Future horror-film entrepreneur William Castle warmed the director's chair for Fort Ti. Set in the 18th century, the film recounts the exploits of Rogers' Rangers, a band of adventurers devoted to seeking out a "northwest passage" through Canada. At this juncture, however, Major Rogers (Howard Petrie) is more concerned with helping the British forces at Fort Ticonderoga during a series of French and Indian raids. Top billing is bestowed upon George Montgomery as Captain Pedediah Horn, Rogers' right-hand man. The film boasts two leading ladies: Joan Vohs, as a suspected French spy, and Phyllis Fowler as a married Indian woman who falls in love with Captain Horn. Fort Ti was filmed in 3D, and in typical William Castle fashion the stereoscopic gimmick is exploited to the hilt.
A family of out-of-work vaudeville performers are finding hard times in the east, so after hearing about the success of a fellow player in Hollywood, they decide to relocate to the movie capitol. Unfortunately, they find themselves equally unemployed there, staying at a n apartment complex filled with similar hopefuls. One day, an offer for an interview at a large studio for the eldest daughter is made, so the father goes on a frantic search, finally locating her at a pool party where he pushes one of the young men in the water, only to find out that the lad was the son of the studio boss.