Director of Photography
Valo, who recently moved to Raahe, gets bullied. After rescuing an abandoned dog, Valo finds a friend in it, whom she names Roi. Together, the friends end up investigating the mysterious disappearance of a neighbor boy.
Director of Photography
A portrait film about one of the brightest legends of Estonian pop music, Marju Länik. How did Marju's nearly forty-year-long successful and glamorous stage career begin and what kind of life does she live in today's Estonia?
Steadicam Operator
쌍둥이 아들을 잃은 레이첼 가족을 향해 위로를 가장한 이교 집단의 손길이 뻗친다.
Steadicam Operator
A celebrity psychiatrist struggles to find a date for a wedding. Her dearest ex is getting married and she needs to find someone fancy enough to hide the fact that she is lonely, drinks too much and is pretty fucked up in any imaginable way.
Director of Photography
Marianne Kõrver's documentary is about the life and work of the painter Konrad Mägi (1878-1925). According to the author, when creating the film, she was primarily interested in Mägi's controversial and sometimes inexplicable personality, the various aspects of which are also transferred to his work.
Steadicam Operator
1939년 8월, 유럽 전역은 전쟁의 발 앞에서 공포에 떨고 있다. 당시 에스토니아는 스탈린의 소련과 히틀러의 제3국(히틀러 치하의 독일을 일컫는 말)에 맞서 홀로 서있었는데, 국가의 반(反) 소비에트 정보국장이 살해되면서 치명적인 타격을 입게 되며 그들 내각 내의 스파이에 대한 의혹이 제기된다. 불가사의한 이중첩자를 찾는 임무를 맡은 에스토니아 스파이 펠릭스 캉구르는 반역자를 쫓기 위해 나선다. 세계, 정치, 군사적 사건들이 걷잡을 수 없는 속도로 전개됨과 동시에 독일과 소련이 폴란드를 침공하려는 움직임을 보이고, 그 와중에 펠릭스는 그 뒤에 숨겨진 소름 끼치는 계획을 발견하게 된다. 바로 소련의 붉은 군대가 에스토니아를 무력으로 합병하기 위한 비밀 작전을 계획하고 있었던 것이다. 양국에 파괴적인 결과를 가져올 이 사건을 막기 위해, 펠릭스는 폴란드 미술사학자인 마리아와 비밀 관계를 맺기로 하는데…
Camera Operator
A documentary made for Konrad Mägi exhibition "The Light of the North" in Torino, Musei Reali (2019-2020), about Mägi's life and his legacy.
Second Unit Cinematographer
2047년, 달 나치의 침략으로 멸망해버린 지구. 살아남은 마지막 인류는 달의 뒷면으로 이주해 살아간다. 하지만 인구 과잉에 물자 부족까지, 인간들이 살아가기엔 너무나 열악하다. 달에서 버틸 수 있는 시간도 얼마 남지 않은 상황에서 ‘오비’는 인류를 구할 단 하나의 방법이 지구에 있다는 사실을 알게 되는데…
Steadicam Operator
2047년, 달 나치의 침략으로 멸망해버린 지구. 살아남은 마지막 인류는 달의 뒷면으로 이주해 살아간다. 하지만 인구 과잉에 물자 부족까지, 인간들이 살아가기엔 너무나 열악하다. 달에서 버틸 수 있는 시간도 얼마 남지 않은 상황에서 ‘오비’는 인류를 구할 단 하나의 방법이 지구에 있다는 사실을 알게 되는데…
"A" Camera Operator
2047년, 달 나치의 침략으로 멸망해버린 지구. 살아남은 마지막 인류는 달의 뒷면으로 이주해 살아간다. 하지만 인구 과잉에 물자 부족까지, 인간들이 살아가기엔 너무나 열악하다. 달에서 버틸 수 있는 시간도 얼마 남지 않은 상황에서 ‘오비’는 인류를 구할 단 하나의 방법이 지구에 있다는 사실을 알게 되는데…
Director of Photography
A group of Estonian students on a winter hiking trip suddenly find themselves in the middle of bloodcurdling events in a Buryatian village. Olle, a closed off group leader disappointed in his mates, disappears in the mountains in the last day of the trip. Open-minded and adventurous Eero and the rest of the hikers are facing a situation they at first do not want to, but later can not solve. But no one is prepared for devastation seemingly conducted by the vanished group leader Olle. In strange country and amidst strange people, the group will soon find out that past actions and vengeance do not know the thin line between life and death.
Director of Photography
THOSE WHO DARE outlines the Baltic nations’ (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania’s) struggle for the restoration of their independence, from 1986-1991, Gorbachev's perestroika paving the way. It recaptures the dramatic course of events in the Baltic capitals of Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn in January 1991 when the Soviet military attempted to brutally suppress the independence movements. At that moment, Jón Baldvin Hannibalsson, the minister of foreign affairs of Iceland, was the only western foreign minister to travel to the Baltic capitals to show his support, thus inscribing Iceland in golden letters in the minds of the Baltic people.
Director of Photography
4-years-old Elizabeth was born in the family of former ballet dancers and she has spent mosto of her life in the ballet with her parents. She knows all the member of the Estonia Ballet company by their names and knows all the performances by heart as she has seen them so many times. Elizabeth loves, or to be exact, adores ballet, but would it be like this if she had other choices? This is little Elizabeth's journey in the magical world of ballet, where real life meets illusion and fairytales may come true.
Steadicam Operator
두 명의 10대가 탈출을 시도한다. 청춘들의 광기와 순수, 일탈된 행동과 쫓기는 과정, 부모의 억압과 그들을 가로막는 사람들. 탐미적 영상과 숨가쁜 탈출의 순간들이 화면의 열기를 가득 메운다. (2015년 제16회 전주국제영화제)
Steadicam Operator
June 14, 1941, 3 a.m. Over 40000 people from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are deported by Soviets to Siberia. Among them is a philosophy student Erna, a happily married mother of a little girl. Separated from her husband Erna and her daughter are dispatched together with other women and children to remote Siberian territories. Despite hunger, fear and brutal humiliation Erna never in next fifteen years loses her sense of freedom and hope of returning to homeland. The story is inspired by real events.
Director of Photography
Aleksander is a talented young man who has no idea what to do with his life after graduating from high school. Choosing a career, family, university degree, or joining the army seem out of the question. It seems like he has no interest in anything. Unfortunately, neither Aleksander's parents nor his friends can give him advice. For years, Aleksander has observed the way other people live their lives. This has led him to an understanding that he doesn't want to become one of them. He wants a different life. Only that he doesn't know what kind of life that is.
Yellow Cap
After being whacked on the head with a shovel, Valdis no longer shows interest in the things that used to make his life worthwhile: alcohol, techno, cars and fights. His friends desperately try to help him regain his memory, but nothing works.
Steadicam Operator
Three friends return from a vacation and discover that the TV studio they work for has gone bankrupt - so they decide to start their own costume renting business.