Park Ji-yeong

참여 작품

유신은 아내 질례와 딸 용분을 남겨두고 전쟁터로 떠나는데 그 이후 10여년이 흐른다. 유신의 안전한 귀환을 믿는 아내와 딸은 유혹과 빈곤과 전염병 그리고 가뭄까지도 이겨 나가며 그를 기다린다. 그러나 그들은 결국 도읍의 실력자 지거도사와 그들의 부하들에게 유린당하고, 돌아온 유신은 분노하여 아내와 딸의 복수를 한 후 홀로 떠난다.
Kim Joe Rang, the new appointed chief of the village, takes charge of a strange case from the first day. A villager is dead just after telling that he saw a ghost. Kim Joe Rang offers his daughter for reward and sends monk Chon-Won and his pupil Min-Do to get rid of the ghost. But they are killed by the ghost. Kim Joe Rang goes to Jeom-Sa who tells him that is wolf's mischief and they should sacrifice a young lady born in Mu-Jin year to solve the problem. Kim is looking for the right person and his daughter Ran volunteers to be a sacrifice. When Ran is alone in the mountain trembling with fear, an eminent monk appears to help her and they defeat the ghost.
In some village near Sachonsong in China, whenever crows caw at night, a village girl dies. When Ki Seok-Bok's daughter Yi-Hwa died, too, Seok-Bok's son-in-law Jin-Rang keeps watch on his sister-in-law Yeon-Hwa. The crow ghost avoids fight with Jin-Rang, leaving behind a bamboo pipe. As Jin-Rang's wife dies, the crow ghost gets incarnated in her. The crow ghost wanted to kill Ki Seok-Bok and his family because he killed Joo and her daughter Bu-Yong who got engaged with Jin-Rang at that time, in order to marry Jin-Rang to his daughter. The ghost mother and daughter tell the truth about their death to Jin-Rang and leaves after killing Seok-Bok.