Kazuhiro Muroyama

Kazuhiro Muroyama

프로필 사진

Kazuhiro Muroyama

참여 작품

Taxi Driver
무자비한 암살자로 키워진 케이트. 마지막이라 결심한 임무에 실패한다. 누군가 치명적인 독을 먹였기 때문. 죽음까지 남은 시간도, 복수할 수 있는 시간도 단 하루. 그녀가 질주를 시작한다.
In Japan, the passing of a loved one is marked by ‘night watch’: staying up all night with the deceased, incense burning throughout, to ensure their safe passage to the afterlife.
Det. Kameyama
1980년대 도쿄, 짙은 그늘을 품은 이국의 여인. 어느 날, 그녀의 일본인 연인을 유혹하던 친구가 실종된다. 어긋난 사랑이, 치명적인 삼각관계가, 끝내 죽음을 부른 걸까.
The Bank
The Bank, a world ripe with avarice and corruption, where O'Reilly and his ilk can thrive and honest Aussie battlers lose everything. Enter Jim Doyle a maverick mathematician who has devised a formula to predict the fluctuations of the stock market. When he joins O'Reilly's fold, he must first prove his loyalty to the "greed is good" ethos. Which way will he go? What does he have to hide?
The Last Bullet
Set during WWII, an Australian and Japanese soldier play a deadly game of Cat and mouse in a South Pacific Jungle.
An ex-convict pays for his wife's marijuana by keeping the green at a lawn-bowling club
Blood Oath
Lt. Noburo Kamura
On an obscure Pacific Island just north of Australia, the Japanese Empire has operated a prisoner of war camp for Australian soldiers. At the close of World War II, the liberated POWs tell a gruesome tale of mass executions of over eight hundred persons as well as torture style killings of downed Australian airmen. In an attempt to bring those responsible to justice, the Australian Army establishes a War Crimes Tribunal to pass judgement on the Japanese men and officers who ran the Ambon camp. In an added twist, a high ranking Japanese admiral is implicated, and politics become involoved with justice as American authorities in Japan lobby for the Admiral's release. Written by Anthony Hughes