Víctor Montero

Víctor Montero

프로필 사진

Víctor Montero
Víctor Montero

참여 작품

Vidas recicladas
Paragliding Instructor
Working in a recycling factory, a group of people come together and decide to restart their lives finding themselves through love and self-improvement.
나의 사랑스러운 혁명가
Cajón del Maipo Military
피노체트 군부 독재가 극에 달한 1980년대 산티아고에서 예기치 못한 로맨스가 싹튼다. 늙고 가난한 신세로 전락한 크로스드레서 “퀸”은 어느 밤 청년 게릴라요원 카를로스의 도움을 받아 위기를 모면한다. 카를로스는 퀸에게 물건을 맡아 달라고 부탁하고, 호의로 부탁을 들어준 퀸은 자신의 아파트에 보관된 상자 속에 피노체트 정권을 무너뜨릴 무기가 들어있다는 사실을 모르는데…
Her work, her marriage, maternity, life itself… For Edith, everything has passed along without further questioning. As a cashier of a supermarket, she watches her days pass by between family and labor routine. Weeks, months and years she sees go by without even thinking. Suddenly, she discovers she is not happy. A conflict at work seems to synchronize with other thousands of sparks that set on fire the dry prairie of a society without hope. While Santiago starts to burn, Edith moves, bound for a change of life, no matter where destiny can take her.
프리즌 브레이커스
Germán Sanchez
칠레의 독재자 ‘피노체트’ 집권 시기, 독재자 암살에 실패한 ‘마누엘 로드리게스 애국전선’ 소속의 혁명가들이 악명 높은 산티아고 교도소에 수감된다. 독재자 암살의 목표를 굽히지 않은 24명의 혁명가들은 공학 박사인 ‘레온’의 치밀한 계산 아래 지하통로를 통한 탈옥 작전을 세운다. 아무런 탈출 장비도, 방법도 없는 상황에서 그들은 오직 독재 타도와 자유를 위해 하루에 몇 cm씩, 끝없는 전진을 이어간다.
El Taller
Diego / Protester 1
In the midst of a convulsed country, a group of people attend a poetry workshop that can last only one night,taught by the renowned academic David Sanhueza.
Jeremías Gallardo, a prominent Chilean journalist who, on January 29th, 1986, covers the last death sentence in the country, which was carried out in the prison of Valparaiso. That same day, his wife is giving birth to her first child at a clinic in the capital. Gallardo's return to Santiago becomes an inner journey where he will relive moments from his dark past, linked to the intelligence services of that time.
All Together
Director de Casting
Juan, a young guitarrist that has inherited his father's business, meets Sofía, a girl who's about to get married. Together they start a road trip through Northern Chile, where they could seek answers to their destinies.
Ana, wants her brother Andres to forgive her father, after years of distance. She must deal over and over again with all the situations that affect her dysfunctional family, while in silence, her own children coexist with abortion, drugs and indifference. Three conflicts over lack of communication and an unexpected end.
쟈니의 100페소
Commissioner Duarte
강도죄로 교도소에서 20년을 복역하고 출소한 '요니'. 그런 요니 앞에 자기가 요니의 아들이라는 청년 '후안'이 나타난다. 그리고 출소 후 당장 갈 데가 없으면 자기와 함께 머무르자고 한다. 후안은 알고 보니 마약상으로 돈을 벌고 있었고, 그렇게 알게 된 단골 여자 고객 '바바라'의 호화 저택에 같이 머물고 있었다. 그러던 어느날 후안은 바바라의 집에 수금을 하러 온 건달과 몸싸움을 하던 도중 사망하게 하고, 이를 발견한 요니는 아들을 도와 시신을 숨긴 다음, 바바라와 후안과 함께 도망친다. 하지만 얼마 못 가 죽은 건달의 보스에게 덜미를 잡히게 되는데... 보스 '모니'는 요니 일행에게 대신 부잣집 딸을 납치하라고 협박을 한다. 이에 요니와 일행은 원치 않는 납치극에 가담하게 된다.
First Born
While Thomas spends his last weekend in Chile with his family, before traveling abroad for the first time, a flaw in the sewage system produces a flood of smelly water. The problem shows the essence of family relationships.
Rubén Azócar
권력에 저항한 정치인이자 민중을 대변하는 칠레의 전설적인 시인 ‘네루다’. 공개적으로 정부를 비난한 그를 잡아오라는 대통령의 명령을 받은 비밀경찰 ‘오스카’는 도피를 위해 아내 ‘델리아’와 함께 은둔생활을 하는 ‘네루다’의 흔적을 밤낮 없이 쫓는다. 아이러니하게도 은둔생활이 길어질수록 ‘네루다’는 세계적 영웅이 되어가고, 그를 잡아야만 하는 ‘오스카’조차 그가 남긴 책 속 문장들에 매료되고 마는데…
La mujer de la Esclavina
Carmen, a seamstress who prepares for a local party with friends and family, loses control and commits an irrational act after one of her love's ex-partner returns and threatens her and her daughter.
Puzzle Negro
Agente Salinas
A trans-media storytelling which combines comics, interviews, animation and film noir.
The Magician
Negro Santa Cruz
Two brothers, one a talented amateur magician, dream of joining a circus. On their quest, they discover that all is not what it seems.
Romance Policial
Antonio, young Brazilian civil servant, travels to the Atacama Desert in search of inspiration to write a short story.
Kite Adrift
Paulina, a trainee social worker doing her internship in a reintegration center, meets Manuel, with whom she starts a friendship that promps her to question her vocation and begin a 'second adolescence', this time free from the tyranny of conventions and routine. Spending time in a world that does not belong to her.
Caleuche: The Call of the Sea
Fisherman 1
A young woman who suffers a strange disease must travel to a mysterious island in South America, where myths and reality are one and the same.
Here I Am, Here I'm Not
Ramiro is a journalist that after being on a car accident, develops phobia to speed. Suspended from his job, a mysterious publisher commissioned him to write the unauthorized biography of Ana Patricia Jones Ahumada, a Chilean rock legend. The investigation leads them to start a relationship, until one day she dies in a car accident. Devastated, Ramiro meets a woman of identical features and try to reconstruct it the image of his beloved, but is this a coincidence? Free adaptation of Hitchcock’s Vertigo.
Morales, el reformador
Ulises Morales
Set months before the recent social movements that rocked Chile and the world, we are introduced to Ulises Morales, an exemplary citizen of Santiago who believes that Chilean citizens have lost their values and sense of social responsibility. He is a contemporary reformer that in times of change pursues a single mission: to give thousands of Chileans and Latin Americans the power to change their destiny, to become aware and accountable as a new social order emerges.
Dios me libre
Cousins Lenin and Jonás never had contact in 15 years. Lenin made a fortune as drug dealer. Jonás was formed as a religious pastor, but in the shadow of his father. Both join forces to form a new religious sect: the Transprofética Church.
The Life of Fish
At a house party, a handsome man wanders around catching up with friends he has not seen for some years. A travel writer now based in Berlin, Andre appears to be living an exciting international life, and yet... something has drawn him back home to Santiago. As the night goes on, we realize that a tragedy binds this group - an event that was also the impetus for Andre's departure from Chile years ago. Moreover, there is someone at the party he goes to great lengths to avoid. But she is the very person he most needs to see.
La Esmeralda 1879
Lieutenant Luis Uribe
Revolves around the naval Battle of Iquique between the Peruvian ironclad monitor 'Huáscar' and the Chilean wooden corvette 'Esmeralda'.
Jaime, who’s been away from the city by his own free will, invites his family to watch an eclipse at his house on the mountains. The tensions in the group are apparent, but they slowly vanish, reaching the most transparent moment among the eclipse’s darkness.
Mi mejor enemigo
After losing their bearings, a group of Chilean soldiers learns some lessons about their enemy's humanity in this dark comedy set during the 1970s war between Chile and Argentina. Digging in where they are, the troop soon discovers a nearby Argentinean platoon. Unsure how to handle the situation, the two groups start passing notes via a stray dog, and eventually achieve a wary camaraderie.
Envious Office worker
A man takes his insecure, overweight paramour to a seaside resort to consummate their relationship, but there he stumbles onto an artistic discovery that will change his life.
"Mother" stands out on the front of her black t-shirt, "Fucker" on the back. And as angrily as these words sound when combined into a curse, is how Antonia behaves. Because she is pregnant, and Victor, who slept with her, is getting married in a few hours to Blanca.
The Newcomers
The story of two brothers who get involved with a sexy stripper and her boss, the nightclub king of Santiago, as told from three perspectives.
Misa de Réquiem