에도막부 말기부터 메이지 초기에 활약해, "천외자(천라문)=무서운 재능의 소유자"라고 칭해진 위인·코다이 토모아츠의 인생을 그린 역사 군상극.사쓰마번사이자 사업가인 5대 도모아츠가 같은 세대를 살았던 사카모토 료마, 이와사키 야타로 등의 동료들과 함께 일본의 미래에 희망을 품고 분투하는 모습이 그려져 있다.
The drama is based on the life of the Manchu princess Kawashima Yoshiko, who served as a spy for the Kwantung Army and as a military leader for Manchukuo. The former actress/singer Ri Kouran (also known as Yamaguchi Yoshiko), on the other hand, was a Japanese woman born in China, where she initially built her career as an actress. Although the two were of different generations, they were said to be closely linked at one point.