Costume Design
A wayward young woman running from her past is reunited with her sister after they became separated during the war. While she worked on the streets, the sister established a professional career as a psychologist.
Costume Design
Long before he played the corpulent Goldfinger, German actor Gert Froebe was a scarecrow-skinny comedian. In Berliner Ballade, Froebe makes his screen debut as Otto, a feckless Everyman who tries to adjust to the postwar travails of his defeated nation. Stymied by black-market profiteers and government bureaucrats, Otto begins fantasizing about a happier life at the end of that ever-elusive rainbow. Director R. A. Stemmle doesn't have to strive for pathos: he merely places his gangly star amidst the ruins of a bombed-out Berlin, and the point is made for him. Filmed in 1948, Berliner Ballade was later released in the U.S. as The Berliner.
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Post-war Germany 1945: Two rival gangs of uprooted boys fight each other in the ruins of Berlin, whose business is the black market out of necessity in order to survive. Their respective leaders are Gerhard and Dietrich. A pretty young circus artist named Corona comes to the destroyed city with a traveling circus. She immediately caught the boys' attention. When the latter notice that the circus director is abusing the girl, the two gangs join forces and plot an act of revenge against the tyrant. But with the hustle and bustle caused by this, Corona falls from the trapeze and is seriously injured. When the circus moves on, the boys organize a doctor for the sick artist who has been left behind. Their collectively concern for the blonde beauty makes them forget their enmity. This welds the troops closer together and sets the course for a common, meaningful future.
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Set during the rise of the Nazi regime, Elisabeth Maurer and Hans Wieland enjoy successful careers as actors in Berlin. Confident in her career, Elisabeth, who is Jewish, ignores the advice of a colleague to leave Germany in the face of increasing anti-Semitism. Believing that he can protect her if she becomes his wife, Hans convinces Elisabeth to marry him. In the following years, as Hans's career thrives, Elisabeth awaits the end of the Nazi terror which bars her from public life. When the situation worsens in 1938 with the Kristallnacht pogrom, Elisabeth decides to leave the country, but Hans, who still believes he can protect her, convinces her to stay with him.
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1945년 독일 패전 후 폐허가 된 베를린 시내. 강제수용소에 끌려갔던 주자네는 집으로 돌아오게 되지만, 그의 아파트에는 참전군인 외과의 한스가 살고 있다. 어쩔 수 없이 동거를 하게 된 주자네와 한스는 전쟁으로 인한 상처를 보듬으며 이내 서로에게 의지한다. 어느 날, 한스는 함께 참전했던 브뤼크너 대위가 살아 있다는 것을 알게 되지만, 그가 부를 축적하고 행복한 가정을 꾸리고 살고 있는 것에 분노한다. 브뤼크너는 전쟁 중 무고한 폴란드인 100여명의 총살을 명령했던 전범이었던 것. 패전 후 처음 맞는 성탄절, 한스는 진정한 평화를 위해 브뤼크너를 처벌하기로 결심한다. 독일 패전 후 나치즘 청산을 위해 연합군의 검열 하에 만들어진 전후 첫 독일영화. (2017 한국영상자료원 - 1945, 전쟁의 기억)
Costume Design
Jordan, a famous criminal lawyer, will only represent clients, of whose innocence he is convinced (must be financially not-too-well-off). One day, his future son-in-law, the jeweler Fabian, is arrested on suspicion of murder on the day before his wedding. He is said to have murdered his ex-wife, the dancer Ria Norady. The conductor Gillmore found her dead in her dressing room shortly after a visit from Fabian. Gisela Jordan asks her father to defend him. After speaking to Fabian, the lawyer is convinced he's innocent. But since there is no proof of this, he decides to go and try and find the real murderer himself.