In a staid English seaside town after the Second World War, young Lynda grows up with her widowed father and younger sister. Rebellious Lynda has been swearing constantly from an early age. At sixteen, she becomes more exhibitionist and seeks out sexual encounters challenging the prevailing lower-middle class attitudes to sex. She eventually becomes pregnant by an acquaintance of her father.
사건 의뢰가 없어 무료해 하던 홈즈에게 모스턴이라는 젊은 여성이 찾아온다. 그녀는 모르는 사람으로부터 일년에 한 번씩 이유도 모르는 채 진주를 받았는데, 이번엔 진주를 보낸 사람으로부터 직접 만나자는 연락이 왔다는 것이다. 홈즈는 왓슨과 함께 새디어스 숄토를 찾아가서 진주에 얽힌 사연을 듣고는 모스턴의 아버지와 숄토의 아버지가 연관이 있다는 것을 알아낸다. 사건의 전말을 추적하며 홈즈는 새디러스 숄토의 형을 찾아갔지만, 그는 이미 살해 당한 후였고 네개의 서명이 쓰인 종이만 남아 있는데…….
It's New Year's Eve in Thatcher's de-industrialising Britain. The scene is set at a seedy bar in Liverpool where a group of Irish Protestant and Irish Catholic pensioners will gather to clash and bash the new year in.
A play by Victoria Wood. Frances is 28, single and happy, despite ritual interrogation from her family as to why she's not married. Then she meets Jim, and finds she has decisions to make.
A married couple, after a life time of work and bringing up a family, retire and awaken to the fast changing world around them, the habitual nature of their relationship, and what they have left.