Steve Mak Fei-Hung


Steve Mak is known for A Better Tomorrow II (1987), Project A (1983) and Zheng hong qi xia (1991).

참여 작품

Godfather's Daughter Mafia Blues
Lung comes from China to Hong Kong in search of a new life and fortune. He is employed as a security officer by Lee at a night club that he runs. When Lee’s partner dies, his business is endangered by his partner’s son, Soufu. As retribution, Lee’s daughter May, hurts Soufu. Soufu’s anger gets the best of him, and he murders Lee. May must now make the next move in this deadly game of chess, and asks Lung to help her avenge Lee’s death. Lung hesitantly agrees, and the hunt is on to give Soufu exactly what he deserves!
An Eternal Combat
Action director on movie set
1000 years before our time: Master Cho-Lo, a Taoist priest (Lam Ching-Ying) and his two understudies (Parkman Wong and Shing Fui On) go on a quest to fight an evil Japanese demon. When the Taoist priest and his two helpers impose a ritual on the demon, they're all thrown into a time vortex and finally find themselves in modern day Hong Kong. Now the fight continues – in a different time and with many new problems ...
Chuen/ Bad Breath
암흑가갱단 홍흥사의 대부 이곤이 살해된다. 장례식을 위해 미국에서 온 그의 아들 이만호는 뛰어난 계략과 지식으로 홍흥사를 참조직딘 사업체로 변모시킨다. 한편 전통적인 갱단의 관습속에 성장한 야심찬 젊은이 양항은 이만호의 조직경영에 강력히 반발한다. 다른 조직들도 이만호의 부상에 위협을 느기고, 홍흥사를 축출하려 들자 갱단간의 세력다툼이 벌어진다. 예기치 못한 사태를 맞은 임나호는 모든 걸 두고 미국으로 돌아가려 하는데 홍흥사의 옛 영광을 되찾으려던 양항이 주세진의 음모에 걸려든다. 양항을 탐탁치 않게 여기던 이만호였지만 궁지에 몰린 그를 보고만 있을 수는 없었다. 이만호는 총력을 기울여 주세진의 음모를 분쇄하고 양항을 구한 후 홍콩을 뜨는데...
Bloody Brotherhood
Wah is the only one in his family lucky enough to survive the deadly boat passage from China to Hong Kong. Once in Hong Kong, he searches for opportunities he heard so much about. After struggling for months, he discovers that this is all but a myth.
음양의 결투 - 맹귀차관
Muscle Man Punching Chiu Man
드라큐라와 형사. 누가 더 센가? 좀도둑 사자명은 파출소 지하에 갇힌다. 그곳은 일제시대 때 황군막사로 일본이 투항하자 많은 장교들이 할복 자살하여 귀신들이 상주하는 곳이다. 사자명은 그곳에서 귀신에게 물려 강시가 되어 버린다. 사자명은 그곳을 빠가져 나갈려고 하다가 민완 형사인 금맥기와 맹초에게 잡혀 버린다. 그리고 아침이 되자 사자명은 새로 변해버린다. 두 사람은 놀라 반장에게 보고하지만 놀림받고. 드디어 시작되었다. 두 형사의 귀신토벌.
폴리스 마담 1 - 천사행동
경찰의 공동 작전으로 불법 양귀비 밭이 불태워지자, 마약 밀매 조직 연합은 작전에 가담한 경찰들을 하나씩 암살하기 시작한다. 이에 홍콩 경찰은 민간 해결사 조직인 천사에 해당 사건을 의뢰한다.
Kim's Thug
홍콩 최고의 특수 부대 요원 아달, 아달에게는 어린 소년들과 어울리는 정신박약의 형 대부쇄가 있다. 아달은 선원으로 살고 싶은 꿈을 갖고 있지만 매번 말썽을 일으키는 대부쇄 형을 돌보며 지내야 한다. 어느 날, 아달의 형은 친구 팽국화와 함께 장난감 총을 가지고 놀다가 범죄자 아발을 위협하여 보석 가방을 우연히 손에 넣게 된다. 두목 김 전준은 자신의 것이었던 보석 가방을 아달이 중간에서 가로챘다는 오해를 하고, 팽국화에 집에 숨어있던 대부쇄를 납치한다. 한편, 조직의 습격을 받은 범죄자 아발은 경찰에게 자수를 하며 조직과 관련된 사건의 증인이 되어 신변보호를 요청한다. 김 전준은 위기를 느끼고 어리숙한 대부쇄를 인질로 삼아, 아달에게 경찰의 증인인 아발과 형 대부쇄를 교환하자는 제안을 한다. 아달은 특수 기동대에서 만난 친구들을 모아 형의 구출작전을 짜기 시작한다. 아달의 친구들은 아발을 몰래 납치하고, 기나긴 추격전 끝에 조직의 아지트인 폐건물에서 범죄조직과 피할 수 없는 정면 대결을 벌이게 되는데... 과연 아달은 형 대부쇄를 범죄 조직으로부터 무사히 구해낼 수 있을까?
Prince Charming
Lolanto's henchman
Chen Li is the son of an enormously wealthy Hong Kong businessman and is vacationing in Hawaii, experiencing typical girl problems. His lothario friend Lolanto flies in from Hong Kong and is determined to find Chen Li a girl within a few days. After a series of hijinks, Chen Li and Lolanto are back in Hong Kong and investigating high-level embezzling in Chen's father's corporation. It also turns out that Kitty and May are employed there as well, with Kitty being the secretary of the supposed embezzler. Because Chen has been notoriously inconspicuous and no one knows what he looks like, he is able to assume to role of a limousine driver for Lolanto, who takes on the persona of Chen Li himself. While tracking down the corruption, Lolanto and Chen also are trying to win the hearts of the two women, but are they looking for true love or only money?
Flash Future Kung Fu
Imagine an old-school martial arts melodrama about competing fighting schools dropped into the grungy sci-fi world of Blade Runner, and you have an idea of the curious mix of styles in Flash Future Kung Fu. Eddy Ko is the maverick star pupil of an honorable school who secretly engages in underground "Black Boxing" bouts, a black market sport off limits to the school. The ambitious X-Gang, a bloodthirsty neo-Nazi-like organization, plots to take care of Ko and his friends and take over the city with their army of mind-controlled zombie soldiers. In true Hong Kong fashion, it boils down to a showdown of champions, and this one takes place in a boxing ring in an eerily empty warehouse with video coverage broadcasting the event all over.
Crimson Street
Sally (Sally Yeh) is a club singer, caught in a love rectangle between three men: Stone (Kenny Bee), a bank robber newly released from prison, club owner Paul King (Michael Chan Wai-Man) and Pow (Melvin Wong), a policeman.
The Fake Ghost Catchers
Mai Feihong
This delightful action comedy came out a full two years before Ghostbusters premiered. Coincidence? You be the judge. Whatever the inspiration, nothing can compare to this amazing showcase of wushu and wizardry as one of the best all-star fighting casts take on spectres, spirits, and phantoms as well as each other.
Coolie Killer
Ko leads a team of Hong Kong assassins that are taken out one by one. Ko manages to flee to the countryside, where he aims to find out who's behind this and to gain the strength to fight back. Helping him is local girl Tong, whilst chasing Ko is the long arm of the law, represented by cop Chung.
Duel Of The Tough
During the Ching Dynasty, a Buddhist priest named Hung must take a journey to spread the word of Buddha. He takes the holy Scriptures along on his journey to southern China. During Hung's trip one of Dai-kiang's henchmen (Wah-sang), attacks him and steals the sacred documents. Luckily Priest Hung is able to escape from the attackers and meets a fellow northerner, Huang, who swears to aid the holy man. Hung and Huang return to the temple to regroup, where Huang is taught the deadly technique called, Magic Kicks! Armed with this new fighting style Huang embarks on a mission to retrieve the documents. He'll need more then just skill to take on Dai-kiangs army of misfits, but will he find the help he needs?
Duel Of The Tough
Action Director
During the Ching Dynasty, a Buddhist priest named Hung must take a journey to spread the word of Buddha. He takes the holy Scriptures along on his journey to southern China. During Hung's trip one of Dai-kiang's henchmen (Wah-sang), attacks him and steals the sacred documents. Luckily Priest Hung is able to escape from the attackers and meets a fellow northerner, Huang, who swears to aid the holy man. Hung and Huang return to the temple to regroup, where Huang is taught the deadly technique called, Magic Kicks! Armed with this new fighting style Huang embarks on a mission to retrieve the documents. He'll need more then just skill to take on Dai-kiangs army of misfits, but will he find the help he needs?
Duel Of The Tough
Martial Arts Choreographer
During the Ching Dynasty, a Buddhist priest named Hung must take a journey to spread the word of Buddha. He takes the holy Scriptures along on his journey to southern China. During Hung's trip one of Dai-kiang's henchmen (Wah-sang), attacks him and steals the sacred documents. Luckily Priest Hung is able to escape from the attackers and meets a fellow northerner, Huang, who swears to aid the holy man. Hung and Huang return to the temple to regroup, where Huang is taught the deadly technique called, Magic Kicks! Armed with this new fighting style Huang embarks on a mission to retrieve the documents. He'll need more then just skill to take on Dai-kiangs army of misfits, but will he find the help he needs?
Duel Of The Tough
Stunt Coordinator
During the Ching Dynasty, a Buddhist priest named Hung must take a journey to spread the word of Buddha. He takes the holy Scriptures along on his journey to southern China. During Hung's trip one of Dai-kiang's henchmen (Wah-sang), attacks him and steals the sacred documents. Luckily Priest Hung is able to escape from the attackers and meets a fellow northerner, Huang, who swears to aid the holy man. Hung and Huang return to the temple to regroup, where Huang is taught the deadly technique called, Magic Kicks! Armed with this new fighting style Huang embarks on a mission to retrieve the documents. He'll need more then just skill to take on Dai-kiangs army of misfits, but will he find the help he needs?
Chief Hsu's man
트레저 헌터 집도보가 보물을 찾던 중 보물의 단서를 아는 초구적을 만나 편지를 손에 넣는데 그 속에서 법화사의 문자를 발견한다. 보물의 열쇄는 법화사에 있다고 확신한 두 사람은 법화사의 고승 무상을 찾지만, 법화사에 보물이 있다는 소문이 돌고 이후 그것을 찾는 자들은 누군가에게 살해된다. 모든 것은 비연쌍도의 사용자 막충이 보물을 독차지하려고 한 소행이었다. 함정을 파놓고 무상을 해친 막충 일당들은 마침내 법화사를 습격한다. 집도보와 초구적은 무상을 도우러 법화사로 향하는데...
Money Is Lovely
Muscle man
A movie company secretly films the lives of two conmen.
민완박 형사는 인천부두를 중심으로 한 두 개의 범죄조직을 파고든다. 장도일과 마진두, 두 조직은 서로의 헤게모니 쟁탈을 위한 수단과 방법을 가리지 않는다. 이에 장도일은 타도 마진두를 목표로 막대한 거금을 드려 미국인 월리암 박사에게 의뢰하여 권격 인조인간을 제작한다. 인조인간 일걸, 이걸, 삼걸을 소유한 장도일은 마진두의 아지트를 급습하여 그의 부하들을 모조리 쓰러뜨리고 문제의 밀수품을 강탈한다. 삼거의 위력이 대단해지고 그에 따른 수사가 추적되자 월리암은 엉뚱한 생각을 한다. 인조삼걸을 홍콩으로 옮길 것을, 이것을 안 여비서 미스 한이 삼걸에게 범죄악용을 설득시킨다. 이에 분개한 인조삼설이 월리암에게 달려들어 그의 계략을 일시에 무너뜨린다. 박 형사는 인조삼걸이 없어진 장도일과 마진도 일파와의 승부에서 이긴다.
Funny Kung Fu
Two vile Kung Fu masters terrorize a small town and extort money out of the inhabitants. A local kid who's obsessed by martial arts learns all kinds of Kung Fu including homemade Kung Fu in the hopes that he will be good enough to see the nasty masters off.
Storming Attacks
A band of counterfeiters wants to make Hong Kong their new territory. The disgraced leader of the Special Squad will have to team-up with a group of Hong Kong police officers in an attempt to stop the dirty business of crime lord Han Tin Lung, but Han's problem is not only the interference of the Police force, but his Japanese ally Kimura is not happy with his 'cut' in the counterfeit deal and will try to put Donna (a relative of Han) on his side to make Han's business his own property. Both policemen and criminals are highly trained Martial Arts fighters and they will have the chance to prove who has the best Kung Fu techniques.
Deadly Snake Versus Kung Fu Killers
Wood Demon
Drama - The epic magical battle between fairies rages on as young martial artist Cheung risks his life to rescue the Sky Mussel Fairy. No good deed goes unpunished, however, and for his daring but foolish antics, Cheung is cast out of his uncle's safe home. Now, Cheung wanders a perilous world of gods and demons. Only his fighting skills can keep him safe in this kung fu fantasy from Ling Hsiang co-starring Ching Tien, Tony Wong and Candy Yu. - Yuan-Shen Huang, On-On Yu, Amy Chum