Production Design
A woman with a traumatic seeks to rebuild her life when she begins working at an antique store. She receives guidance from the souls that own the ship, and will then be put to the test.
Production Design
FBI 행동 과학부 최정예 요원들은 연쇄 살인범과 인터뷰하여 범죄자 프로파일링을 연구하는데 신참이었던 빌 해그마이어 요원은 12살 소녀를 살해한 혐의로 사형을 선고 받은 테드 번디를 맡게 된다. 번디는 다른 FBI 요원과는 다른 빌의 모습에 조금씩 마음이 열리고 빌은 번디가 흥미를 보이는 살인 사건 파일을 가져다주며 만남을 이어간다. 하지만 어느날, 일주일 후 번디를 사형한다는 집행 영장이 발부되고, 번디는 빌에게만 모든 죄를 자백하겠다며 그를 교도소로 부르는데...
Production Design
슈퍼 히어로 만화의 광팬이자, 부모의 별거로 인해 스스로를 천성이 냉소적이라고 자처하는, 열 살 소녀 플로라의 이야기를 그리고 있다. 우연히 구출해낸 다람쥐를 율리시스라고 이름 지은 플로라는 그 다람쥐가 특별한 초능력을 가졌다는 사실을 깨닫고 놀라게 된다. 초능력 다람쥐로 인해 시시때때로 웃음을 자아내는 좌충우돌 모험에 휘말리게 되면서, 급기야는 플로라의 삶과, 삶을 바라보는 시선까지도 영원히 변하게 된다.
Production Design
한 장의 사진으로 목격자가 되어버린 ‘샘'. 범죄 조직의 타깃이 되며 괴한들의 습격으로 아내 ‘조지아’를 잃는다. 조직의 눈을 피해 정체를 숨긴 채 조용한 삶을 이어가던 중 죽은 ‘조지아’와 똑같이 생긴 배우 ‘로렌’을 보게 된 그는 그녀를 찾아 위험천만한 LA로 돌아가는데… 모든 것을 잃은 한 남자의 진실을 향한 마지막 추격이 시작된다!
Production Design
An unlikely friendship kindles between a struggling stand-up comedian from L.A. — forced to move back home to Eastern Long Island with his tail between his legs — and a tragically flawed, but charming and charismatic, alcoholic dermatologist. Discovering to be kindred spirits, each helps the other find healing, in addition to the confidence to face the "failures" in their lives.
Production Design
마약에 중독된 남동생을 그의 두 살배기 딸과 함께 치료 센터에 데려가는 길. 가족 사랑이 깊은 누나가 홀로 허우적대며 모든 것을 정상으로 되돌리려 애쓴다.
Production Design
Ruth Duffy is getting by on an assistant's salary at a pricey school for girls in Manhattan, managing to move beyond the trouble and loss of her teenage years. Jonny Collins is working local jobs near the Throgs Neck Bridge in the Bronx. When they cross paths after years apart, Jonny is as consumed with Ruth as he was in their high school days, and he infiltrates her life for love and profit.
Production Design
A young Indian man comes to 1970s America on a quest for success, only to end up concocting an elaborate farce with a group of misfit roommates in order to woo his childhood crush.
Production Design
15세의 어린 딸 루디 카마이클과 엄마 리타의 삶은 녹록치 않다. 리타의 남자친구가 도망간 이후 리타와 루디는 더 나은 삶을 위해 동쪽으로 떠난다.돈이 떨어지고 차도 고장나면서, 둘은 Fat River라 불리는 작은 마을에 정착하게 된다. 웨이트리스로 일을 시작한 리타와 딸 루디는 그곳에서 '가족' 같은 사람들을 만나게 되는데…
Production Design
아프가니스탄에서 911 테러를 주도한 테러리스트의 행방을 쫓고 있는 ‘수’ 중위와 ‘잭’ 이병. 드디어, 행방이 묘연하던 테러리스트 용의자의 흔적을 찾아내고 그를 제거하라는 상부의 명령이 떨어진다. 테러리스트를 향해 드론 조종을 시작한 ‘수’ 중위는 무고한 시민들의 목숨까지 모두 희생시켜야만 하는 최악의 상황에 직면하게 되고 어떠한 선택을 내려야 할지 갈등에 빠지게 되는데…
Production Design
A young Aboriginal boy is torn between his unexpected love of acting and the disintegration of his family.
Production Design
The neglected child of parents living on a commune, Victor is helpless to resist the atmosphere of sex and drugs that permeates his world, but he's smart enough to know that if he is going to survive, he has to get out.
Production Design
Succumbing to the stresses of her personal and professional lives, Sylvia, a Seattle morning show weather forecaster, has a meltdown live on-air. Now, unemployed, lacking career prospects, and with a mess of a romantic life, she moves in with her little brother. She must learn how to cope with being 35-years-old and unfortunately famous for melting down on live television.
Art Direction
Forced to give up his dreams of art school, Zach works dead-end jobs to support his sister and her son. Questioning his life, he paints, surfs and hangs out with his best friend, Gabe. When Gabe's older brother returns home for the summer, Zach suddenly finds himself drawn into a relationship he didn't expect.
Production Design
How far would you go to get the person of your dreams? With the help of Gwen and Tiffani, Kyle pretends to be heterosexual in order to land Troy, the new guy (and nude model) who's turning the heads of both men and women. He soon finds himself joining the campus ex-gay support group and nabbing a girlfriend! Kyle's ex-boyfriend Marc is horrified at the plan and decides to pursue the confused Troy with his own tactic -- being his "out" gay self. Who will win Troy first?
Production Design
A woman, lost at night on a country road, is murdered. The next day, six women gather at a wilderness park for a camping weekend in honor of Susan's birthday: Chloe, Susan's first girlfriend; Dawn, her most recent one; Linda, Susan's former lover now back with Steve, who has followed Linda and spies from a distance; and, Monica who used to be with Susan but is now with Andrea, who's tagged along. They all know who cheated on whom in the Susan saga, plus they flirt or complain in turn. A fugitive may be on the loose in the park, with a private eye in pursuit. A crossbow, a blowtorch, a knife, and an animal trap figure in subsequent murders. Who's the killer, and who survives?