John O'Connor

참여 작품

A Show of Force
First Assistant Director
In this thriller, television reporter Kate Ryan de Meléndez investigates the death of two radical Puerto Rican activists, whom she begins to believe may have been framed and murdered by undercover American agents.
아메리칸 고딕
Associate Producer
6 명의 친구가 주말 휴가를 떠나고 갑자기 엔진 트러블에 시달리다가 외딴 섬에 착륙해야합니다. 피난소를 찾는 사람들은 엄마와 아빠와 그 아이들 - 섬의 뒷마귀에 사는 편심한 가족과 만나게되어서 고맙습니다. 그러나 단순한 환대로 시작하는 것은 생존을위한 무서운 경주로 바뀌며, 친구들은 하나씩 사라지기 시작합니다. (구글번역)
And the Wall Came Tumbling Down
Assistant Director
Workmen digging in a building discover the remains of a 300-+year-old devil cult.
Dad... Can I Borrow the Car?
A live-action short, using many avant-garde film techniques, that looks at American car culture in the late 1960s. The main section deals with the many trials and obstacles a teenager must face on the path to being able to drive. Surviving the driver's education class is only the first step, as the teenager must then pass his driving test, and then finally get permission to borrow the family car.
Assistant Director
A boy who cries wolf witnesses a political assassination on the island of Malta. But will anyone other than his granddad believe him?
태양 저편으로의 여행
Assistant Director
A planet is discovered in the same orbit as Earth's but is located on the exact opposite side of the sun, making it not visible from Earth. The European Space Exploration Council decide to send American astronaut Glenn Ross and British scientist John Kane via spaceship to explore the other planet.