Christian Magis

참여 작품

리스본의 미스터리
19세기 작가 카밀루 카스텔루 브랑쿠의 소설을 바탕으로 만들어진 대서사시. 상영 시간 동안 스토리가 계속 확장되는 독특한 형식의 작품이다.
Belle Toujours
38 years after the events in the Luis Buñuel classic Belle du jour, Henri Husson thinks he sees Séverine one night at a concert. He follows her and makes her face her past and then takes a slow revenge on her.
Le Homard
Canal Saint-Martin
Short film part of Paris Vu Par… 20 Years After
딥 워터
On the island of Jersey, off the French coast, Mélanie, a beautiful woman gifted with a captivating personality, enjoys having unimportant love affairs that her husband Victor, a perfumer older than her, seems to endure with total indifference.