Yue Tau-Wan
출생 : 1957-04-24, Hong Kong, British Crown Colony [now China]
A young man gets involved with a female ghost. He finds himself caught in the middle of a fight between a monk and The King of Hell.
Tough female cops tussle with Hong Kong Triad societies and also a recently resurrected hopping vampire. Chaos reigns.
능호서 일가는 미국행 이민 비자 받던날 밤, 큰딸 가가의 실수로 화제가 나서 죽었는데, 황천에서 미국에다 묘지를 구입할 돈을 구하도록 한 달의 휴가를 얻어온다. 막내딸 영영의 애인인 조득주에게 그들이 죽었다는 사실을 감추고 그들은 수단과 방법을 다해서 돈을 모으지만 떠날 날이 되자 그에 대한 미안함때문에 다시한번 죽는 연극을 한다. 그러나 오히려 조득주는 살인자로 몰리고 황천에서 돌아온 능씨일가에게서 그들이 귀신임을 듣고 절망한다. 3년뒤 능씨 일가는 현세와 내세를 자유롭게 오가며 조득주와 다시 만난다.
Rickshaw puller
Before the Big Ban on prostitution, West Hong Kong is famous for its houses of pleasure. The most infamous of them all is Floral Ode House. Among its girls are Yen Hung, who becomes a widow regularly; aristocratic Chien Chien; Cherry Fun, who manages to lose the nickname; and a bevy of beauties. The madam who is on good terms with the police chief claims the best business this side of virtue. Then there comes from England Cheng Li-Peng, commissioned to ban prostitution. He is engaged to Lily, the police chief's daughter. But his parents had arranged a wife for him when he was an infant. They have lost trace of each other. Cheng Li-Peng starts his investigation, which lead him to Yen Hung's and Chien Chien's bedrooms. He is surprised to find himself in love with all three girls. And one of them turns out to be his missing fiancee!
Beautiful Wan Wen Zheng plays a ghost bent on revenge. Originally killed while being raped, she gives supernatural fighting powers to a Kung Fu boxerin this rather slow, atmospheric, serious film.
Mr. Mak
The fate of the entire hotel industry is at stake. A group of evil black ninjas have threatened to insinuate themselves into the industry, take over, and transform the operation into something unspeakable. Thank heaven the white ninjas are on hand to save the day. Agnes Chan heads the cast, so we assume she's the "ninja queen." This one isn't a whole lot better than others of its ilk, but at least there's some novelty in the settings.
Because of a hospital hex, whenever a certain patient sleeps he visits a supernatural world of hopping zombies and warring priests.
Tsuen's bodyguard
Scriptwriter Zee is a confirmed bachelor. Hero Wain is his devoted butler. Next door is no-good detective Gho and his complaining wife Kit. Kit is beautiful and vain. Zee takes Goh to a macho convention chaired by young and handsome Mau. Without Goh knows, Kit works as a waitress there. She falls heavily for Mau. Zee gets the highest prize - a beautiful slave girl. She immediately turns the Zee household upside down. Zee wants to escape. Goh learns Kit's romance with Mau. He asks Zee for help. But Mau defeats their every move. The slave girl becomes the master mind. She devices the plan and unveils Mau as a slave trafficker. Above all, she proves woman is much more macho than man.
Super-accurate fortune teller Blind Chen informs four young policewomen that the same man, whom they'll soon meet, will incite her to suicide (first woman), rape her (second woman), break her head (third) and kill her (fourth). This man turns out to be their new boss, Inspector Bak Fei Hung. The reason these things are to happen is due to the angry spirit of a former Red Guard muscleman who has sworn revenge against some HK gang bosses and, unfortunately, Bak and his new recruits get in his way. (HKMDb.com)
Big B
The story is about a new high rise office building that's haunted by a ghost patrol of Japanese soldiers from W.W. II. The angry ghosts want revenge and they'll do anything to achieve that goal.
You Foo
The Hong Kong detectives, Chau and Beethoven, are back once more. This time, their mission is to protect a young girl from a gang boss' henchmen, who are trying to eliminate her so she couldn't testify in court against their boss. Meanwhile, the plot thickens when a police medical report revealed that Chau apparently has cancer; therefore, Beethoven will see to it that his partner will have a well-deserved vacation in his remaining months.
Frequent Jackie Chan cohort Mars stars as Sing, an ex-con who's supposed to dig up the buried loot of his three still-jailed buddies...but when he gets to it, he finds that the treasure chest is full of rocks! The other three are convinced that Sing stole the goods for himself, so Sing decides to hide out with his kick-butt cousin Kuen, played with athletic aplomb by kung-fu princess Kara Hui! But some insurance investigators (Carina Lau and Billy Lau) are also after the loot, and there's even a mousy travel agent (future director Clarence Fok) thrown in for good measure. It all adds up to numerous shenanigans and action-comedy hijinks, culminating in a knockdown action finale set in a warehouse! Wooden crates, two-by-fours, and more props than you can name are used and abused in the name of creative eighties HK-style action, which Jackie Chan and company are only too glad to dispense to the audience!
Ah Chaan and Fat Chug were good partners in the Police Force. Both of them had helped in solving many criminal and civil cases despite their silly behaviour. In order to persuade Ah Fong to marry him, he provide a living space for Ah Fong's aunt and her daughter named Ah Jane. Ah Chaan was attracted by Jane’s charm and lovely personality and tried everything to please her. A dominant criminal had made a plot were chased by the police. Joe, who was the criminal's assistant catch Jane and Fong and threatened that she would not release Ah Jane and Fong if both Ah Chaan and Fat Chug did not get the ransom for them. The gangster put on them a remote time bomb and a microphone to have a better control on them...
Two police officers and an informant go undercover to infiltrate a counterfeiting ring.
Inspector E.T. (Alex Man) investigates a murder case reported by singer Chu Szu Ting (Shirley Lui). The suspect, plastic factory owner Lu (Michael Tong) testifies and is acquitted. An important clue is later found and killer Lu comes to attack Szu Ting only to be stopped and killed by E.T. and his men. E.T., who has been estranged from his wife, tries different tricks to woo Szu Ting and eventually wins her heart. Her long lost father Chu Hung (Ku Feng), newly discharged from prison, intends to retrieve a hidden loot and tells her of his intention to join her. Szu Ting tells E.T. to probe his background when E.T. is injured and hospitalized. She takes her father to their former residence as ordered, but something there makes her suspicious of his identity. She spots him holding an axe and shouts for help when he is killed by someone sent by E.T. to secretly protect her.
On plane [cameo]
시골에서 갓 올라온 아황은 근면성실한 생활태도로 인해 이를 눈여겨본 한 식당주인의 데릴사위가 된다. 가난한 아황은 그의 부인과 식당주인인 장인에게 심한 구박을 받으면서도 이를 참아간다. 그러나 어려움 속에서도 극진한 효성으로 할아버지를 모시던 아황에게 어느날 꿈에도 그리던 이상형의 여인 시시가 나타나면서부터 새로운 사건이 시작되는데...
Social soccer player
시골청년 리닝은 도시로 나오면서 처음 도시로 나와 어리둥절 할때 소매치기를 당하게 된다. 그는 소매치기들을 쫓다가 예쁜 소녀를 만나게되고 그로부터 축구선수가 되라고 부탁을 받는다. 축구선수가 된 리닝은 너무 개구져 다른 축구 클럽에서 리닝을 골탕 먹이려고 갖은 방법을 모두 동원하나 리닝은 뛰어난 지기로 위기를 모면하는데...
젊고 멋진 검객 봉서오가 사망과 실종의 소문을 조사하기 위해 아름답지만 죽음의 장소인 천염야월에 도착한다. 치터를 연주하는 아름다운 젊은 여인이 그를 막으며 떠나라고 경고한다. 그는 거절하나 곧 오래전에 죽어 유령이 된 그녀의 어머니에게 공격당한다. 18년 전 그녀와 그녀의 동료, 일본 사무라이 집단이 중국 검객에 의해 피살 되자 유령은 중국 무술계와 그녀를 배신한 남편인 검객 남전옥에 대한 복수를 맹세했다. 그녀의 딸이 서오의 탈출을 도와 도교 사제의 치료를 받게 하나 유령은 자신을 해친 사람들의 후손들을 파괴하며 무술계에 공격을 시작한다. 남전옥은 도교 사제와 소림 승려와 연합해 유령과 대적 하지만, 그녀의 힘이 너무 강해, 자의상인으로 알려진 영적 도사를 칠신과 함께 부른다. 봉서오와 남전옥은 유령을 따라 지옥으로 가 저주를 끝낸다.
Mr. Zha's Thug
In “82 Tenants” the widow Zhang and Bing, her new young consort, want to sell an apartment house to a property developer but old man Zhang's will provided that the current tenants can stay there as long as they want or the building survives. So it is clear who the villains are—joining the greedy couple is Chao who has purchased all the land around the building but needs this final piece so he can know everything down and build a money spinning edifice. One the other side are the tenants, a disparate group whose grudgingly and occasionally antagonistically shared communal life, while not ideal, is certainly better than not having a place to live.
Hell may have no fury like a woman scorned, but hell, literally, really has no wrath like a lusting ghost scorned! Muscular "Venom" Lo Mang discovers just that when the demon arranges to have his true love killed in order to possess her. Chaos, revenge, insanity, violence, tragedy, and even romance ensue. Director Kuei Chih-hung, already famous for Bamboo House of Dolls, Killer Snakes, Ghost Eyes, Corpse, Hex, and many other cult classics, shoots the works with this amazing horror love story.
Monk Wu Li
황제는 두 왕자, 옥새와 보검을 궁궐에 난입한 역적의 마수에서 지키기 위해 신하들에게 맡기지만, 역적 "철지" 9왕야의 군사가 궁궐 내에 침입해 공격한다. 신하들과 9왕야의 군사는 대혼전, 결국 황제는 스스로 목숨을 끊는다. 신하들은 차례차례 죽고 둘째 왕자의 아들과 보검을 품은 신하는 은신처에 도착한다. 장남의 아들과 옥새를 나르던 신하들은 9왕야의 철지 공격을 받아 중상을 입은 채 도착한 곳이 소림사의 "계율원"인데...
Hong Kong comedy starring David Wu and Meg Lam directed by Chi-Lien Yu.
Blind man
Kwong and Ming, two boys from rural China, sneak into Hong Kong to get quick rich. But they are instantly disillusioned and they get into messy situations. The superstar who looks exactly like Kwong has a nasty spill in a dangerous stunt and dies. Kwong is recruited to stand in. Money and all life's amenities become available to the pair. While Ming makes the best out of the situation by gambling and womanizing, Kwong realizes that his own amazement money is not everything.
Snake Tongue
겁쟁이 소담은 남들 빨래를 해주고 빨래 값을 받으러 다닌다. 하지만 다들 소담을 만만하게 보는 탓에 늘 괴롭힘당하기 일쑤이다. 그러던 어느 날, 얼굴을 분장한 남자가 소담을 죽이려고 하기 시작한다.
A humble village finds itself at the center of an ongoing blood feud. Innocent lives are sacrificed as the two warring factions duel to the death. Twins are taught the styles of Dragon and Phoenix to enable them to avenge their mother's murder.
Cross-eyed robber
This is a story about a security guard agency and its three agents-Michael, Sam and Ricky. Sam and Ricky are delivering a large sum of money to a bank when a robbery takes place under their nose. after a series of hair-raising about hilarious chases, the agents get their men. With Michael and Sam giving their reward money to Ricky. They live haphazardly ever after.
House painter
A compulsive gambler weds a ghost who helps and hinders him in both horrid and hilarious ways.
Injecting killer
Ricky and Fatso are friends in need. They are in dire need of money since they are only paid slave wages at the bottling factory. However, they become millionaires overnight after buying a winning lottery ticket. During one of their swingin' nights on the town, Ricky is suddenly attacked by an upset stomach; and in no time, a quack doctor diagnoses the seizure as terminal cancer. Ricky seriously considers suicide. But he is appalled by the drawbacks inherent in the available methods of doing himself in--primarily the pain! It is on a rooftop from which he is supposed to make a plunge that he saves a poor man from suicide by giving the latter all the money he has. In gratitude, the newly rich man promises to hire a killer to finish off his suffering benefactor...
Furniture Mover
술과 도박에 빠진 것도 모자라 폭력까지 행사하는 나쁜 남편 양춘우에게 시달리던 병약한 아내 진세영이 병세가 악화되어 오늘 내일 하던 중 비가 내리던 어느날 하녀 양기오가 우발적으로 남편을 항아리에 빠트려 죽이는 일에 동참했다가 남편의 원귀에 시달리다 절명하고 그 사건에 숨겨진 진실이 드러나면서 벌어지는 이야기
Two orphans raised by monks are taught divine secrets of kung fu. As adults, one chooses the path of the monks while the other opts for the outside world. Aspiring barber and experienced kung-fu fighter Shang learns that his childhood friend, Siu Ming, has been framed for murder by an unknown villain.When Shang begins looking into the crime, he soon finds himself the target of an assassination attempt. They reunite to find their missing godfather and seek vengeance on his kidnappers. Who is behind all these crimes, and can Shang stop them?
Au's thug
Ma is a grinning and arrogant young man who believes himself invincible, and with fairly good reason. He intervenes to save Captain Kao from robbery, then aids and abets the robbery of an old man, whose daughter Chin he falls instantly in love with. The stolen money was to pay a debt and, because he hasn't the money, the old man is mortally wounded by Sha, the debt collector's assistant. Ma spends the remainder of the film wooing Chin and baiting and fighting the villains, who seem to keep changing allegiances.
Drunken Wedding Guest
호탕한 성격의 챤윙은 열렬한 무술애호가로 뛰어난 스승을 찾아 전국을 돌아다닌다. 위험에 처한 맹인을 구해주게 되었을 때 챤은 우연히 무술의 명수인 륭천양을 만나게 된다. 륭의 쿵푸 묘기에 완전히 매료된 챤은 그의 추종자가 되기로 결심하지만 자신의 새 부인인 만유엣에와 도망 중인 륭은 챤의 추종을 어떻게든 떼어 보내려 한다.
Cross eyed constable
여러 무술 도장의 무예인들이 사자놀이 대회에 참가하기 위해 준비가 한창이다. 아룡(성룡 분)의 도장에는 사자놀이에 능한 사형이 있었는데, 공교롭게도 이번 대회를 앞두고 부상을 입어 출전을 하지못하게 된다. 난처해진 무술도장의 사부는 아룡을 출전시키기로 결심한다. 뜻하지 않게 대회에 참가하게 된 아룡은 최선을 다해 상대와 겨룬다. 그런데 경기 도중 상대편의 얼굴을 본 아룡은 그가 바로 자신의 도장에 있었던 사형이라는 사실을 알게 되는데...
Smart Boy and Big Eyes are happy foes, and idly cheat one another to make a living. One day, they meet and injured man who has a secret for them.
Loanshark in pink
Two people in debt to loan sharks cooperate with each other to clear their debt and cheat other people out of their money.
일대도왕과 일대창왕의 무공은 백중세로 15년이나 결투를 해왔음에도 승부를 지을 수 없게 되자각자 제자를 들여 대신 승부를 짓는 것으로 타협한다. 일대창왕의 제자인 뚱보 아요와 일대도왕의 제자인 애송이는 무술을 전부 받고 대결장소인 무림성지에 왔다가 소패천의 부하들에게 사로잡히게 된다. 소패천은 젊은날, 일대도왕과 일대창왕에게 도전했다가 모두 패하고 강호를 떠났던 인물로 자신의 복수를 위해 도왕과 창왕의 제자를 납치한 것이었는데…
광동에서 도둑질을 하며 소일을 하는 허군보는 우연히 관부의 보물을 턴 강도들을 혼내주고 그 보물로 해상술집에서 거부 보석상행세를 하며 기생들과 유희를 즐긴다. 이때 반대편에서 북경에서 온 보석상인 왕천명이라는 사람과 자존심대결을 하게 되고 급기야 왕천명에게 싸움을 건다. 이 소동으로 관군이 몰려오는데 왕천명이 증명서를 보이자 관군은 쩔쩔매는데, 왕천명의 신분은 바로 11왕야이다. 그는 명주와 골동품 그리고 무공을 좋아해 자주 변복을 하고 유람하는 것을 좋아하는 사람이다. 허군보는 왕천명의 신분을 모른 채 자신이 도둑질한 보물을 찾으려고 애쓰다가 무공을 숨긴 왕천명이 기생인 소홍 (혜영홍)을 이용해 허군보를 굴복시키고 심지어 허군보를 제자로 삼는다. 이때 황권을 노린 4황자는 자객을 보내 11황자를 죽이려하고, 11황자도 큰 부상을 입는다. 허군보가 진심으로 간호하자 감동한 11황자는 그에게 무영각을 전수해주고 허군보의 수행 하에 황궁으로 향한다.
Defeated in a match at Shaolin, Wu Kung wanders China till he finds his own temple and style of fighting: Tang Sao Do Karate. Years later, student and ninth successor, Hsi Man Kwong challenges and crumbles all the Chinese kung fu schools in the area.
Gets Beaten Up in Casino
사기를 치며 살아가는 대보와 소보는 전당포에서 사기를 쳐서 돈을 벌지만 잃어버리게 되고 도박장에 가서 또 한번 사기를 치려 하는데 발각되어 쫓겨나게 된다. 두 사람은 식당에서 한 남자에게 사기를 치려 하지만 어찌된 영문인지 그는 속지 않는다. 그에게 시비를 걸다가 상당한 실력의 무술자라는 것을 알고 잘못을 빌며 제자로 들어가기로 한 두 사람. 무술을 배워 또 다시 사기를 치려고 하는데 이번에는 뚱보 거지 신탐에게 돈을 뺏기게 된다. 분한 마음으로 스승 '가무도'를 찾아간 그들 앞에 칠우와 설화가 나타나고 원수라는 가무도의 말에 힘을 합쳐 그들을 물리치는데, 대보와 소보는 가무도를 찾는 형사를 통해 그가 강도 짓으로 지명 수배 중이라는 것을 알게 된다. 과거가 밝혀지자 가무도는 두 사람을 죽이려 들고, 대보의 희생으로 소보는 가까스로 도망 치게 된다. 소보는 신탐을 찾아가 무술을 배우고 연마하여 가무도에게 복수를 하려 하는데..
Given a jar of sweets by a beautiful air-hostess, Chan finds that each one contains a diamond (diamonds belonging to a ruthless smuggling gang). Chan finds out the hard way that when there’s no place to hide and nowhere left to run, a fight to the finish is the only way out!
Two fellows who make friends under the funniest circumstances cause a riot through a series of jobs that they take on and lose at an alarming rate.
My Kung Fu Master is a Hong Kong Martial Arts Comedy
성공하기 위해 홍콩에 온 한과 록은 닥치는 대로 일을 하며 돈을 벌고자 하지만 홍콩에서의 삶은 만만치 않다. 강도를 당하고, 사기를 당하기 일쑤인 인생에 어느 날 한은 로또에 당첨되지만 하필이면 그날 놀러 간 클럽에서 강도를 당하고 로또가 들어있는 지갑을 빼앗기고 만다. 한은 인생 역전을 위해 친구인 록과 운의 도움을 받아 강도들에게서 로또를 되찾으려 하는데…
One day, due to carelessness. Ah Chung is fired from his job as a toilet attendant. Out of sympathy, Ah Lien, a waitress who he secretly admires, gives him financial help. When the much indebted Ah Chung found another job, he went to return the money to Ah Lien but was disappointed to learn that she had left and married. Years later, their paths cross again in a strip-tease joint.