Hisashi Yamanouchi
출생 : 1925-04-29, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan
사망 : 2015-09-29
Asian Blue focuses on Koreans brought to Japan to work in forced-labor brigades during World War II
Though a farmer and his fellow villagers in this Japanese film resist the effort to turn the unspoiled region in which they live into a land development, they are ultimately unsuccessful.
Tsutomu Yoshioka, a Tokyo office worker, is enaged to Mariko, the niece of his company's president. But Yoshioka has a crisis of consence when he remembers his former love Mitsu, a rural girl whom he met and later left while in college. Shimako, a former friend, persuades Yoshioka to meet with Mitsu while she plots to blackmail Yoshioka by photographing the meeting to break up Mariko and Yoshioka.
The second film tells about the life of matured brothers and sister Sato. Taro became a foreman. He saves every yen to fulfill his dream of building his own house with stone gates. Jiro continues to work in the transportation office, he dreams of getting married. Saburo faces a moral problem: in order to get a good position, he must answer the questions of the entrance test differently than his conscience tells him. At the exam, Saburo does not hide his views on life and is deprived of the promised position. Orie and Suekiti believe that he did wrong and betrayed his older brothers. But the anxiety in the Sato family is not limited to these events. Orie was being asked to marry a handsome, well-established young man, but she suddenly announced her decision to marry Tozaka, who was suffering from radiation sickness. Sato's peaceful home is falling apart...
"Young People" is a story about the lives of four brothers and a sister, Sato. After the death of his parents, the older brother, Taro, who works in construction, decides to replace them. The second brother, Jiro, is a truck driver. The third, Saburo, is a student, dreams of a better future for the whole family are connected with him, with his career. Brothers and sisters are fighting to give him a higher education. And, finally, the youngest of the brothers, Suekichi, is also going to enter the university after graduation. The life of the Sato family is complicated. Taro is kind, but limited, not always able to find a common language with his brothers and sister Orie. The girl cannot stand the despotism of her brother, leaves her home and goes to work at the factory. With her departure, everything in the house goes upside down. Suekichi fails her university entrance exams, Orie is forced to return to her family.
A group of ne'er-do-wells live happily in the slums of what is now Tokyo and have a number of adventures: they get drunk and go whoring, revenge themselves on cruel landlords, animate the corpse of a money-lender in order to frighten people. Then they assist at the marriage of a lovely girl and almost kill themselves gambling to provide her with a dowry.
Original Story
Little dark-eyed boy Kazuo. Yes, he dreamed of the sea. However, like everyone here in the village. Kazuo only wanted to study first, to finish school... But he failed. Mother died. The woman who replaced her brought with her affection, comfort, and warmth of mother's hands. It seemed that joy settled in their house again. But one day a storm caught the fishermen at sea. Father did not return... Father's friends, fishermen, tried to help the widow, who was left with two children. But the money was still not enough. And then Kazuo decided to become a fisherman. After all, he was now the eldest in the family...
야쿠자들이 미군 기지에서 나오는 잔반으로 돼지를 길러 일확천금을 노린다는 설정의 희극이다. 주인공은 그런 야쿠자 조직의 말단으로, 이 새로운 사업이 성공했을 때 지급될 예정인 15만엔의 보너스를 받기 위해 돼지 기르기에 열심이다. 그러나 야쿠자와 미군 사이에 끼어든 수상한 브로커로 인해 예상 밖의 자금들이 추가로 들어가기 시작하면서 그 사업은 순조롭게 진행되지 못한다. 급기야 브로커가 거금을 횡령해 달아나자 그들은 좌절에 빠진다.
Terasaki, the new history teacher at the Senior High School, finds encouragement in the words of his Principal. "There are no bad children in this world. Some may be hard to handle but a teacher should never lose courage … never give up." But when put in charge of the third year class C, reputed to be the most incorrigible in the whole school, he is faced with surly opposition from the start. However, Terasaki perseveres. His greatest headaches are three students ... Sanae, who develops a "crush" on him, Nakanishi, who seeks to forget his unhappy home life in rugby, and Nire his pal.
Set in post-war Japan, a group of five, four men and one woman, gathers in the basement of a butcher shop to dig up a cache of morphine buried during the war. A grimly humorous tale of twisted relationships as one by one each of the group is eliminated.
오사카 가와치 지역에는 많은 천막극장들이 있다. 이들은 연극을 상연하기는 하지만 실제로는 대개 오프닝으로 하는 스트립 쇼로 관객을 끌어들이는 극장들이다. 이 극장들 중 하나에서 대학 출신의 젊은 연출가 구니타가 일하고 있다. 그는 오직 연극에 대한 열정만으로 어려운 생활을 헤쳐나가고 있지만 극장의 주연배우의 아내인 치도리를 은근히 좋아하고 있다. 하지만 치도리의 시누이인 치구사는 적극적으로 구니타에게 구애의 감정을 드러낸다. 이들의 뒤얽힌 관계는 지방 도시에 가서 공연을 하게 되면서 표면화 되게 된다.
시대는 막부. 시나가와 유곽에 위세 좋게 뛰어든 사베이지는 사실은 한 푼없는 가난뱅이다. 일해서 빚을 갚으려고 여관에 남은 사베이지는 요령 좋게 일하는 척을 한다. 친한 손님을 둘러싼 유녀들끼리의 싸움이나 밀린 돈을 받아내는 일 등, 끊임없이 일어나는 귀찮은 일들을 차례차례 해결하여 모두의 보배로, 유녀 오소메와 코하루는 완전히 마음을 빼앗기고 말았다. 장기 숙박을 하고 있는 쵸슈(長州)의 무사 다카스기 신사쿠 일당이 영국 영사관을 불태울 계획을 세우는 것을 알고 사베이지는 출입하는 목수에게 도면을 만들게 한다. 슬슬 철수하려고 여행 준비를 하는 사베이지 앞에 행방불명의 코하루를 찾는 억만장자 노인이 나타난다. 코하루는 죽었다고 거짓말을 하고 엉터리 묘지로 안내 하지만, 묘비에 새겨진 글자를 잠깐 보아도 이는 아이의 이름. 속았다고 화를 내는 노인을 무시하고 사베이지는 동해의 소나무 가로수 길을 가볍게 뛰어서 사라진다.
Born to a prestigious family, Natsuko is not impressed by any one of her suitors. Determined to spend her life serving god, she sets off to a convent in Hakodate, Hokkaido, and meets along the way a young bear-hunter with whom she begins an adventure.
The final part of the trilogy. It is about a younger brother, Suekichi. He learned well the lessons that life taught his older brothers. Therefore, he does not think to study, but strives for material well-being alone. To make a career, he ruthlessly pushes his colleagues with his elbows. For him, the high ideals of trade union activists Jiro and Saburo are an example of old-fashioned thinking, naive behavior.