Jean-Guy Bouchard

Jean-Guy Bouchard

프로필 사진

Jean-Guy Bouchard

참여 작품

Goodbye Happiness
Homme à tout faire
To commemorate the passing of their beloved father, four brothers very much at odds congregate for one final week at their summer house in the Magdalen Islands. As they bid their final goodbyes, the four brothers revisit their past joys and hardships as each one of them struggles to give meaning to their very different lives.
Little Waves
After witnessing her cousin enveloped in a steamy new romance, distraught teenage Amélie allows herself to dive into her own fantasies, sparking something much more powerful.
Emily Price tries to balance family life and leading crunch negotiations between a Canadian politician and the president of a country whose natural resources are being exploited.
레 투셰 2
Proprio station-service
Les Tuche, a modest french family, change his life after winning a super lottery. Thanks to the money of his parents, the son, Donald (aka "coin-coin) goes to Los Angeles to improve his english. On the L.A. University, he meets Jennifer, daughter of a famous American financier.
Death Dive
Félix Lamontagne
A ship was found drifting with its crew massacred on the coast of the Gaspé ... It's consternation! In the process, an ambitious journalist, helped a young museum professional archivist rather shy and sedentary, discovers that a collector of maritime objects with dubious intentions may be linked to this terrible story. Then begins a race against time to find out who is this mysterious diver decimating everything in its path to achieve its goals and recover valuable documents looted the wreck of the "Princess of the North", where he found death, 100 years ago ...
French Immersion
Euclide Tremblay 'Papa'
Four Anglo-Canadians and a New Yorker find themselves in a two-week long total French immersion program in the fictional, remote town of St-Isidore-du-Coeur-de-Jésus, tucked away somewhere in Northern Quebec. The place is perfect for total immersion since, according to the most recent census, 99% of the population is comprised of pure laine Quebeckers for the most part unilingual French, fervently nationalist, and all, save one person, named Tremblay.
우드스탁 가는 길
Viateur Thibault
1969년, 퀘백의 작은 마을에 사는 12살 소년 프리송은 친구 티보와 어울려 사고를 치거나 선생님을 짝사랑하는게 주된 일상이다. 그러던 그 해 여름, 프리송은 마음 속에서 뭔가가 눈 뜨는 것을 느낀다. 모든 것을 다 이룰 수 있을 것만 같았던 꿈 많은 소년 프리송의 간절한 소망은 자신의 우상인 지미 헨드릭스를 만나 사인을 받는 것이다. 그 꿈을 위해 친한 동네 형 톰과 함께 우드스탁 페스티벌에 가기로 하고, 완벽한 계획을 세우기에 이른다. 인간이 달에 처음 착륙한 1969년, 소년 프리송은 욕망과 우정, 그리고 사랑의 기쁨과 좌절에 대해 자연스레 알기 시작한다. 소년은 그렇게 어른이 되어간다. (2012년 제8회 제천국제음악영화제)
File 13
Thomas has killing headaches, Jean-François has stage freight and Benoit's wife has left him. After countless misfortunes the three of them bag a white collar thief that has been evading justice for ten years.
A Cargo to Africa
Le Tatoué
Dr Georges
A depressed rock star, maimed in an accident, is encouraged by his manager to start a new worldwide trend.
May God Bless America
Père resto chinois
On the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, six people become suspicious about a stranger in their neighborhood.
Cadavre exquis première édition
Méphisto / Chauffeur du taxi
Roxy, a glam-rock star past his prime who has just made a pact with the Devil, goes through much emotional gear shifting when a dozen different writers and directors take control of his destiny and rewrite his life story as they see fit. In his predestined life, Roxy meets a vide variety of colourful characters: women he once loved but has trouble recognizing today; a crooked dealer who keeps leading him astray; a drag queen on the rebound; a failed playwright; a woman barkeep who's interested in Roxy; and, of course, Mephistopheles in all his disguises.
Le nèg'
In the middle of the night, in the Québec countryside, all hell breaks loose as a black teenager is caught smashing a racially denigrating lawn ornament. Together the neighbours attend to justice against the vandal. Thorough the night there is mounting racism, fueled by alcohol, and violence. Le Nèg' opens the morning after when the police investigators arrive at the scene to take depositions.
The Collector
The detective Maud Graham hides her sensibility behind the image of a strong and independant woman. She frequently offers her hospitality to a 16-year-old prostitute, Grégoire, a young man who became her friend. But when the teenager decides to invite a 12-year-old boy who is running away from home, Maud is near illegality. In addition, the detective has to deal with a serial killer who had already killed and mutilated many women. When she understands that the killer is very intelligent and organized, she elaborates a strategy to arrest him. There starts a dangerous game where the two teenagers that Graham is protecting will be implied. The killer is getting closer, revealing more and more of his madness.
The Three Madeleines
Three women who share a familial bond but little more come to know each other better in this beautifully-photographed drama. Marie-Madeleine (Sylvie Drapeau) is a photographer in her mid-30s who, for the first time, has come into contact with Mado (France Arbour), her biological mother, who put her up for adoption shortly after she was born. Marie-Madeleine is to take a long road trip for a magazine assignment, and she invites Mado along. Joining the two women is Marie-Madeleine's daughter (Isadora Galwey), who has yet to meet her German father. The three women share their thoughts and ideas as they travel through an idyllic setting to photograph birds. Les Fantomes des Trois Madeleine was shown at the 2000 Cannes Film Festival as part of the Directors Fortnight series.
나인 야드
치과의사 오즈(매튜 페리)는 죽은 장인의 산더미 같은 빚과 자신에게 생명보험을 걸어 놓은 장모와 아내 소피(로산나 아퀘트)가 그가 죽기만을 바라고 있어 괴롭다. 그러던 어느 날 오즈의 옆집에 시카고의 악명 높은 갱 조직의 일원이며 살인청부업자인 지미 튤립(브루스 윌리스)이 이사온다. 그는 조직을 배반하고 증인보호 프로그램으로 보호받고 있는 상태이다. 조직은 그에게 엄청난 상금을 걸어놓았고 그 사실을 알게 된 소피는 오즈에게 갱단에게 지미의 거처를 알려주고 현상금을 받아오면 이혼해 주겠다는 제의를 한다. 벌써 지미와 친해진 지미는 그를 배신할 생각은 없지만 소피의 등쌀에 시카고로 떠난다. 오즈가 떠나자 소피는 지미에게 오즈가 지미를 배신하고 시카고로 갔음을 알리고 오즈를 살해해 줄 것을 요청하는데...
Laura Cadieux II
Pit Cadieux
Laura Cadieux and her friends are taking a cruise on the St. Lawrence River to celebrate Laura's 50th birthday.
Post Mortem
Police Officer
In this tough French-Canadian drama, two outsiders -- one who works with the law, another who lives outside it -- come together with unfortunate consequences. Linda (Sylvie Moreau) is a devoted single mother who will do anything to support her five-year-old daughter, Charlotte (Sarah Lecompte-Bergeron). Unfortunately, a lot of what Linda does best isn't exactly legal, such as luring well-to-do men into the park and then mugging them. One night, Linda is trying to coax a visitor from America into the shadows when the situation starts to go wrong. Meanwhile, Ghislain (Gabriel Arcand) is a shy, lonely fellow who works at the morgue and likes to listen to the blues late at night. In time, we discover that Linda and Ghislain met at one time, leading to an ugly encounter for both of them.
It's Your Turn, Laura
Pit Cadieux
Large women with a zest for life gather weekly at a Montreal doctor's office to receive diet injections.
The Revenge of the Woman in Black
Depressed investigator
A psychotic man and an obsessed police officer make life unbearable for an unlucky actor by making him the scapegoat for a string of kidnappings.
Heads or Tails
A heterosexual man pretends to be gay in order to keep his career in the world of art, which causes many misunderstandings with his wife, and mother.
Policier #1
Karmina, a young vampire (only 140 years old) flees her Translylvanian castle where she must marry the horrible Vlad to please her father, the mean Baron, and her mother, the eccentric Baronness. Karmina finds refuge in Quebec at the home of her aunt Esméralda, an older vampire who lives among humans thanks to a potion that temporarily transforms a vampire into one of them. Under the effect of the potion, Karmina falls in love with Phillipe, a charming church organist. But Vlad, the Baron and the Baronness soon show up in pursuit of her and turn a poor customs officer, Ghislain Chabot, into a vampire to aid them in retrieving her. Esméralda must become the great vampire of yesteryear to fly to the aid of the lovers.
L'Affaire Seznec
Maître Pouliquen
Guillaume Seznec and Pierre Quéméneur join forces to sell cars to the Soviets. It was then that the latter suddenly disappeared, while driving with the former about 30 kilometers from Paris. The body will never be found. Seznec quickly became the main suspect and was sent to prison for life, even though nothing clearly indicated that he was the culprit.
Requiem for a Handsome Bastard
Despite the fact that he is completely unrepentant about his crimes, when Regis Savoie's son asks to visit him, prison authorities grant permission for the boy to come. The thief and murderer (Gildor Roy) takes advantage of the moment of his son's arrival to steal a gun and take flight. He settles some old scores, gets together with his girlfriend, and heads for the hills, pursued by a detective who is not to be swayed in his efforts to follow and recapture him.
Computer animated short film created to commemorate the National Film Board of Canada's 50th anniversary.
신경쇠약에 걸려 정신병원에 입원한적이 있던 엘리스는 퇴원하여 새집으로 이사를 가게되었다. 부인 엘리스에게 아무런 동정심없는 남편은 외도를 하고 엘리스는 늦은 밤까지 홀로집에 머무는 시간이 많아지다.