Raymond van der Kaaij

참여 작품

파라과이의 원주민, 아요레오 토토비에고소데 부족. 지난 수세기 동안 외부와의 접촉 없이 나무와 동물들에 둘러싸여 살던 이들이 급속한 산림 파괴로 생활 터전을 빼앗기고 있다. 파즈 엔시나 감독은 아요레오족의 신화와 역사, 현실을 엮어, 파괴된 마을과 공동체를 뒤로하고 황폐한 평원을 배회하는 소녀의 이야기를 창조한다. 에아미, 아요에로 원주민들의 말로 숲과 세계를 뜻하는 이름을 가진 소녀의 이야기다.
파이브 타이거
South Africa, present day. A god-fearing woman finds herself in a transactional relationship as she tries to support her sick husband and daughter.
Bruce Lee and the Outlaw
Executive Producer
Nicu, a homeless street kid, is adopted by the notorious 'Bruce Lee' and brought up in the subterranean tunnels of Bucharest. As he grows up, he begins to realise that this 'King of the Underworld' may not be the father that he needs. Filmed over five years by photographer Joost Vandebrug, the film is a real life Oliver Twist story about growing up, and finding a family.
Don't Swallow My Heart, Alligator Girl
The border between Brazil and Paraguay: living on opposite sides of a big river, Brazilian boy Joca falls in love with indigenous-Paraguayan girl Basano. A magical tale of impossible love and adventure in this land full of memories of colonial wars and indigenous genocide.
Seven Things I Learned About Time Travel
While his depressed mother has been lying on the couch for some time and his father has disappeared, a clever boy of almost nine builds a time machine. In the voice-over, Markus tells what he has learned about time travel. He takes the viewer along to the past and the future, and what would you know? It is all far less complicated than you think, and at the same time much less is possible than you would like to. To be honest, after a while it is mainly boring, the precocious kid explains. But who is he actually talking to all this time?
레이디 수잔
남편과 사별한 매혹적인 미망인 ‘레이디 수잔’ 그녀는 아름다운 미모와 뛰어난 언변으로 남녀불문 사람들을 유혹하고 조종한다. 그녀의 딸 ‘프레데리카’를 돈 많고 멍청한 귀족 ‘제임스 경’과 결혼 시키려 하는데 자신과 밀회를 즐기던 남자 ‘레지널드’와 ‘프레데리카’가 사랑에 빠지면서 계획이 꼬이고 만다.
Namibia: Cuba’s Female Boxing Revolution
Executive Producer
The short film captures the tireless battle of Namibia Flores Rodriguez, the only known female boxer in the Caribbean nation. Training at Havana’s Rafael Trejo arena in defiance of the ban, the athlete undertakes the same unrelenting regime as her male counterparts—running the same circuits, lifting the same truck tires—but without the hope that she might one day represent her country.
그들은 탈출했다
두 명의 10대가 탈출을 시도한다. 청춘들의 광기와 순수, 일탈된 행동과 쫓기는 과정, 부모의 억압과 그들을 가로막는 사람들. 탐미적 영상과 숨가쁜 탈출의 순간들이 화면의 열기를 가득 메운다. (2015년 제16회 전주국제영화제)
Johnny Bakru
Nine year old Rose is living happily with her mother, four brothers and a limousine. Until the charming folk singer Johnny Ster walks into their live. Rose’s mother falls madly in love with Johnny, but Rose sees what nobody else seems to notice: Johnny is a ‘Bakru’, an evil spirit that is becharming her mother