BLOOD END is one of the great unknown films from Japan's golden era of the late 1960's. Starring NAKADAI Tatsuya in one of his best roles, this is the story of the Mito Tengu Group who attempted to overthrow the Shogunate at the beginning of the Bakumatsu Period. Their political aspirations led to countless assassinations, as well as senseless killing of innocent people who got in their way. Sentaro (NAKADAI), a farmer who's been severely beaten for his outspoken defiance of the government and the high taxes during a time of famine is befriended by one of the group's leaders, KADA Gentaro (KATO Go) and joins up. This is the masterpiece of director YAMAMOTO Satsuo (who is best known for the first film in the NINJA, BAND OF ASSASSINS series) the erstwhile 'Leftist' director, who used his films to make his political points. Stunning fight choreography, and ultra-violence make this one of the bloodiest films of that era. A powerful film Rare classic!
An abandoned temple in the mountains outside of the old capital city of Kyoto is the scene of a fated meeting between a traveling priest, two women, and a vicious killer. Bloody violence erupts whenever strangers approach the temple. Can the traveling priest bring his belief in the Buddha and rid the three temple residents of the devils that hold their souls?
The film portrays a satirical view of today's heartless money-oriented society.
In the fourth film of series, Secret Assignment, Raizo again plays the Jiro Shiina. This time he's out to discover who is spying for the British in the Foreign Ministry, under the code name “Cat's Eye”.
A former soldier, reduced to working at a restaurant post-war, becomes a contract killer for the yakuza gangs he's in contact with.
Farmer 1
The tyrannical Lord Danjo Mikoshiba covets the rich, fertile lands surrounding Lake Yakumo. During a memorial ceremony for the late Chigusa lord, Mikoshiba launches an attack, overthrowing the honorable Lord Juro. Just when all seems lost, Daimajin rises from Lake Yakumo to settle a score of his own.
평화로운 생활을 보내던 고에몬은 오다 노부나가의 닌자들에 의해 아이를 잃는다. 복수의 화신이 된 고에몬은 반 오다 노부나가 파인 사이카당에 들어가서 닌자 부활을 선언한다. 고에몬은 아케치 미쓰히데를 이용해서 오다 노부나가를 죽이게 된다. 오다 노부나가의 죽음 이후 천하의 형세는 변하게 되고, 권력을 잡은 도요토미 히데요시가 사이카당을 전멸시키려 군사를 일으킨다. 여기서 고에몬 혼자 살아남게 되어 도요토미 히데요시에게 복수를 하려고 하나, 결국 도중에 잡히고 만다.