Ling Yun

참여 작품

Assistant Director
대제민 회장은 자선사업가이자 정부의 최대 협력자이지만 그의 실제는 당대 최고의 암흑가 보스다. 한편 파리에서 법률을 공부한 장일붕은 중앙정부의 특수임무를 띠고 여자 비밀요원 완군과 함께 대회장 조직에 깊숙히 접근한다. 그러나 장일붕의 끈질긴 추적을 의식한 이들 조직은 임신중인 그의 아내 소소를 폭행하여 유산하게 함으로써 협박을 시작하더니 급기야는 백주대로에서 소소에게 기관총을 난사, 소소가 죽고만다. 이에 끝나지 않고 조직은 계속 비밀요원 완군과 장일붕의 마지막 남은 조수 아산까지 살해한다. 가까스로 탈출한 장일붕은 한꺼번에 모두를 잃어버린 슬픔을 안고 거대한 조직에 대항해 혈전을 벌이게 되는데...
Supreme Sword
When a family is bankrupted by a counterfeiter named Gold Fist, the daughter (played by Connie Chan) vows to get revenge. As she tracks down the villains, she comes across a drifter who is escorting a young man to his father, who is being kept in captivity by a gang of thieves. When it is discovered that the captive father and Gold Fist are the same person, loyalty and friendship are put to the test.
The Furious Buddha's Palm
The movie is lead by martial arts film stars Cho Tat-Wah and Yu So-Chow, the new generation famous martial arts film couple Chan Po-Chu and Siao Fong-Fong was participating in the episode fifth. As the name suggests, the movie is actually in sense of the Buddha’s theory. According to my understanding in the whole series, I believe the episode fifth is more likely in sense of the Buddha’s theory. So I try to translate in English hoping those who are not familiar with Chinese can enjoy the true spirit in the movie. The story is about how the odd-demon create his “mutilation-poison leg”. At the same time his disciple Dragon Girl realized his cruel means to all men including herself. Despairing Dragon Girl finally met her bosom friend Yuan Tung and her benefactor Long & Qiu and pull together to wipe out her evil master.
Buddha's Palm Part 3
Buddha's Palm Part 1
Lung Kim-fei is disfigured and abandoned by his female junior disciple before running into an ambush sprung by her husband Auyeung Ho. The mythical condor of Wicked God of Fiery Cloud, Ku Hon-wan, flies the man in distress to safety. The master imparts his adopted son the skill of the Buddha’s Palm. A vicious duel six decades ago with Suen Bik-ling, dubbed the Capricious Flying Ring, left both challengers blind. To pay his debt of gratitude, Lung sets out to obtain the cure—treasure of the golden dragon—and wrestles to save Suen’s granddaughters Kau Yuk-wah and Yuk-kuen who come under the attack of a unicorn while seeking the cure.
The White-Bone Sword
Wu Sheung-fung risks her life to save Wong Tin-ho with the help of the white bone sword. Meanwhile the three devils known as Heaven, Earth and Man return to the Devil Mountain with the coveted Swords. Chung Ching, who has divined the recovery of the White-bone Grass by Wu and others, dispatches Kam Yan-kit to abduct Wong to the Black Hair Cave. Luk Fong-fei, Wu and other rescuers are vanquished by Black Hair one by one. Old Devilish Eccentric hurries to their rescue and heals Wong's wound as Wong reconciles with Kam. Kam secretly returns to Chung Ching Cave to seek the precious swords when Wong and others raid the den and are again dispatched away with fakes.