Sound mixer
Guided by the spirit of “The Cuadecuc Manifesto” (coined by co-director Evan Johnson and inspired by Pere Portabella’s 1970 experimental cult documentary, Cuadecuc, vampir), Bring Me the Head of Tim Horton is a strange, stirring behind-the-scenes look at Paul Gross’s new feature, Hyena Road. Shot on location at CFB Shilo near Brandon, Manitoba, and in Aqaba, Jordan, the film mixes deep contrast black-and-white expressionism with wry and raw western revisionism reminiscent of Sam Peckinpah, as it summons unwieldy, psychedelic energy from the main event. [TIFF]
Guided by the spirit of “The Cuadecuc Manifesto” (coined by co-director Evan Johnson and inspired by Pere Portabella’s 1970 experimental cult documentary, Cuadecuc, vampir), Bring Me the Head of Tim Horton is a strange, stirring behind-the-scenes look at Paul Gross’s new feature, Hyena Road. Shot on location at CFB Shilo near Brandon, Manitoba, and in Aqaba, Jordan, the film mixes deep contrast black-and-white expressionism with wry and raw western revisionism reminiscent of Sam Peckinpah, as it summons unwieldy, psychedelic energy from the main event. [TIFF]
Guided by the spirit of “The Cuadecuc Manifesto” (coined by co-director Evan Johnson and inspired by Pere Portabella’s 1970 experimental cult documentary, Cuadecuc, vampir), Bring Me the Head of Tim Horton is a strange, stirring behind-the-scenes look at Paul Gross’s new feature, Hyena Road. Shot on location at CFB Shilo near Brandon, Manitoba, and in Aqaba, Jordan, the film mixes deep contrast black-and-white expressionism with wry and raw western revisionism reminiscent of Sam Peckinpah, as it summons unwieldy, psychedelic energy from the main event. [TIFF]
BURT'S BUZZ is an in-depth and personal look at the life of Burt Shavitz, known to millions around the world as the "Burt" of the Burt’s Bees natural product brand. The documentary explores what it means to be marketed as an icon, and how that life differs from the one of the man behind the logo.
Gangster and deadbeat dad, Ulysses Pick, embarks on an unusual journey through his home.
A look at the micro-nations of the world that are rarely recognized by more conventional countries
Short documentary revealing how the sound effects were created for Maddin's film "Brand Upon the Brain".
현란한 흑백 화면의 사용이 특징인 가이 매딘 감독이 고향인 위니펙을 소재로 만든 다큐 판타지. 감독이 성장하며 겪었던 도시의 역사와 개인적인 경험이 맞물려 전개되는데, 무채색의 꿈을 보는 듯한 모호한 화면들로 이루어져 있다. 빠른 화면전환과 히스테리컬한 클로즈업은 긴장감을 고조시키고, 때때로 등장하는 신화적인 장면들은 도시의 역사를 좇는 다큐멘터리임에도 불구하고 장르적 경계를 모호하게 만든다.
* 2007 토론토영화제 최우수캐나다영화상
(제9회 전주국제영화제)
Director of Photography
현란한 흑백 화면의 사용이 특징인 가이 매딘 감독이 고향인 위니펙을 소재로 만든 다큐 판타지. 감독이 성장하며 겪었던 도시의 역사와 개인적인 경험이 맞물려 전개되는데, 무채색의 꿈을 보는 듯한 모호한 화면들로 이루어져 있다. 빠른 화면전환과 히스테리컬한 클로즈업은 긴장감을 고조시키고, 때때로 등장하는 신화적인 장면들은 도시의 역사를 좇는 다큐멘터리임에도 불구하고 장르적 경계를 모호하게 만든다.
* 2007 토론토영화제 최우수캐나다영화상
(제9회 전주국제영화제)
Executive Producer
Guy and his sister grow up on an island. His domineering mother keeps watch over everything from the tip of a lighthouse, his eccentric father experiments in the basement laboratory. Then there are the orphans, on whose heads the adoptive parents later find puzzling wounds. Another brother and sister pair is sent to the island: the Lightball Kids, two detectives that are meant to bring light into the darkness. The brothers and sisters are all yanked into the emotional roller coaster of first love, while something cryptic comes to light in the parents' house.
A tribute to Isabella Rossellini's father
A jovial shirtless man attempts to rouse a contingent of lethargic dancers to life in NUDE CABOOSE. His highjinks really get the deadbeats bustin' out until something unusual catches his eye. Dance floor seduction distilled into a fateful moment!
A jovial shirtless man attempts to rouse a contingent of lethargic dancers to life in NUDE CABOOSE. His highjinks really get the deadbeats bustin' out until something unusual catches his eye. Dance floor seduction distilled into a fateful moment!
A jovial shirtless man attempts to rouse a contingent of lethargic dancers to life in NUDE CABOOSE. His highjinks really get the deadbeats bustin' out until something unusual catches his eye. Dance floor seduction distilled into a fateful moment!
Director of Photography
Ignorant armies of sketchy people clashing by night.
Documents life aboard a modern Canadian ice breaker.
The electric metre is broken, lets play with the fuses...
Director of Photography
The electric metre is broken, lets play with the fuses...
Camera Operator
Sailors in repose on an island paradise seemingly have no worries of war or danger — until a playful gesture is interpreted as an act of wilful aggression. Soon, the innocent act of slight slapping becomes a relentless and unforgiving orgy of open-palmed face-smacking.
Sailors in repose on an island paradise seemingly have no worries of war or danger — until a playful gesture is interpreted as an act of wilful aggression. Soon, the innocent act of slight slapping becomes a relentless and unforgiving orgy of open-palmed face-smacking.
자칭 맥주 여왕이 프레리에서 '세상에서 가장 슬픈 음악'을 찾기 위한 대회를 개최하자 그곳에서 우승하려고 하는 실패한 브로드웨이의 지휘장인 체스트 켄트의 이야기
A festival is a concentration of hope. Audiences hungering for something startingly new, famously familiar or just plain "good". Actors hoping their well-conceived sincerity and ritual entrances have that special glow. Press and critics poised to love or hate lucidly. And proud, desperate filmmakers looking for that little blessing on their latest self-projection. All squeezing together for a few days, in a few rooms wondering whether this will truly be the perfect place at the perfect time. Of course, it rarely is. Mostly it's just a collection of almosts. Delicious, shared almosts.
Pure fantasia, a race to save the world from a fatal heart attack, juxtaposed against a love rivalry between two brothers - a mortician and an actor playing Christ - for the heart of a scientist studying the earth's core.
캐나다 토론토 국제영화제 25주년을 기념해 만든 옴니버스 장편 프로젝트 중 하나로 데이빗 크로넨버그가 만든 에피소드다. 한 노인을 통해 자신이 영화와, 또는 카메라와 어떤 관계를 맺어 왔는가를 회고하는 내용이다.
Post Production Supervisor
Various citizens of Toronto anxiously await the end of the world, which is occurring at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Day.
Autograph Seeker (Montréal)
17세기 이탈리아, 바이올린의 장인 부조티(이렌느 그라지올리)는 곧 아이를 얻게 될 꿈에 부풀어 있다. 그러나 평생의 반려자였던 아내는 아이를 낳다 목숨을 잃고, 절망한 부조티는 채 식지 않은 아내의 피를 받아 '레드 바이올린'을 완성한다. 사랑과 절망이 섞인, 세상 어디에도 없는 명품. 이 레드 바이올린은 소유한 사람을 파괴적인 매력으로 끌어 당기며 세계 곳곳을 떠돈다. 바이올린에 집착하던 어린 천재는 심장마비로 죽고 바이올린을 연주하며 성적인 환희를 느끼던 음악가는 자살한다. 300년 후, 레드 바이올린을 손에 넣기 위해 경매장에 모여 든 사람들은 마침내 바이올린에 얽힌 비밀을 알게 되는데...