이슬람 무장 테러단체 IS에 의해 납치된 터키 기자 '세이다'. 그녀는 이라크 분쟁 지역 주민들을 인터뷰하다 납치되어 참수당할 위기에 처한다. ‘세이다’를 구출하기 위해 터키 정부는 비밀 수색 및 구조를 전담하는 특수부대를 파견하고, 특수 부대장 '베이셀'은 7명의 팀원들을 이끌고 이라크로 향하는데...
Veteran homicide cop Fermanand his hot-headed partner İdris team up with rookie cop and anthropology major Hasan to investigate the murder of a young woman. The suspects include her conservative family, who might have killed her for honor, her drug-dealing boyfriend and aged billionaire Battal who had taken the victim as his second wife.
In the years of military coup, Turkey was unable to produce its own cars. But Pasha believed that Turkish people can produce their own cars so he ordered 2 cars. Gunduz and engineers with him must produce 2 cars in only 130 days!