Kim Dong-hyeon

출생 : 1950-06-10,

참여 작품

밤의 요정
In-chul, a scholar of botany, is climbing a mountain for some research when he meets Jin-suk who lives in a forest cottage. At the request of Jin-suk's father, Sang-do, In-chul stays and lives with them. One day, a snake catcher falls under the temptation of Sang-do and is used as a body for dissection. While probing dubious action of Sang-do, In-chul is captured and locked in the basement. He is to become the subject of a live dissection. In-chul had been suspicious of their behavior and investigating when he was caught. In-chul is lying on a surgery table when he escapes with the help of a young hiker and Jin-suk. Sang-do confesses that he had been suffering from nightmares ever since he was dragged off by the Japanese and forced to perform live dissections. These nightmares have made Sang-do a murderer. After his confession, Sang-do kills himself. In-chul and Jin-suk leave the cottage.
차라리 불덩이가 되리
Ae-shim, a waitress, meets Yun-gu and ends up living with him at a rest area restaurant by the industrial highway. However, Yun-gu treats Ae-shim badly. One day, the vagabond Jun-tae shows up in front of Ae-shim. He seduces her and they plan to kill Yun-gu and get his fortune. But Yun-gu catches on to Ae-shim's betrayal and plotting. He still loves her though. Yun-gu decides that the only way he and Ae-shim can be together forever is to die together. Yun-gu pretends to be a pawn in Ae-shim's plans but then leaps off the cliff with her, killing them both. Jun-tae ends up getting caught by the police.
딸 연하가 간통죄로 구속되자 김교수 부부는 큰 충격을 받고 김교수는 혈압으로 쓰러진다. 청교도적 교육을 받은 그녀가 간통죄로 구속되기까지의 사건들이 재판과정에서 밝혀지기 시작한다. 남편의 방종을 더이상 인내할 수 없었던 연하의 심정과 남편이 저지른 폭행이 인정되어 연하는 무죄선고를 받는다. 후회한 남편은 연하에게 돌아오기를 간청하나 연하는 냉정히 거절한다.
바람 바람 바람
Disgusted with the behavior of his young step-mother, Sang-tae does a little digging into her past and discovers, among other things, that she may have killed her former lover.
0시의 호텔
우일물산의 둘째 아들 남호와 혜원은 결혼식을 마치고 신혼여행 겸 캐나다 지사로 떠난다. 도착 첫 날 그들은 호텔에 투숙하고 신부 혜원이 살해되는 일이 발생한다. 바로 그 시간에 인기가수 문희선이 형무소에서 출감한 성민에게 호텔로 납치된다. 혜원의 주변에 대한 수사가 진행됨에 따라 혜원이 교제하던 세 남자 중에서 용의자인 동구를 체포하게 되나 그가 혜원을 죽일 생각으로 방에 들어갔을 때는 이미 혜원이 죽어있었다고 진술한다. 결국 남호가 범인인 것이 밝혀진다. 남호, 혜원, 남호의 형 사이의 복잡한 관계가 살인사건을 낳게 한 것이다.
오마담의 외출
Oh Ka-hi is a popular madam in a nightclub in Mu-gyo-dong street. She supported her widowed mother and sister by working in a factory. Ka-hi and Tae-su, an honest boy, were in love. Then Dal-su, an animal of a man, raped her. With that, Ka-hi went from working at a bar to becoming a hostess at a cabaret. Ka-hi meets Hyun-wu and gets pregnant by him. She gives birth to Suk but learns too late that Hyun-wu is a married man. Dal-su persistently hounds her. He steals her bank account and takes the money she had earned with her tears and blood. To be worse, Suk dies from gas intoxication. Ka-hi falls into despair. Duk-sam, a driver, takes care of her. Ka-hi slowly rises from her nightmarish reality. In the end, she accepts Duk-sam's marriage proposal.
女子와 비
Two friends fall in love with the same woman, but when she chooses one over the other, the spurned lover decides to blackmail her.