범죄도시 홍콩은 청소년의 탈선과 범죄로 얼룩져 있다. 캐나다에서 귀국한 미스 곽은 온갖 종류의 비행 소녀들을 담당하고 그들을 감화시키려 노력하지만 소녀들 역시 자기 나름대로의 역사와 철학이 있는 골치아픈 존재들. 아빠의 정부를 때려눕힌 아민, 매춘 뚜장인 아평, 무전취식하다 걸린 절름발이 등 이유도 각양각색. 소녀들은 자신들에게 각별한 관심을 갖는 곽을 귀찮아하며 골탕먹이기 작전을 편다.
Mok Ka Bo is a young lad with a few problems. He's just cut loose from a relationship with Fung, a violent lad who can't accept being dumped and wants him back. Ka Bo takes after pretty schoolgirl Margaret, who is apparently a top student and quite respectable, but has a poor and unhappy home life. Ka Bo also has a difficult relationship with his mum, a middle-aged hooker whose use-by date has arrived.
Hong Kong horror film.
Fong and Angie were close friends when they were in school but departed after graduation. Fong continued her further education in a training center. Angie worked in a studio and had a crush on a guy classmate Cheung, who was also attracted to Angie. Though Angie had feeling on Cheung, but she found out about Fong's infatuation so refused to date Cheung. One night, Angie was particularly low in spirits, she went to see Cheung at the club where he sang. She ended up sleeping with him. Stricken by a guilty conscience, Angie refused to see Cheung again. Fong found that Cheung didn't like him so she dedicated herself into course. At the graduation performance, Fong invited Angie to go but Angle didn't show up. Fong kept calling Angie and eventually she got through and found out that Angie had drown in the swimming pool.
Directed by David Lai, the provocative 80s Hong Kong classic Lonely Fifteen follows a group of delinquent teenage girls and their downward spiral. Spurning home and school for various reasons, four troubled and alienated schoolgirls descend into crime, sex, drugs, prostitution and tragedy. Lonely Fifteen received seven nominations at the 2nd Hong Kong Film Awards and won Best Actress for teenaged lead Becky Lam in her first and only film appearance.
Ling's parents has been separated when she was small, however, she always miss her brother, Ding. Ling's boyfriend is a social worker. One day, he sees a youngster who looks like Ling's brother and loves drinking cream soda and milk. Nevertheless, Ding doesn't want to meet his sister..
Paul's mother
A sociopathic beauty urges three nerdy pranksters to embark on a deranged rampage.
허안화 감독의 장편영화 데뷔작으로, 실화에 기반한 미스터리 스릴러. 잔혹하게 죽은 남녀의 시신이 발견되고 이들의 이웃이었던 린은 이 죽음의 의문을 추적한다. 사건에 관계된 인물들 각자의 서술이 섞여 들고, 이 죽음에는 중국 전통의 미신이 연관되어 있다는 것이 차차 드러난다.