어느 집 다락방에서 행복하게 살아가는 장난감들이 있다. 스페인 꼭두각시 인형 ‘핸섬 경’, 최고의 도자기 인형이며 귀여운 제빵사인 ‘버터컵’, 기차역장인 “테디”, 진흙 인형 ‘로랑’ 등. 아침이면 늘 맛있는 케익을 구워주던 버터컵이 어느 날 갑자기 악의 세계를 다스리는 잔인한 무리들에게 의해 납치된다. 버터컵을 구하고 평화를 되찾기 위해 친구들의 노력은 과연 성공할 수 있을까?
We meet Veronica shortly before her high-school graduation exams. She lives with her mother, an alcoholic, and her mother's partner. One day when he is drunk, he chases Veronica to the roof of a house and falls off, killing himself. He was in debt as he was addicted to gambling. His creditor wants the money back and starts to threaten Veronica. Her mother will not protect her since she is always drunk. Thus, the young girl must leave home and hide far away. On her journey she meets many characters. Some of them are comic, others are rather tragicomic. And Veronica tries to find good people with whom she would feel comfortable and happy, thus giving her life meaning. - Czech film center
Czech literature teacher Josef Tkaloun, who is past retirement age, realises one day that he no longer understands his pupils, and so he quits… dramatically. What he does not predict is that in doing this he will lose his sense of place in society.