할수 없는 일이 벌어지기 시작한다.
스마일리 페이스
Art Direction
아침 9시부터 마리화나에 취해있던 제인은 룸메이트 스티브가 절대 먹지 말라고 했던 마리화나 컵케이크를 모두 먹어치운다. 제대로 약발이 든 제인의 감각은 극도로 예민해지고 그녀의 하루는 무언가 일을 해결하려 할수록 이상하게 꼬여만 간다.
섹스 앤 데스
Art Direction
한 남자가 자신이 과거에 섹스했던 여자와 미래에 섹스할 여자들의 목록이 담긴 이메일을 받는다는 설정의 영화로, 위노나 라이더가 성범죄자를 상대하는 역할을 연기한다. 어느 날 갑자기 날아든 이메일 한 통. 101명의 여성들의 이름이 나열된 리스트가 도착되는 순간, 주인공 로드릭 블랭크는 달라질 자신의 인생을 예감한다. 성공한 햄버거 기업의 사장인 로드릭은 아름답고 지적인 여자친구와의 결혼을 앞두고 탄탄대로의 삶을 살아가고 있었다. 하지만 101명의 여성들의 이름이 적힌 기묘한 리스트를 받아 든 순간 그는 알 수 없는 기분에 사로잡히게 된다. 친구들과 함께한 총각파티에서 만난 여성이 리스트 속 30번째 여자의 이름과 동일함을 알았을 때, 그의 마음속에 감춰진 욕망이 분출되기 시작한다.
바텀스 업
Art Direction
Small-town bartender Owen Peadman goes to Los Angeles to raise money to help save his father's Minnesota restaurant. He tries to find a way into Hollywood society, where he meets socialite Lisa and her uptight actor boyfriend. Can he balance his growing feelings for Lisa with surviving the sordid lifestyles of the Hollywood elite?
Back By Midnight
Art Direction
The warden of a small, rundown, minimum-security prison plots revenge against the the prison's dishonest owner by having four inmates break out and plan a department store robbery to spruce up the prison's faculties.
알렉스와 엠마
Art Direction
소설 작업 초반 삐걱이던 알렉스와 엠마는 갈수록 점점 서로에 대한 마음을 깨닫게 된다. 하지만 어느날 엠마는 알렉스의 비밀을 알게 되고 배신감에 알렉스를 떠나고 만다. 알렉스는 엠마에게 같이 소설을 완성하자며 돌아올 것을 부탁하고, 그렇게 둘은 다시 함께 작업을 시작하게 된다. 마무리 작업 중, 엠마는 소설 속 인물 '안나' 가 자신과 꼭 닮았다는 사실을 꺠닫게 되는데
The Confidence Man
Production Design
Policeman Stevie Grimes never lost his trust in the police force but has been suspended a few months for accidentally shooting and killing a young boy. Because of lack of evidence in court and with some help from his former partner, Stevie soon finds himself working as a policeman again. When Stevie returns to the police force he is bound to a desk job. Stevie misses the action of the streets and asks his former partner who has been promoted to lieutenant, if there are any interesting assignments available, the lieutenant knows just a case that Stevie can work out perfectly. The lieutenant and Stevie do however share a dark secret... It wasn't Stevie that shot the young boy but somebody very important within the police force, Stevie took the fall out of loyalty.
Living in Fear
Art Direction
A man returning to his childhood home for the reading of a will is met with hostility. Do the townsfolk know more about him than his new wife?
The Stepdaughter
Production Design
Growing up, Susan Miller survived countless foster homes and years of abuse and neglect with one, burning goal: to someday find the birth mother who abandoned her - and get revenge.
The Perfect Tenant
Production Design
Twenty years ago Danny Summer found his father hanging from the rafters on Christmas Eve. Ever since that night he has been plotting revenge. When Brian Hartwell moves into Jessica Michael's guesthouse, she has no idea that her new tenant has a deadly agenda to go with his new identity. Her daughter Laura doesn't trust him from the beginning but can't convince her mother that there's more to "The Perfect Tenant" than meets the eye.
Alone with a Stranger
Production Design
Max never had the good things in life. A life of crime was his only legacy. So when he discovers an unknown brother, to whom fortune has granted all that is missing in Max's life, he decides to do anything to get what should have been his theft, kidnapping, murder, anything! Now all Max wants is his brother's money, his power and especially his beautiful wife!
The Perfect Nanny
Production Design
Upon her release from a mental institution where she was recovering from a suicide attempt, Andrea McBride applies for the position of nanny for a handsome, wealthy surgeon, Dr. James Lewis, a widower with two children. Another applicant is hired, but she dies in an accident and Andrea gets the job after all, excelling and quickly becoming part of the family. Then Lewis' girlfriend, Dr. Julia Bruning, is mysteriously killed. When his boss tells Lewis of impending cutbacks at the hospital, the boss is murdered. Meanwhile, Lewis' teenaged daughter Fawn begins piecing together the history of the new nanny and discovers that Andrea may be responsible for these and other killings - but Fawn had better hurry, because the slayings are getting closer to home
Kiss of a Stranger
Production Design
Nova, a rising TV personality, after declaring that all handsome men in L.A. are gay, falls for a hunky stranger who is totally smitten with her - so she thinks. Her sexy stranger disappears without a trace. Her grief over unexplained deaths in her social circle is only made worse when we find that she is carrying the stranger's baby. The plot thickens and the anxiety is great as Nova struggles to find out who this stranger is and why he is stalking her.
Production Design
Six people find themselves inexplicably transported to a remote cabin that is surrounded by an invisible barrier. In a nearby graveyard, they discover an ancient, carved stone monument that they dub a "totem pole." Soon, they find themselves trapped in a murderous plot by malevolent forces that can control and manipulate their actions with the ultimate goal being to unleash three demonic entities from the monument.
Escape from Alaska
Art Direction
A helicopter pilot work with a husband and his wife in the frozen North tagging foxes for the Environmental Protection Agency. When an avalanche hits the group, the husband is killed and only by the pilot's perseverance is the wife saved. Two years later, the wife takes on a corporation which wants to extend an oil pipeline across the tundra above Juneau. She is convinced that this will cause an avalanche on the town. Of course, she is rejected by the corporation executives. She recruits the pilot to try to aid her, but with no success.
Escape from Alaska
Production Design
A helicopter pilot work with a husband and his wife in the frozen North tagging foxes for the Environmental Protection Agency. When an avalanche hits the group, the husband is killed and only by the pilot's perseverance is the wife saved. Two years later, the wife takes on a corporation which wants to extend an oil pipeline across the tundra above Juneau. She is convinced that this will cause an avalanche on the town. Of course, she is rejected by the corporation executives. She recruits the pilot to try to aid her, but with no success.
Error in Judgment
Production Design
Eric's (Joe Mantegna) art gallery is losing money, and even though his psychiatrist wife wants to help, she can't do much to cheer him up. When a young, sexy woman named Toni (Sung Hi Lee) accepts a sales position at the gallery, she instantly brings it back to life, jump-starting Eric's troubled marriage in the process. But the marital problems soon come back, prompting accusations that Eric is having an affair with Toni.
덴티스트 2 - 이프
Production Design
치과의사인 알렌 페인스톤(코빈 번센)은 드릴, 바늘, 메스, 핀셋 등의 치과도구들을 가지고 환자들을 아주 흉측하게 난도질하여 살해하는 것을 즐기는 새디스트이다. 결국 그는 끔찍한 범죄로 정신병원에서 종신형을 선고 받는다. 그러나 페인스톤은 병원의 삼엄한 경비를 뚫고 탈출하여 낮선마을에 숨어서 새롭게 삶을 시작하려고 한다. 제이미 데버스를 만나 사랑에 빠진 그는 그녀에게서 용기를 얻어 마을 치과의사 임시직을 맡으면서, 제이미에 대한 그의 사랑이 그의 살인욕구를 자제시켜주길 바란다. 그럼에도 불구하고 첫번째 손님을 보자마자 그는 자신의 분노를 주체하지 못하고 과거 혼란스런 자신으로 돌아가 환자가 난도질하고 결국 살해하게되는데…
Allyson Is Watching
Art Direction
Innocent, sexy Allyson leaves her boyfriend Peter to go to acting classes in Los Angeles. In Los Angeles she rents a room in an apartment building from the grumpy Mr. Merry next to the resident working girl, Bridget. During the day Allyson struggles with her acting lessons at arrogant Eric Constantine's acting school whilst at night she plays with herself as she watches beautiful, confident Bridget through the keyhole servicing her clients. In class she meets professional photographer Jerry who offers to shoot her a portfolio.
Executive Target
Art Direction
His wife held hostage, a stunt driver is forced to drive a getaway car in a plot to kidnap the President from a motorcade.
Borrowed Life Stolen Love
Art Direction
Julia works as a sexual role player, nude model, chef's assistant and still needs more money, so she takes in a lovely young roommate, Alex. Alex becomes fascinated with her, but Julia doesn't quite trust her. There's also a hot sculptor.
Art Direction
In the town of Amity, the cops take crime off of the streets and put it into the police station where it belongs.
Production Design
A group of space renegades hook up with a drifter named McQueen. Together they hole up in an abandoned research facility for the night and are relentlessly pursued by a human/monster hybrid.
Fugitive Rage
Production Design
Tara McCormick is sent to prison for the attempted murder of a local drug lord named Tommy Stompanato. Inside, she befriends Josie and is approached by a government agent to finish the job she started in exchange for her freedom.
Night Shade
Production Design
A disillusioned widower begins getting weird e-mail messages and duly heads to a strip club. Unfortunately, once there, he sees his supposedly dead wife lap-dancing; even more unfortunately, she also happens to be a vampire.
Over the Wire
Production Design
Bruce is a telephone lineman who accidentally overhears a murder plot. When 911 informs him that there is nothing that they can do about it, he takes matters into his own hands, and gets entangled in a world of sex and mystery.
Invisible Mom
Production Design
A family's life is thrown into comical chaos after mom accidentally drinks her inventor husband's latest concoction, an invisibility potion.
Subliminal Seduction
Production Design
Darrin Danver is married to Deb. He is a videogames programmer and works for Z-Games when he receives an offer for a job from CTC. He accepts the offer and moves with his wife Deb near Las Vegas. There he discovers that he is paid a lot only to develop the videogame Radical Rat Trap, which is to follow Amazing Mouse Maze. But the great family of CTC uses Videogames Cd-Rom and subliminal messages to try to control minds, his and his wife's.
Hard Time
Production Design
A revenge movie about a thief, Michael (John Bradley) who escapes from prison to take a vengeance on the partner, Kelly (Christopher Mayer) who double-crossed and sent him to prison.
Night Eyes 4: Fatal Passion
Production Design
Successful psychologist, Dr. Angela Cross, puts in a new burglar alarm system into her home due to threats she received. Steve Caldwell and Will Griffith install her system and after Will gets shot during a burglary attempt. Jeff and Angela have a hot relationship going until another break-in at her house. Angela has some secrets from her past that could be exposed if the tapes stolen are viewed.
하울링 7
Art Direction
Gary Brandner's horror novels come to life again in this sequel to "The Howling." A number of vicious murders occur in a small California town after a motorcycle-riding stranger arrives. The gruesome slayings look disturbingly like the work of a werewolf. Meanwhile, in another nearby town, police are hot on the trail of a killer they believe is a werewolf. This is "Howling" with a country-western angle.
Virtual Combat
Art Direction
Two Nevada border officers, Dave Quarry (Don "The Dragon" Wilson) and John (Ken McLeod), amuse themselves off duty by honing their kick-boxing skills via virtual reality combat. Elsewhere, a computer tycoon prepares to market his company's latest invention, a combination of DNA and virtual reality that creates beings and creatures who look and feel real.
The Skateboard Kid II
Art Direction
Take a roller coaster ride full of high octane adventure as 12 year old Sammy takes to the skies. With the help of a magical flying skateboard, Sammy ends up the hottest skateboarder in town. But a group of local thrashers don't like the extra competition. They plot to destroy any chance of Sammy competing against them in a local tournament. But they don't have a clue of what they're up against.
Indecent Behavior II
Art Direction
Reporter Shoshona Reed is about to expose a number of people who have a lot to lose. Unfortunately, her cunning ways of getting stories by blackmailing people gets her killed...