Hideo Sato

출생 : 1925-11-16, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan

사망 : 2006-11-20

참여 작품

Ryo's father
Ryo came from Aomori Prefecture to Tokyo. He works as a window washer for high-rise buildings. For his job, he uses a gondola to clean the windows. Meanwhile, 11-year-old Kagari lives with her musician mother at a high-rise apartment. Her mother is always busy and Kagari plays with her two pet birds. One day, Kagari finds one of her birds injured. Ryo, who is washing the window right outside of the room, sees Kagari. Ryo takes Kagari with her injured bird to a veterinary clinic.
Someday, Somewhere
Ken's older sister Yoko, who has raised Ken like a mother, decides to move to Brazil with an older man.
My Way
Goro Kawamura
Based on a true story, an elderly woman resiliently spends nine months attempting to retrieve her husband's dead body, fighting government bureaucracy and indifference all along the way.
츠가루 종가라부시
A young girl is being asked about a man with whom she was keeping company, as her grandmother plays a lament on a shamisen. Then the focus changes to a couple arriving from Tokyo - the woman returning to her home, the man an escapee from the yakuza. The man doesn't seem to mind when the woman sells her favours to tourists at the local bar, just as she seems to take his attentions to Yuki, a blind girl, with equanimity.
Children Hand in Hand
Doggie March
Goro (voice)
An animated collaboration between Osamu Tezuka and Toei Animation.
Shichinin no keiji
Detective Minami
Miyoko Sekiguchi, who works at a second-rate trading company, and car mechanic Koji Fukumoto are in love. The morning after Koji and Miyoko went out for a drive, the strangled corpse of a call girl is discovered in Toyamagahara. Chief Akagi, Detective Sergeant Sawada, and the other detectives begin to suspect Koji during their investigation. Koji insists he's innocent, but has no evidence to prove it. Even when detectives come to Miyoko's home and workplace and her coworkers begin to look down on her, Miyoko continues to trust and love Koji...
돼지와 군함
야쿠자들이 미군 기지에서 나오는 잔반으로 돼지를 길러 일확천금을 노린다는 설정의 희극이다. 주인공은 그런 야쿠자 조직의 말단으로, 이 새로운 사업이 성공했을 때 지급될 예정인 15만엔의 보너스를 받기 위해 돼지 기르기에 열심이다. 그러나 야쿠자와 미군 사이에 끼어든 수상한 브로커로 인해 예상 밖의 자금들이 추가로 들어가기 시작하면서 그 사업은 순조롭게 진행되지 못한다. 급기야 브로커가 거금을 횡령해 달아나자 그들은 좌절에 빠진다.