Oleg is a film student who leads a spartan life surrounded by analogue technology. A librarian during daytime, Marta is an avant-garde novelist who works with alternate subjectivity. Narrated from each of their perspectives, Čučić’s film recounts a romance that never ceases to take new shape.
A teenage girl decides to replace her controlling father with his wealthy foreign friend during a weekend trip to the Adriatic Sea.
Anamarija starts her job as a counsellor at a new school. Together with her, the viewers begin to appreciate what kind of people the staffroom teachers are, they witness the petty conflicts and also uncover the power games that go on behind the scenes. This self-assured debut from Sonja Tarokić about the individual's struggle within the system and the sheer effort required to preserve one’s integrity, also presents a complex study of an institution whose employees have taken on one of the most responsible roles an adult can have – to educate future generations.
Dusan and Laza are traveling through Eastern Serbia to Belgrade. Terminally ill, Dusan has to find a new home for his son Laza, to whom Dusan is all he has.
적은 인구가 사는 평화롭고 조용한 나라, 크로아티아. 그곳에서 밀란도 평범한 데이트를 즐기는데 함께 있던 여인이 갑자기 괴물로 변해 밀란을 물어버린다. 괴물로 변한 여자를 피해 밖으로 나온 밀란, 급하게 차를 모는데 엎친 데 덮친 격으로 아이를 친 상황이 되었다. 아이를 데리고 병원으로 가지만 그곳도 이미 안전하지 않다. 병원에 있던 일행은 괴물에 물리고도 변하지 않은 그를 보고 이 바이러스를 해결할 열쇠를 찾을 거라 기대하지만, 딸이라고 속이고 데려온 아이가 괴물로 변하자 밀란은 궁지에 몰린다. 이에 밀란은 이곳을 빠져나갈 방법을 찾다가 여배우, 아니치 프랑카를 만난다. 영화에서 크로아티아의 영웅 역인 흐르보카 호르바트를 연기했던 여배우까지 합류한 일행은 라디오에서 흘러나오는 디제이의 말에 따라 위험을 무릅쓰고 시골로 가던 중 누군가의 음모로 바이러스가 퍼진 사실을 알게 되고, 이 상황을 해결하기 위해 고군분투하는데....과연 일행은 좀비에게 물리고도 변하지 않은 밀란의 비밀과 바이러스 치료법을 찾고 평온했던 일상으로 돌아갈 수 있을까?
Vojin, a blind author of radio docudramas, invites protagonists of his shows to meet him at an isolated hotel in the off-season. He records conversations with them where he captures, with architectural precision, the ruins of their traumatic childhoods.
Vojin, a blind author of radio docudramas, invites protagonists of his shows to meet him at an isolated hotel in the off-season. He records conversations with them where he captures, with architectural precision, the ruins of their traumatic childhoods.
Fuada Bašić
2009, Slovenia. For 30 years, Alija, the miner, has been one of the many Bosnian immigrant workers. Due to the crisis, miners are losing jobs. Alija is sent to check an abandoned mine. His task is to quickly make sure the mine is empty before management sells the company. But in the mine, Alija finds hidden proof of executions after WWII. He is told to stop digging and report the mine empty. He decides to continue, although he is risking his job. Alija discovers thousands of executed people. He informs the police. He found women among the dead. Some of them were civilians, missing persons, just like his sister that was lost in the 1995 genocide in Bosnia. Alija is convinced the victims need to be brought out, identified and buried. But there is no interest in doing that. The mine is proclaimed a WWII military grave and walled in. The dead will stay unburied. Alija loses his job and struggles to preserve his dignity.
The Trampoline is not a romantic love story - it is a film about a powerful and sometimes double-edged love, and the darker side of a mother-daughter bond that has been stretched to breaking point.
One film made by 15 directors, Each one, after seeing the last minute of the previous one.
Tihomirova sestra
Sandra is an overly sensitive young woman who, when under pressure, has trouble with deciphering the line between reality and her twisted fantasies. During her husband's birthday party, she has to spend a day with his family. Their barely concealed hostility is making her gradually lose her mind.
The movie "Swineherds" is a satirical anti-musical which deals with the phenomena of the media sensationalism that trivializes even the most serious and the most painful subjects. The movie depicts the phenomenon of media manipulation, mass hysteria, thirst for fame and people that will, more than ever, do whatever it takes to keep their fifteen minutes of fame.
Medicinska sestra
After their son has been beaten up in the street, parents find their world of false security collapsing and have to re-examine their lives and question everything into what they believed.
Željka’s younger sister Silvija begs her to let her spend the night, because their mom has just read her shameless blog and she doesn't want to go back home. The next morning, Željka takes Silvija and her best friend Danica to a TV studio where she works as a make-up artist. While getting ready to return home and face their mom, the two sisters exchange some pearls of wisdom about life.
In order to recover the body of her son lost during the war in Bosnia, a grieving, but strong-willed Muslim woman, Halima, must track down her estranged niece, who we find carries a mysterious connection to him.
Two friends on summer vacation on the island of Pag. While Marta is trying to get over a break-up, Lana is starting a new affair.
Three sisters are desperate to escape from their family home in rural Croatia. They want to get away from their passive father and overbearing mother, who is feuding with the next-door neighbour over land ownership.